Heeljin Death to Barnes Mage (Wild) - RR
- Last updated Feb 25, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 20 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
- Crafting Cost: 6260
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/19/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- Heeljin
- Registered User
- 4
- 25
- 38
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Here we have we have a Mage deck in which pretty much EVERY SINGLE CARD focused on beating everyone's most hated deck, Big Priest aka Barnes Priest aka Big EZ Priest aka come on Blizzard did you really have to print ANOTHER resurrect card!?! Each card pretty much falls into just three categories. Poly/transform cards, give your opponent a shit minion cards and finally cards that can discover more Poly cards! In the straight Poly department we have Potion of Polymorph and Polymorph: Boar along with Tinkmaster Overspark and the actual card Polymorph. Arcanologists helps grab potions from the deck and Arcane Keysmiths can pull them directly into play. As for giving our opponent garbage we start on turn one with a couple "Zombie Chows", Saronite Taskmaster & Gravelsnout Knight. The dragon duo of Marsh Drake & Hungry Dragon also help our opponent's Resurrect pool nicely. The last class of cards in the deck are the discovers including the new Firetree Witchdoctor along with Primordial Glyph & Ethereal Conjurer. The deck includes basically two cards for the rest of the field to give you SOME chance of winning a non-Barnes match-up. Both these cards can work well when giving your opponent random 1-health minions, Mind Control Tech & Frost Lich Jaina.
Update: Tommy Wave has featured this deck in one of his videos. Check it out!
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Journey into Wild Surviving Standard Highlights
Loatheb is fun on turn 5, delays the inevitable turn 6 Shadow Essence for one more turn in case you didn't get a transform in hand yet
I would upvote this 1000 Times just because it totally burns that Big Priest plague. But I wonder how you deal with very aggro deck, like KB rogue or odd Pal with no board clear? Tbh it seems more like an arena deck to me than a constructed one (except the ultimate Big Priest counter)
While we didn't hit the priest matchup, this deck was a tonne of fun to play with in the lofty heights of rank 17! Check out some of the games over here;
(Games start at 2:19)
Doing God's work, my friend.
You should replace firetree with ooze and skulking geist and add jade druid, combo priest, cubelock and controlock to the prey list of this deck
LoL this deck... Poor big priests
Nice deck !! I hate big priests .
I wish I have enough dust to craft these cards .
Upvoted! I built something similar a few months ago, it was so much fun watching brainless big priest's whiff on their resurrections, happy to see someone took a list to Hearthpwn.
I would consider adding Counterspell and Loatheb to counter their many board clears, resurrections and Shadow Essence.
Well done anyway. Much appreciated effort. The Hero Wild needs AND deserves.
Polymorph: Boar × 2 + Potion of Polymorph × 2 + Polymorph × 2 + Tinkmaster Overspark × 1
do u see how much ppl hate barnes and dean ayayaya says how can we make hearthstone better blalalalalalaal
Good but Firetree and Etheral both need the boot. Firetree is just unreliable as hell with only 4 dragons and Etheral is just not that great of a card. I'd probaly add another Hungry Ettin and 2 babbling books and maybe 1 Etheral.