The Fastest Even'Thun Warlock So Far
- Last updated Jan 18, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 19 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 9240
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/16/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
- Rippy
- Registered User
- 7
- 34
- 70
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Showcase video by Kiwiinbacon
Your Hero power makes you draw a card each turn. You can draw all the cards of your deck much faster than an usual Mecha'Thun deck. But, remember that you take 2 damage each time you tap.
Hero power is really important to get the pieces of the combo faster. Also, more cards in your hand, means a more efficient mana curve. Always tap first before playing a card.
You will take a lot of damage from your hero power, and probably from your opponent too. You will need to heal yourself to stay alive. Soup Vendor can make you draw more extra cards when you heal. So, keep in mind that you can play this card with your spells or Bloodreaver Gul'dan Hero Power to draw more.
Your not damned. They are here to sacrifice theirselves for your win. Use Sacrificial Pact to heal for 5HP. Don't worry for them, they will be resurrected from Bloodreaver Gul'dan if you will need their help later.
- Always keep : Lesser Amethyst Spellstone - Vulgar Homunculus - Doomsayer
- Vs Aggro & Midrange : Any Taunt and Defile - Hellfire
- Vs Control & Combo : Any Card Draw and Soup Vendor
- Cheaty Anklebiter is a terrific bad card on his own. You should use his battlecry to upgrade your Lesser Amethyst Spellstone when you need to heal asap. Ping your hero!
- Soup Vendor is a very good card imho. You draw a card each time you heal for 3HP. Play Lesser Amethyst Spellstone and Sacrificial Pact while he is on the board. Bloodreaver Gul'dan hero power is *perfection*
- Witchwood Piper is a demon, remember it.
- Felsoul Inquisitor is just a demon with taunt. Can absorb up to 6 damage, so be careful when you face aggressive decks
>> New Mecha'Thun Druid
Sorry guys, I think I was high when I wrote this.
Hemet, Jungle Hunter in, one Felsoul Inquisitor out ??
Just wanted to lets you guys know that [card]Bloodbloom[/card] + [card]Cataclysm [/card] + [card]Mecha'thun [/card] wont work in a situation where you below 5 hp.
It was very close match against priest and I had 2hp, I just couldn't use [card]Cataclysm [/card], I wanted a draw at least
Any replacement for Mecha'thun?
let me tell you, this deck cant face hunter!
This deck sucks really bad.. toooooo slow.. everything kills you before you get the combo.
A place for Void Contract in this deck?
In Wild theres a version with Reno and Hemet, which is EVEN cooler lol
Hemet Jungle Hunter burns the rest of your deck, leaving only a handful of cards
There's also this straight up Even Reno version in Wild:
Because without Zilliax it will be just 3/3 taunt/lifesteal which won't be ressurected by your DK, unlike 4 mana demon.
low iq is the whole game. it doesn't take a high iq to do anything in this game. I'm sorry your comment implies you need to be smart to get legend..sorry dude your iq is pretty low. The whole community is sick like this. Very funny but sick nonetheless.
This aint the fastest one out there. Deckkster a youtuber/streamer ran a different version that was way faster. Having acolyte of pain with defile is an insane play solarium does wonders as well. Ive pulled the combo many times on turn 11 and 12 vs aggro as well. U can dump cards easily board clears life gain and cycle each turn plus solarium past turn 5 as long as u have mechathun bloodbloom and cataclysm is playable since u can use both galvanizers if drawn that way
The deck is LITERALLY called EVEN'thun, two of the cards you mentioned are ODD, and unfortunately EVEN does not equal ODD you blind moron... just enjoy his deck and don't act like a pretentious loser who has the international database of all decks ever created
He's pointing out the fact that this isn't the fastest the fastest Macha'thun Warlock out there, ergo, evenlock is not the way to go.
Why not put in Corpsetaker when it is such a natural fit to this deck
Man this is a blast to play! Faster than I ever tought it'd work.
I made a sweet video showcasing how fast this can be and I really hope you guys enjoy the deck as much as I did :D
how can this guy play so much and still be rank 4? :x
Low IQ
Ah, the good old Hearthpwn community. Post a video fully honoring the guy who made the deck and which might help others learn how to play the deck and people can't downvote it fast enough.
If you see an Hunter you can instant concede.
Never lucky against Hunters... in Hunterstone....
But i really like it as a fun deck its very nice :D