Nightmare Druid
- Last updated Jan 11, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 14 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: C'Thun Druid
- Crafting Cost: 14240
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/11/2019 (Level Up Nerf)

- Thonson
- Registered User
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Nightmare Druid, you say?! Yes, because of C'Thun's voice line when played "My dreaming ends. Your nightmare begins!" And with how many C'Thuns you drop on the board, with double battlecries going on... Your final big turn is like a horrifying reoccurring nightmare for your opponent!
I'll say right off the bat, I have no idea if this is legend viable. I rarely play Wild so now that I am I am rank 18. But I'm having some general success (6-5 currently, but that's after a 1-4 start while refining the list).
I have excluded a lot of Ramp from the list, it felt clunky to me. But could be swapped in somewhere if you want. The 2x Witchwood Piper, helps to draw Bloodmage Thalnos, my 2x Disciple of C'Thun or two of my 3 mana combo pieces, Brann and Zola.
The lower cost minions help to do a couple things: Establish a board while drawing or buffing C'Thun. Having 2 Juicy Psychmelon in the deck can feel a bit awkward, and often times will only draw 2, or maybe only 1 card. BUT it's still targeted draw, and the deck has three 10 mana minions to pull.
Combo is as follows:
Aviana -> Innervate -> Kun the Forgotten King for mana refresh -> Brann Bronzebeard -> C'Thun -> Zola the Gorgon on C'Thun -> 2x Golden C'Thuns for a grand total of 6 x (C'Thun's attack) spread out among your enemy's face and board in one turn.
Mulligans are pretty simple:
AGGRO - Pretty obvious really. Through back big stuff, look for smaller minions or spells to help control the board until you can just draw and armor up, or play Spreading Plague. Plague followed by Branching Paths for attack won me at least one game on its own.
CONTROL/COMBO - Honestly, not much different. But in this case don't be afraid to keep one of your ten drops.
ALWAYS toss back your one 7 drop and one 8 drop, as you have two Psychmelons and drawing them is part of the value you get from the melons.
Ancient of Lore is in the deck because I wanted a 7 mana pull for Psychmelon and don't have Twin Emperor Vek'lor. I tried Ancient of War but the draw option of Lore is nice
Doomcaller isn't necessary, but is there as an 8 drop for Psychmelon, and in case you need to drop C'Thun early and it gets killed off. Rarely used in this way though, could be replaced. The Lich King is always a good 8 drop. So is Ragnaros the Firelord.
9 Mana Minion: I don't have one in the deck. I suppose you could use Malygos, Ysera, Alexstrasza, or Sleepy Dragon but am not really sure how useful they are in this deck.
Tech Options:
One tech possibility is to add a silence effect in. If you face a lot of opponents using Obsidian Statue or Sylvanas Windrunner you may need to include an Earth Shock or Spellbreaker to ensure the safety of Aviana, Brann, and C'Thun. If any of those are destroyed or stolen after you drop your first C'Thun during the combo, the combo gets disrupted.
I'm still kind of working on this deck, as I'm sure it has much more room for improvement, but thought I'd share so others could enjoy, or maybe provide some suggestions! If you do try it out, hope you have a great time!
earth shock in druid lul