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Friday 13th Odd Mage (High WR, Rank 4 and still...

  • Last updated Jan 2, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 15760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/27/2018 (Level Up Nerf)
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(Update: Deck v1.2:
I cut Arcane Artificer + Stonehill Defender for another Astromancer and Dragoncaller Alanna. The reason for this is the decrease in Aggro Decks, If you still face them a lot revert the changes, it's better at lower ranks. In control matchups like even warrior these 2 cards are just so much better. The previous 2 would often be dead draws, while Allana is another win condition.

I tested this new version at January reset and went from Rank 8 to 5, winstreaking without a single loss. Not sure if the deck is broken or people are just too hungover on 1st January morning...)

Hey fellow HS players,

I'm mostly an arena player, playing ladder only if I find a deck which is fun enough, and I assure you this one is. It may take some time to get used to, but it's so worth it. I winstreaked from rank 9 to 5 with this after a long break from ladder, it definitely has potential to go further.
Big advantage of this deck: it's not popular, in fact, since the last nerf patch I haven't seen a single odd mage. It feels fresh and people don't exactly know what they should play around.

I'm currently at rank 4 and attempting a legend run with this deck in January season. Wanna race me to it? ;)
All time investment dependent, as there's no winstreaks past 5 unfortunately, but good plays and favourable matchups help, of course.

This deck farms (all?) aggro decks,  secret hunters and different palas, good matchup against warlocks (both control and zoo), not met many but beat shamans after last nerf patch. Unless unlucky draws does solid against druids, worse against odd quest warriors, and struggles a lot against spell priest.

You might notice the deck has an interesting and rare addition: Stoneskin Basilisk. The card is very popular and strong in Arena, but overlooked in ladder. One of, if not biggest odd mage's weaknesses is the lack of removal as we're unable to use Fireballs, polymorphs, or frostbolts. Stoneskin Basilisk takes care of the issues and in some situations outperforms voodoo doll, which is also essential in this deck.

Thanks a lot for the support and upvotes, very appreciated!
As promised: mulligans, matchups, possible card replacements and more.


As a thumb rule against aggro decks, fish for Frost Lich Jaina in your opening hand as it's our only healing option (Alexstrasza very inconsistent and clunky when used for healing. Much better for burst and setting up lethals) and Dragon Fury as it's an amazing board clear dealing 5-7 AoE damage. Keep in mind to not hold on to them for too long, once you've drawn your other spells - Dragon Fury will do nothing, except adding another stack on Dragoncaller Alanna.

It might seem counter-intuitive at first to keep Jaina in your opening hand, as it's a 9-mana card, but that's how it works here. Against aggro matchups it's THE win condition, so if you got it in your opening hand - survive/control the board to turn 9, gg. Wiser aggro players will just concede at that point, some might enjoy going through the motions.

Keep Harrison Jones - against weapon classes: Supercollider of Warrior, Druid's Twig of the World Tree (although I haven't seen them playing it lately), some Warlocks still play Skull of the Man'ari, but especially against hunter: can be played for tempo even on theCandleshot, perfect after procing his secrets when he has Eaglehorn Bow equipped as you get max draw potential, take care about overdrawing/burning cards, however. Nothing is more important than your DK in this matchup.

General mulligans: keep Fire FlyDaring Fire-Eater for good and unexpected early board control. Pyromaniac as a solid body and very high card draw potential. Stoneskin Basilisk in expected control matchups, esp. vs handlock as the card completely screws his Mountain Giant. That's about it.
Keeping Alexstrasza against Druids and Warriors can prove helpful as they get too much armor, it's not rare you'll deal 15 dmg that way with an 8/8 body.


Spellhunter: favorable (80/20)

Jaina DK and Dragon Fury is all you need, just live to play your DK and control the board until then. It's helpful to have a Black Cat on the board with Blast Wave in your hand, so if he plays his spellstone you have another way to clear and maybe get some cards. Don't hurry to proc his secrets if you didn't draw Frost Lich Jaina, avoid any sort of damage, be it Explosive trap or a lucky sick 3 drop from Wandering Monster or Misdirection.

Spell Priest: most unfavorable (5/95?)

This is the only match-up I don't see a way of beating unless you hard out-tempo him from early on and he has to burn all his removal. Once he procs his first spellstone it gets close to impossible to come back. 
Better to play Basilisk early on as they'll just steal with Cabal Priest later.

Rogues: very favorable (90/10)

Same as with hunter, fish for Jaina DK and Dragon Fury. Daring Fire-Eater is great in this matchup as he helps you kill off his biggest threats: Hench-Clan Thug and the 3/3 bird. Beware of Leeroy + 2x Cold Blood, basically 14 dmg in 8 mana. 

Odd Paladin: very favorable (90/10)

Was quite easy even before Level Up nerf... Now? Similar to rogue but easier. Your Blast Wave kills his 1 health minions and gives you a handful of spells. Mhm!

OTK Paladin: favorable 

I'm not writing the probabilities here as I haven't lost a single game against OTK Paladin, but some people mentioned they stuggle against them. How? Maybe I need a bigger sample size of games against them.
But what I can tell you as of now: you don't need to go for face damage at all until you're in full control of the board (and that's the case in most matchups), so he can't use Spikeridged Steed and other buffs. Without minions on board he poses no threat, and yet again, use Blast Wave to clear his 1 HP dudes and potentially get good "free" spells. Keep Harrison Jones for his DK 5/3 Lifesteal weapon.
Or you can even play it on his Truesilver Champion if you're tempo'ing out hard and about to close the game. Clear and play your threats, play around Equality+Pyromancer+Consecrate, you shouldn't lose these games.

Quest Even Warrior: unfavorable (30/70)

Those probabilities - if you play it well. It takes a lot of skill, luck and nerve to play against those.
I haven't come up with a good solution on how to play this matchup until now. I feel like if Skulking Geist was an odd card we'd have a way easier time playing this to at least cut his Shield Slam and Omega Assembly. With slams, Reckless Flurry, Brawl, Dyn-o-matic and Supercollider and later on the Rag hero power, he just has too much removal. And we can't kill him without minions.

You'll need Harrison Jones to disarm his collider. Alex to burst him down, he'll probably be at 30 HP before you play her anyway as he gets too much armor. It's important to play for tempo when possible, if you stall out too long it only gets harder for you. If you control the board before he gets his quest done you're in good shape as he can't efficiently armor anymore. Track his hand and try to tell if he has brawls up. If they're in bottom half of the deck you're in good shape. Sometimes you just have to go for it and hope he doesn't have it, it's sometimes win vs. always lose situation.
Don't be afraid to use your silence and removals on his Direhorn Hatchling, yes he eventually might play a 6/9 taunt soon, but usually you can't afford to wait for it, you need the tempo. And technically it could be shuffled as the last card in his deck... or first! Sucks, but that's the matchup.

Zoo Warlock: favorable (80/20)

Similar to other aggro matchups, mulligan for Dragon Fury and Frost Lich Jaina. Can be real scary if you don't find the AoE as they snowball hard, try to hide behind your Tar Creeper or two to live on till you draw the AoE.

Handlock: favorable (75/25)

Had no trouble against them, they only feel scary when they play mountain giant turn 4 so try to fish for Stoneskin Basilisk and just block them the option of playing that card. I've enountered several warlocks who'd burn spellstone+coil/defile just on the basilisk. It's disgustingly good here.
Otherwise Voodoo Dolls are your friends too. Burn him down turn by turn, they can't keep up with the pressure. Silence the Voidlord if it gets to the point. Be careful about putting him to 15 HP or lower as they can play the Hooked Reaver or 2, but if you have the answers - seal the deal. Sometimes they play the Call of Man'ari weapon so keeping Harrison Jones might make you feel safer.



 Card Replacements

 Card from the deck vs suggested replacement(s):

Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk, Frost Lich Jaina, Baku the Mooneater: irreplaceable, bread and butter of this deck.

Harrison Jones: Gluttonous Ooze, Corrosive Sludge if very short on budget.

Baron/Alex: Ysera, Stonehill Defender, Stoneskin Basilisk Nr. 2, Blazecaller, Zola the Gorgon (technically to bounde Jan'alai but not a fan of it).


If you have suggestions and/or insights on how to improve this deck, feel free to share your thoughts!

Enjoy the deck and happy winter holidays!

~ Alpure