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Wild Mech Mage feat. Sn1p-Sn4p!

  • Last updated Jun 15, 2019 (Rise of the Mech)
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  • 27 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mech Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 9920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/26/2018 (Level Up Nerf)
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UPDATE - 6/15/19 -- Below

I recently lost to a deck similar to this one.  I saw 28 cards, and he was using all of the legendary ones I have here (except Mimiron's Head).  Having said that, this is a MEME deck!!  PLEASE CRAFT CARDS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Now, Archmage Arugal and Dollmaster Dorian prob make the deck worse, but they are fun.  They both synergize well with Book of Specters and Aluneth.  It's prob better to just run one of those two minions.

The goal here is to play mechs.  Draw mechs.  Play more mechs. 

Mulligan for Galvanizers, Mechwarpers, and Book of Specters.

Let me know what you think.  I just made this list last night.  I'm sure we can tech in other mechs.  Maybe drop a spell or two.....


UPDATE - 12/27/18

- Upgradeable Framebot, - Explodinator, +2 Bronze Gatekeepers

Trying to make this deck more playable.....let's add some Taunt Mechs that are also Magnetic.

Cards to Consider:

Cogmaster, Wargear, Demolisher, Harvest Golem, Tinkertown Technician, Gorillabot A-3, Goblin Blastmage, Flying Machine, Enhance-o Mechano


UPDATE 12/29/18

- Jeeves, - Stargazer Luna, -2 Bronze Gatekeepers, +2 Cogmasters, + Harvest Golem, + Enhance-o Mechano

Trying some other cards here.  I think Stargazer Luna is unnecessary.  2 Jeeves is too much....this deck has enough card  draw and his stats are horrible.  Cogmasters are great!  Basically, a 1 drop 3,2. 

The deck "feels" better, but it still needs work.  I have been able to create V-07-TR-0N more times than with any other deck I've tried.  Archmage Arugal can give you two Mimiron's Heads, and Dollmaster Dorian can cheat a 1/1 copy of him on the board.

If you have Archmage Arugal and Book of Specters early, you can play them on turn 4 to (usually) give your hand a boost.

Aluneth seems necessary.  I wouldn't play the deck without it.  In the mid-late game, I'll try to play Dollmaster Dorian or Archmage Arugal after Aluneth is equipped.

Having said that, the deck would prob perform much better (and cheaper) if you remove Mimiron's Head and Dollmaster Dorian for two more mechs.

Good luck!!!   I hope you enjoy this idea.  To me, it's a lot more fun (though weaker) than tempo mage.  It has been getting wrecked by most aggro decks, but I did take out a few Big Priests so far.  Playing at rank 5.


UPDATE - 1/9/19

-2 Frostbolts, -2 Fireballs, + Harvest Golem, + Spider Tank, + Goblin Blastmage, + Wargear

Let's face it, this deck is way too situational.  So I'm cutting the burst damage spells for more mechs.  Maybe one Fireball is good for final burst, but for now I'm leaving Fireballs out.

Goblin Blastmage feels good, but I may cut him for another 3 drop mech.  Currently playing at rank 9.  I'll try to post an update soon with how this version is performing.

Update - 1/23/19

- Jeeves, - Harvest Golem, + Flying Machine, + Demolisher

15-15 at ranks 10-9 with this deck so far.  It's starting to feel semi-decent.  Still needs a lot more testing obviously. 

Trying out some different mechs here.  I'm thinking at least one more magnetic mech could be added.

Wargear is def awesome!  It's like a cheap Leeroy Jenkins.  I may add a second one.  Demolisher can be really good.  The 4 health can help him stick for a turn or two.  Try to buff Flying Machine to do double damage!

Update 1/27/19

- Demolisher, - Harvest Golem, +2 Replicating Menaces

More magnetic mechanics.  Flying Machine is great with Replicating Menace, Zilliax, and/or Wargear!!

UPDATE 3/27/19

- Flying Machine, - Enhance-o Mechano, - Replicating Menace, -2 Clockwork Gnomes

+2 Upgradeable Framebots, +2 Piloted Shredders, + Wargear

Playing at Legend now....still very much a meme as long as Mimiron's Head and Dollmaster Dorian are in there.  I figured, there are enough bad cards in this deck that it needs the best mechs imo.  I'm sure a few could be swapped out....I really like Flying Machine.

UPDATE - 5/12/19

- 2 Piloted Shredders, - Goblin Blastmage

+ Replicating Menace, + Flying Machine, + Spider Tank

I haven't updated this in awhile, so here's my best version.  The idea here is Magnetic is good, so I added a second Replicating Menace.  Then the deck had too many 4 drops and not enough 3 drops.  So I added some 3 drops.  Those are really the only cards I change in the deck since the core cards are outside of this range.

Other Card options: For the 3 and 4 drops...you can try a Harvest Golem or even a DemolisherExplodinator is not a bad option either.  They all have bad stats though.  Enhance-o Mechano can be fun, but I don't run him anymore. 

UPDATE - 6/4/19

- Spider Tank, + SN1P-SN4P

25-25 after 50 games at Ranks 5-4.  That's better than I thought it would do.  Let's see if SN1P-SN4P can help.....

UPDATE - 6/15/19

- Spider Tank, + Flying Machine

Yep.  Small sample size....but SN1P-SN4P feels great!  59% win-rate for the first 22 games with this version, played at ranks 10-5.   I think this deck is really close to decent.  Pull out Mimiron's Head for more consistent wins.  And Windfury is underrated imo.  With all the magnetic synergy, Flying Machine feels way better than Spider Tank!

I'll try some more games and update soon!