OTK MALYGOS PRIEST 81% to legend
- Last updated Dec 19, 2018 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 5 Minions
- 24 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: OTK Priest
- Crafting Cost: 11060
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/8/2018 (Rastakhan)
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So i reached legend https://prnt.sc/lsf5yh with 81% winrate with this deck https://prnt.sc/lsf666 . This deck is insane i went 9/0 against hunter only lost twice to shaman, rogue,some kind of treant druid and once to warlock went 29/7 ez. It doesnt have many new cards but mass hysteria is a huge difference and the main reason i was so good against hunter (fully stacked spellstone 5 , i dont think so hunter).Give this a try and let me know what you think.
If this gets a few upvotes i can make a form of guide for it.
So i didnt check this in a while so i didnt make a guide but ill do it now.Btw i reached rank7 with this deck in legend https://prnt.sc/lu0osc .
So ill start with matchups.
1.I always keep one Shadow visions because i like the flexibility in every matchup
2.Always keep radiant +power word shield(only mulligan the radiant when you have cloning gallery in hand and a rly bad matchup which means you hope to highroll turn 9 kill)
3.Power word shield on its own is decent especially when you have mass dispell
4.Dont be afraid to use holly smite only keep it when you need to otk fast or vs too much armor(druid,warrior maybe mage)
Druid: Generally an tricky matchup you have to be carefull for him milling your cards but what it comes down to is who lands his combo first so you want to keep Spellstone and Gallery almost everytime unless you know its Token druid in which case you prefer other cards such as hysteria or scream.
Hunter. Against hunter the best thing you can do is keep mass hysteria (there is no better card than that) you usually dont want to keep spellstone unless you have mass hysteria already and usually things go down smothly in that matchup.(if you have mass hysteria you can keep any card you like)
Mage:There are 3 Scenarios:1 tempo mage you want shaddow essence ziliax and ressurect if you have zilliax.2:Odd mage you love your scream but you dont keep it you can go for spellsstones and Shadow essense and Gallery but keep in mind that you also need clear that deck has some good tempo.3 Big mage : you want essense and Gallery anything else is worse cause you need atleast 1 minion( Velen or Mallygos to not get polymporphed then you are good)try to keep holy smite because with only one minion you might need it.
Paladin:I wont tell you about odd since its getting nerfed(if its played hysteria and spirit lash are good) Against even you want scream and essense and gallery.Against otk you want same but you keep the spellsstones even Servitude maybe (not always)if you have like vivid nightmare and shadow essense.
Against priest:Turvy priest: you want scream and mass dispell to stop his draw then you should be able to land your combo first(keep spelllstone usually)Control or innerfire you want to land your combo first but have always one board clear in your hand(mass dispell is also rly good against these 2 especially inner fire priest)
Rogue:hardest matchup yet(Gladly kingsbane getting nerfed hardest matchup than any other best hope against it is to just highroll on shadow essense so you keep that and spirit lash)Odd: spirit lash and mass hysteria are your best friends mass dispell also rly good .(also dont be afraid to use holy smite as mentioned above.)
Shaman.Same deal as Big mage try holding on those holly smites they are rly good and you need them with only one minion.Basically keep essense gallery best cards against hex.(maybe need a scream).
Warlock.Aggro : you want to keep holy smite and always search for radiant elemental.Mass hysteria is awesome in this matchup and mass dispell sometimes.Control : you want to go for Shadow Essence And gallery.Similar to Shaman and Big mage he can mess up with your hand so you want your stuff to die.Even:Always search for death and mass hysteria .Without those 2 cards you are bount to lose.(mass dispell and power word shield are good to keep for draw plus silence is rly good against drakes)
Warrior:Odd should be easy just keep spellsstone and you win.Tempo/rush keep mass hysteria and maybe Shadow essense and you should be good.
As for discoveries from visions get what you need.(i rarely go for mind blasts i prefer holy smite if dmg is enough).Eternal servitude is a nice pickup when you arent vs a too aggresive opponent or when you have zilliax in hand or dead when you are facing one.
Tips for secret lethal:Always try to keep one radiant on hand for extra dmg in spellstones.
Radiant +Eternal servitude+vivid nightmare+mindblast+holysmite=28(velen) 27(malygos)
There are more but are too many keep in mind a radiant in hand is extremely important i never play 2 unless i face an aggro matchup.
Keep in mind that galery with 1 radiant in deck + a big minion + spirit last is reno in standard + board clear.
Lastly i use fairly often power word shield on opponent to get draw even in aggro matchups (sometimes sets up better hysterias)
Thats it if i forgot something or got something wrong or weird let me know this was a long list and im a sure ive done a couple of mistakes.
So you basically cannot play Priest since the cheapest AoE card is Mass Hysteria.
Really? Your going to reply with this ignorant post?
There are other ways to stall damage other than AOE. Cleric makes your opponent use resources to dispose of. It stalls decks because they have to use their spells on it, or attack it. So do a Host of many other cheaper creatures that are employed in many other successful decks.
Yep, really.
This deck includes Radiant Elemental plus the cards mentioned before plus Spirit Lash.
Feel free to disagree with me but please be polite.
"wahhh I don't know how to play anything other than aggro, blame the deck creator!"
No early game. No minions for Zerek's cloning... Autolose vs aggro if no spirit lash in starting hand.
Have you played this deck? Mass Hysteria vs aggro is powerful.
There are 4 minions in the deck for Zerek's Cloning Gallery in order to get all 4 with Greater Diamond Spellstone
Played over 30 games so far no problems with aggro whatsoever.
I really like the idea of this deck, i just need zereks and velen to have it, could you make the guide to know how to play it?
This deck looks very good! I will try in ranked and give my opinion later.
Update: Coming from the classic Asmodai Priest I find this deck simpler and more effective. Right now at rank 5 won 5 out of 5 games.
I love priest decks, and your Rez priest is great!
i highly suggest losing a card for clockwork automaton. He’s great with anduin and velen., especially when cloned or combined with zillax.
Lmk if that tweak works better or worse for you! It was better for me. Thanks for the great deck idea <3
also...why the power word shield? use lyara and clock. If you draw cards faster you still get them in the same order, but steals and card gen fills the gaps instead of accelerating the already determined pace pace. I don’t draw cards for Rez decks so I can discover a copy of clone gallery or flex for two minions. Try clock my friend.
The thing is you want to know for 100% sure what you summon with the completed spellstone. That + vivid gives you 40 dmg mind blasts and sometimes, thats needed.
I see I see, very smart. I like it!
But this is legit the best Rez priest iteration I’ve ever seen. The mass hysteria makes the deck. I like the simple change and 3 minion idea.
One last thing I toyed with was playing the new 1-mana stealth card (that shuffles a 1 mama copy into deck when minions die) in case you draw stuff before clone gallery. It also lets you spellstone, play 1-mana minion, and insta win. For the luls you can spirit lash after clone gallery, and use the
Anyways ty again, pm me if you wanna play each other for fun sometimes, I love weird, powerful priest decks
Tried to make this type of deck (clone prieat) work yesterday, won about 2 games out of 5 :/
why is there no lyra?
rock the weapon maybe. if you dont have that, i say throw in spirit of the dead 100%
Any mulligan recommendations?
4 unique minions, for the spellstone. Zilliax is the only one that can easily be changed.
could talanji fit in here at all?