OTK MALYGOS PRIEST 81% to legend
- Last updated Dec 19, 2018 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 5 Minions
- 24 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: OTK Priest
- Crafting Cost: 11060
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/8/2018 (Rastakhan)
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So i reached legend https://prnt.sc/lsf5yh with 81% winrate with this deck https://prnt.sc/lsf666 . This deck is insane i went 9/0 against hunter only lost twice to shaman, rogue,some kind of treant druid and once to warlock went 29/7 ez. It doesnt have many new cards but mass hysteria is a huge difference and the main reason i was so good against hunter (fully stacked spellstone 5 , i dont think so hunter).Give this a try and let me know what you think.
If this gets a few upvotes i can make a form of guide for it.
So i didnt check this in a while so i didnt make a guide but ill do it now.Btw i reached rank7 with this deck in legend https://prnt.sc/lu0osc .
So ill start with matchups.
1.I always keep one Shadow visions because i like the flexibility in every matchup
2.Always keep radiant +power word shield(only mulligan the radiant when you have cloning gallery in hand and a rly bad matchup which means you hope to highroll turn 9 kill)
3.Power word shield on its own is decent especially when you have mass dispell
4.Dont be afraid to use holly smite only keep it when you need to otk fast or vs too much armor(druid,warrior maybe mage)
Druid: Generally an tricky matchup you have to be carefull for him milling your cards but what it comes down to is who lands his combo first so you want to keep Spellstone and Gallery almost everytime unless you know its Token druid in which case you prefer other cards such as hysteria or scream.
Hunter. Against hunter the best thing you can do is keep mass hysteria (there is no better card than that) you usually dont want to keep spellstone unless you have mass hysteria already and usually things go down smothly in that matchup.(if you have mass hysteria you can keep any card you like)
Mage:There are 3 Scenarios:1 tempo mage you want shaddow essence ziliax and ressurect if you have zilliax.2:Odd mage you love your scream but you dont keep it you can go for spellsstones and Shadow essense and Gallery but keep in mind that you also need clear that deck has some good tempo.3 Big mage : you want essense and Gallery anything else is worse cause you need atleast 1 minion( Velen or Mallygos to not get polymporphed then you are good)try to keep holy smite because with only one minion you might need it.
Paladin:I wont tell you about odd since its getting nerfed(if its played hysteria and spirit lash are good) Against even you want scream and essense and gallery.Against otk you want same but you keep the spellsstones even Servitude maybe (not always)if you have like vivid nightmare and shadow essense.
Against priest:Turvy priest: you want scream and mass dispell to stop his draw then you should be able to land your combo first(keep spelllstone usually)Control or innerfire you want to land your combo first but have always one board clear in your hand(mass dispell is also rly good against these 2 especially inner fire priest)
Rogue:hardest matchup yet(Gladly kingsbane getting nerfed hardest matchup than any other best hope against it is to just highroll on shadow essense so you keep that and spirit lash)Odd: spirit lash and mass hysteria are your best friends mass dispell also rly good .(also dont be afraid to use holy smite as mentioned above.)
Shaman.Same deal as Big mage try holding on those holly smites they are rly good and you need them with only one minion.Basically keep essense gallery best cards against hex.(maybe need a scream).
Warlock.Aggro : you want to keep holy smite and always search for radiant elemental.Mass hysteria is awesome in this matchup and mass dispell sometimes.Control : you want to go for Shadow Essence And gallery.Similar to Shaman and Big mage he can mess up with your hand so you want your stuff to die.Even:Always search for death and mass hysteria .Without those 2 cards you are bount to lose.(mass dispell and power word shield are good to keep for draw plus silence is rly good against drakes)
Warrior:Odd should be easy just keep spellsstone and you win.Tempo/rush keep mass hysteria and maybe Shadow essense and you should be good.
As for discoveries from visions get what you need.(i rarely go for mind blasts i prefer holy smite if dmg is enough).Eternal servitude is a nice pickup when you arent vs a too aggresive opponent or when you have zilliax in hand or dead when you are facing one.
Tips for secret lethal:Always try to keep one radiant on hand for extra dmg in spellstones.
Radiant +Eternal servitude+vivid nightmare+mindblast+holysmite=28(velen) 27(malygos)
There are more but are too many keep in mind a radiant in hand is extremely important i never play 2 unless i face an aggro matchup.
Keep in mind that galery with 1 radiant in deck + a big minion + spirit last is reno in standard + board clear.
Lastly i use fairly often power word shield on opponent to get draw even in aggro matchups (sometimes sets up better hysterias)
Thats it if i forgot something or got something wrong or weird let me know this was a long list and im a sure ive done a couple of mistakes.
Thanks for all my losses with this deck. I'm pretty experienced with the other cloning gallery priest and know the combos you have tried to put in with this deck. But most of the time, I sit with hands that do nothing for the first 6-7 turns and just watch all the aggro and midrange go face face face. The combos are so infrequent and takes so much time to build up too when you draw velen and maly, which happens alot. When you draw those, you still need to play them and get them killed before you can begin doing anything and that does not happen most of the time.
and now just lost to a spell hunter where he makes the usual play of 2 secrets + turn 4 coin spellstone for 4 wolves. Had nothing in hand but 2 mind blast, holy smite, PW:S, spirit lash. Using shadow vision on turn 2 gave me options of holy smite, spirit lash and PW:S. Nothing to counter that simple spellstone at all other than a psychic scream in hand but you do not make it to turn 7.
its only normal that you lose if you play this deck like the other gallery deck.The way you play those 2 couldnt be different zereks cloning gallery is not rly about this deck its just a nice adition.You dont need value you just need to survive .This deck plays more similar to a turvy priest than a cloning gallery priest.
I reached legend for the past 2 seasons with this deck, (stats: https://imgur.com/a/gjuODWK), I understand the frustration when you draw Prophet Velen or even worse Malygos but this doesn't mean is an auto-loss.
Most of the times against aggro I try to combo Prophet Velen or Malygos + Spirit Lash so I can full heal.
It needs some time to get used to but I think this deck has some valuable anti-aggro tools.
Yeah unfortunately I'm getting the same experience a lot. Lot of RNG involved. But also getting a lot of good runs too. I would keep at it. Once you get a better feel for the deck it can be pretty good.
Got some dust from previous nerf. I crafted Psychic Scream, Prophet Velen, Zerek's Cloning Gallery and Zilliax for this deck. Need a bit practice and failure at start but I really have fun with this deck. The most satisfied thing is not using your double 20 dmg mind blast to your opponents, but sometime stalling aggro hunter, rogue or paly to late game and they concede for running out resources. Pls kindly take my 100th +1 rating to this awesome guide :)
thx dude glad you enjoy it
Really enjoying this deck - makes Priest great again! Thanks.
I love the idea of this deck. My only problem is that I pretty frequently am drawing Maly, Velen, or both before I can get the Cloning Gallery off. Any tips on how to play the deck when this happens?
No need for gallery. Read whole guide... there are combos. You only need to let them kill Velen, Maly and Radiant.
Keep one radiant on hand always. Start with Radiant, use spellstone and 2x mindblast for 40 dmg or with vivid for 80. even ODD Warrior wont usually expect 80+dmg from hand. You can mostly win just with 2x Valen ( eternal or stone + vivid and 2x mind blast) :)
Its only about learning the deck. I have 64% winrate on rank 4 and iam not good player so in hands of some1 who know what is he doing this should be even better :)
Yeah that makes sense. Since I made the last post I noticed I can still win without Gallery. But still takes some time to get Velen and Maly out before getting killed...it requires a lot of patience and skill but hoping to get better at it and reap the benefits.
Random deck. I have 7 looses at a row now. All minions was in a hand at turh 6-8 at all games. U cant put Maly on a table against mage - its autoloose. Down from 7 to 9
upd now 9 looses. Last game - both spelstoones in a last 6 cards...
No need for stones... use Eternal + vivid and 2x mindblast ( just start with radiant so you have mana for that)
Numbers speak for themselves, 160 <3

I let the numbers speak for themselves. ❤
Lol, a little bit overkill there but well done :D
10 lose , worst deck
Then you are doing something wrong. When piloted correctly, this deck is insane. Reading the guide helps a lot.
Hey man, don't get frustrated matus is right the deck is really good especially because priest destroys hunters i am an example i could barely sustain a 50% winrate but in the last few days i have played the deck non stop because i really like it and i alredy reached rank 3 and i'm still figuring things out but if you like it don't give up it takes a lot of skill but i really enjoy it it's fun and really nice to see spell hunter concede after you scream their board of zul'jin into the deck
If you like priest and the idea keep practicing play with friends on certain matchups like aggro that are extremely hard and read the guide and think abput that and the next turns on defense and you will be fine but don't get sad because of lack of experience with a new archetipe just practice and you will be good
Why are you so negative? Maybe just practice before crying about it...