Gunnolf's Wild Holy Wrath OTK Shadow Paladin
- Last updated Apr 19, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 11160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/4/2018 (Boomsday)
- Gunnolf
- Registered User
- 16
- 41
- 88
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Come in and Warm your Frozen Boots by the Fire!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunnolf, and I am originally from the Land Down Under a.k.a. Australia. I am an avid gamer that has acquired a real passion for card games, which originated from my humble beginnings as a Yu-Gi-Oh collector and eventually grew from my dabbling in Cardfight Vanguard and Buddyfight, until we reached the game we know as Hearthstone.
I've played Hearthstone since the days of classic, with multiple accounts on both EU and NA servers. Despite having reached the Rank of Legend and my own personal mentality of equating 'having fun' with 'winning', I am not really a fan of meta power-grinding & net-decking, not that there is anything wrong with that. Therefore, I enjoy thinking about new, cool and fun deck ideas that push boundaries while also allowing you to win and those are what I want to share with you guys every-time I post a decklist.
I have presently become a contributing writer to WILDHS and Vicious Syndicate will be posting articles there on a semi-regular basis, regarding deck-archetypes the status of the meta as well as how to get the most fun out of this game even if you aren't a big spender. If any of this sounds interesting, then I highly recommend that you check out of the websites, as the writers and the owner himself are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet with great in-game knowledge (link to be websites can be found HERE). You can also follow me on Twitter for latest updates.
If you genuinely like my content and would like to see me produce more of it, then please consider supporting me on Patreon. This is by no means necessary but it will definitely help me out in the long run. Thanks for Reading ^^
Deck Introduction
Yes, yes and oh Yes! It took me an hour but I finally crafted a deck that Shirvallah, the Tiger can call home. This deck is not a meme. I've played 9 games so far, against a variety of opponents ranging but not limited to Even Shaman, Big Priest, Odd Rogue & Cubelock and I have a 100% winrate. With more games obviously the win percentage will go down but this deck definitely seems to have the power to make it all the way to Legend. Before that though let's get into the details so that you may as well start terrorising ladder.
Card Choices and Deck-building Explained
As always, let's have a look at the significance of some cards. I will explain some of the card choices I opted for and the reasoning as to why they were included over potential counter-parts.
1) Forbidden Healing: This card has multiple functions and offers a plethora of benefits to the deck. Utmost and foremost, it is a great healing spell that allows for a semi-reno-like effect which may have been bad in the past but now with cards like High Priest Thekal and Time Out! it adds real lasting power
2) Time Out!: I knew this card was good but I just didn't know how good and I can say it now that I somewhat underestimated it. Not only does it protect you from damage but it also allows you to setup for even bigger Equality or Shrink Ray clear turns.
3) High Priest Thekal: This card is 100% necessary for the deck. It CANNOT be replaced. Without this card we cannot run Molten Giants and as a result the deck loses a win condition which it may need as you may not always have time to do the otk.
4) Solemn Vigil: While it may possess anti-synergy with Shirvallah, the Tiger, in so far as if it costs zero mana it doesn't reduce the cost of the tiger, it is a great cycle card especially after an Equality or Shrink Ray turn.
5) Brann Bronzebeard: While he is not 100% necessary and a luxury at times, his ability to synergise with the draw cards like Coldlight Oracle and Novice Engineer just puts him on a slightly higher tier.
(At the present time, only a few cards have been listed but I will include more if questions pop-up within the comments section regarding substitutions and why other cards were included.)
Alternative Cards (F2P) & Tech Cards
The list at hand is very tight and I don't recommend making any changes. However, if you want to go a different way here are some potentially substitutions you may want to look into.
-1x Brann Bronzebeard | +1x Augmented Elekk: Brann is obviously the better card because he synergises with more cards in the deck and pretty much has the same function as Elekk when shuffling cards into the deck ( at least in this list).
-1x Forbidden Healing | +1x Gluttonous Ooze or +1x Zola the Gorgon or +1x Secret Eater: You can lose part of the sustain package for targeting specific decks like potentially Kingsbane Rogue or generating additional value or another Wild Pyromancer if you are required to make tempo plays due to aggro or targeting control mages with their pesky Ice Block.
-1x Forbidden Healing | +1x Emperor Thaurissan: He's not super high on my list of cards to include in the deck, especially since he'd discount spells which we need to be high costing to discount Shirvallah, the Tiger. However, if you hit all 4 combo pieces (2x Baleful Banker + 2x Holy Wrath) and the LOA costs zero, you can do 50 damage in a single turn without a setup.
-1x Forbidden Healing or -1x Alexstrasza | +1x Nozari: So in the Rise of Shadows expansion with got a new dragon, Nozari that works as a more expensive Reno Jackson for the deck. While I don't think he's strong enough to run in the core list, he's still an extremely powerful cards and should definitely be considered for the deck. As an added benefit, it also can be drawn off of The Curator. In general, I'd suggest subbing out Forbidden Healing since Alexstrasza is too good at setting up a Molten Giant lethal turn.
(Let me know if you have any other cards to recommend in terms of teching against the meta so that I may include them for the benefit of others.)
Win Conditions & the TTK |OTK | High Burst Combo
The nice thing about this deck is how versatile it is, which is what separates it from the other gimmicky versions of Holy Wrath Paladin.
There is no denying that the OTK combo burst finisher is what this deck is really about. However, it can be pulled off in a variety of ways and to varying degrees of damage. I'll list below a number of OTK scenarios that will come up during your games:
- Please do keep in mind that you need to draw your entire deck for the Burst damage finisher or OTK to be 100% consistent. As daunting as this may be, it is actually quite easily achieved once you get the hang of the deck -
50 damage OTK: Turn prior Brann Bronzebeard -> Shirvallah, the Tiger -> x2 Baleful Banker on Shirvallah, the Tiger -> double Holy Wrath to their face.
This otk setup is really only relevant for people that are over the 25 health threshold i.e. control warrior & kingsbane rogue. The occasional warlock as well but it is the aforementioned two decks you really need to look out for.
31 damage TTK: Turn prior Equality or Shrink Ray Clear -> Molten Giant x2 -> next turn -> Alexstrasza (setting your opponent to 15 with 16 damage on board)
This has been a rare occurrence and can only occur from turn 8 onwards but after an Equality clear I've been able to drop two molten giants onto an empty board. If you can follow that up with Alexstrasza and barring any taunts, it is an easy way to TTK your opponent.
25 Instant Damage Burst Combo: Shirvallah, the Tiger -> Baleful Banker on Shirvallah, the Tiger -> Holy Wrath face for 25
This is typically what you'll be using against midrange or aggressive decks where you've potentially had to drop down your Brann Bronzebeard or one Baleful Banker early in the game. The positive thing about this is that you can inflict the damage on the same turn without any setup. So if you opponent is at 25 health or less they are dead.
The OTK aside, the deck has an extreme highroll element thanks to the interaction between High Priest Thekal and Molten Giant allowing for turn 3 or turn 2 (if you have the coin) enormous dumping on stats. Even one giant is enough to obliterate the game.
Small Mulligan Guide
So when it comes to this deck, the mulligan is quite important. Most of the time you only want to keep your draw engines i.e. novice engineers and High Priest Thekal. Every other card is essentially match-up dependant. Utmost and foremost, never keep molten giant unless you are actually holding High Priest Thekal. Praying for a highroll is not how this deck works.
Specifically against control, you can keep Coldlight Oracle and The Curator if you wish. Against control, you definitely keep Wild Pyromancer and if you're fearing bigger minions Equality as well. If you know you are facing a combo deck keeping a single copy of Time Out! may be warranted for later but to confirm more playtesting will have to be conducted.
So the deck does get some getting used to. Depending on how familiar you are with combo decks it it might take you a longer or shorter length of time. Whatever the case may be however here are some tips that should help your efforts.
1) Don't be afraid of dumping cards to make space in your hand to draw. Cards like Shrink Ray, Time Out! and Consecration are easily expendable if you have other clear options in hand. Casting a few in an non-optimal fashion won't lose you the game and they further discount Shirvallah, the Tiger to that 0 - 3 mana threshold you need to pull off the OTK or Burst combo.
2) As mentioned above Shirvallah, the Tiger costing as much as 3 mana is still enough of a discount for you to pull off the OTK combo since Brann Bronzebeard and x2 Baleful Banker cost 7 mana combined. Similarly, if you want to pull off the burst finisher, the LOA can cost anywhere between 3 and 0 mana since Baleful Banker is only 2 mana and you just need another 5 to cast Holy Wrath.
3) Don't be afraid to mill cards. Once you have a Baleful Banker, Holy Wrath and Shirvallah, the Tiger in your hands you can usually lose the rest of your deck. If you need the full otk of course you can add another 3 cards onto that but is determined by the match-up.
4) Even against aggro don't be afraid to play Coldlight Oracle, giving them extra minions or burst damage won't always count as much when you can stop all incoming damage with time out! and then clear them out the following turn with Equality or Shrink Ray. Play with caution but don't be overly fearful.
5) The Curator's battlecry draw always triggers based on its card text. So remember first it'll draw Shirvallah, the Tiger, then Alexstrasza and finally Coldlight Oracle. So it is not a risk if you're only missing LOA as a combo piece.
Gameplay Video By Tommy_Wave
Tommy has yet again gone out of his way to make a video for my deck. Not at the highest rank in wild but still plenty of fun to watch. Make sure to show him some love by checking out the awesome video.
Other Gunnolf Decks
This is my first list well-tested list for the current Rastakhan Rumble expansion and as a result I don't have any present decks to suggest. But if you want a blast from the recent past that once again features molten giants then you can have a look at my Evenlock list from the end of last season that also made it onto Vicious Syndicate:
Minion (22)
Ability (8)
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Author's Notes
As always guys, thank you so very much for reading. I would not be making this content if it wasn't for your tireless support. I went through a couple of decklists to get to this list and I even crafted Thekal high priest and two baleful banker. As a F2P player, losing 2.4k dust on what could have been a failed experiment was risky but it 100% paid off. So if you have the necessary cards, go and terrorise the ladder with Holy Wrath Paladin. Lastly, if you aren't getting it right away don't despair. It takes a little bit of practice.
I enjoy deck-building a multitude of interesting decks that are both entertaining and Legend viable (with some odd Free-to-Play lists mixed in). So if you like this deck (or anyone of my other ones) consider leaving a thumbs up, as it really helps in the long run! :)
Thank you guys for all your support and if you have any suggestions, let me know.
Isn't CTA package better for faster cycling?
UPD: this will ruin banker combo.. I am stupid %)
The deck is wonderful, but matchmaking always puts you against big priest (50% wr) or some aggro deck (30% wr), and against darkest houer lock that only depends on his draw. I loved the deck but the meta is toxic to him.
Even with the nerf to Equality, the deck functions more than adequately. You might need to shift your playstyle however and be a tad more aggressive with your use of Time Out!.
In general, Rise of Shadows didn't offer much to the deck except for Nozari. While in my opinion the dragon is not core to the decklist, I have added him to the deck tech section of the guide alongside an explanation as to his function and utlity in the deck and the archetype in general.
nice to see a former vanguard player. I will hve to give this deck a run
Is it just me or this deck became weaker?
Looks like people know what kind a deck it is and start to play better against it
I really dislike the coldlight + Alex + curator package... just too much carddraw you know.. 7 out of 10 game I have to play a banker or pyro for no reason just because I have 10 card in my hand already.
My changes are - coldlight - Alex - curator - forbidden healing
+ wickerflame + master for battle + hammer of warth + deathknight
Oh that's interesting and certainly a different way of going about things.
How has it been working out for you oh and Happy New Year! ^^
One of my favorite deck in a wild right now :D
Another one is this
Hey Gunnolf! Crafted this deck because it looked really fun and competitive (and I've always like the Combo Paladin archetype), and I have to say that it is working exactly as expected and more. I love that Holy Wrath is actually a viable OTK now (and better than the old Exodia imo), with tons of flexibility and card draw. The High Priest Thekal highroll is also pretty hilarious. I've only played a handful of games at the lower ranks, but I'm keeping above a 50% winrate and will definitely spam this until I hit my golden Paladin hero! Thanks for the fantastic deck!
P.S. What changes might we see to the DK Exodia Paladin deck with the addition of the new cards?
You are very welcome. I was super excited to play the deck so much I crafted High Priest Thekal on day one and being F2P that's something I've never done before. :D
Also you know this deck is good when this is the response you get on reddit from an aggro player haha
I'll be posting a new Exodia List on Christmas Day. I have it all written up and ready to post but first comes Big Beast Hunter that I'm releasing in a few hours! :)
Don't you feel Uther DK to be a perfect inclusion? I mean, besides the alternative wincon, he's such a great healing and board control tool! I mean, the guy's sole purpose of existence is being the ultimate tool in control paladin and its main wincon... I wouldn't leave him out of a control pala list. The main reason I find it superior to Holy Wrath is very simple: you don't need to draw the whole deck. My record was completing the combo with 12 cards left in the deck (beardo version)! Sure, I know you have the Thekal/giants/Alex package which is surprisingly effective!
A bit offtopic now... Actually my favorite and, believe it or not, the one that's looking the stronger Exodia right now (in my hands) is a Reno one! It plays like an old school control healadin with many redundant wincons: Zola, both pandas, Garrison Commander, Shirvallah and Uther. A bit slower against control (but still awesome!) and MUCH more viable against aggro/midrange.Gonna be posting the guide and deck soon.
See ya and keep up the good work!
The main reason I'd personally run Holy Wrath over Exodia is because the combo doesn't require an Emperor Thaurissan setup turn. But I'm playing both decks so I'll have hard data as to which one performs better! :)
With regard to the other issues, I answered them over on WildHS.
I had mixed results. He's a good card but I could almost never play him on curve since it burns the majority of the defensive spells. I could probably experiment a bit more though :)
Gunnolf, i've tested your deck and decided to make some changes:
-1 forbidden healing
-2 novice engeneer
+2 doomsayer
+1 uther dk
I can write why if anybody need it :)
Awesome ~ actually I would be interested, so when you have time I'd welcome your thought process and I think it would be beneficial to others as well.
Uther also gain u 20 hp, not emidiatly, but it can hit for 15 to minions or face, combo better with time out, holy wrath, he generate treats etc.
As for doomsayer, he is MVP in any control deck, good at early game, and in a late game after full clear, so u have safe next turn with full mana, also good with solemn vigil.
Nice deck! Thanks for your great job!)
this deck is BS. not enough of anything except draw. started at rank 9. still at rank 9.
Well others and myself do just fine with the deck and I used it personally to climb the ladder.
My recommendation is to practice with the deck before laddering. It's a combo list so not quite grab and go like an aggro deck.
Good luck!
There's too much card draw. I often find myself having full hands and can't play my card draws and the rest is combo pieces like Brann, alex, etc