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DOT Hunter

  • Last updated Feb 10, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 6680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/4/2018 (Boomsday)
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Here's a twist on the classic deathrattle Hunter: DOT Hunter, you could also call bomb hunter.

Gameplan: your gameplan here is to kill your opponent really slowly (but not really slowly, most games are over on turn 8) through the use of bombs, and use the DK to switch to the value gameplan if you'r ent able to put the hero into killing range. Tracking is a really key card as it allows you to search for the extra bit of damage if your opponent is at low health, or search for rexar in other situations.


Early game : set-up bombs, use magnetics on said bomb with Venomizer and Spider Bomb to get favorable trade, and set up bomb.

Midgame: Get value off of deathrattle activators. Stacking deathrattles with magnetic then use cards like firework technician to get value off of multiple deathrattle at the same time, while also doing DOT damage because of the bombs.

Late game : Kill your opponent or use rexar for infinite value. Save your deathrattle activators for removals.


The strenght of this deck is how insidious it actualy is. It feels really slow, but it's able to decrease your opponent's health at a very steady pace. Also cards like spider bombs venomizers and hunter's mark gives it really effective single target removals

Very good vs aggro decks, a bit weak to fast combo decks with lots of healings. But one of the strenght of this deck is to be able to keep the damage going even when everything is removed every single turn.


Tech options: You can play a 2nd copy of Mossy Horror if you feel the need vs even shaman, 

Mechanical Whelp for some serious oomph midgame can be tried, but i find it a tad too slow personaly.