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Spell Hunter - +Mulligan doing it right, by Fal...

  • Last updated Oct 28, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 26 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Spell Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 5080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/20/2018 (Boomsday)
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  • Hatul
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EDIT: Added mulligan guide!

That's the Spell Hunter I use for laddering for quite a while, top 25 EU september & July, Top 4 EU Playoffs and part of my Fall Championship lineup - so it sure provides results in exchange for dedication!

A few words about the differences from most versions that used to be popular:

-No Eaglehorn Bow: although it has synergy with the secrets, I don't really want to take any damage hitting with the hero, defensive classes will hardly-ever trigger secrets anyway, and overriding my own candleshot is bad - I want candleshot hanging around.

-Secrets Choice: the defensive secrets are the important ones. Agressive decks got difficulties playing around them and this deck feeds on beating those decks.
Freezing trap is often decent against Even Warlock and against Druids - but they usually respect bluffs anyway, so more than 1 is not required.
Secret Plan is very good, however you don't want to have 2 copies in hand ever and it's sometimes hard to play it before the opponent gets Skulking Geist out, so better stick to just 1 copy. overall 6 secrets is working decently - 1 upgrade for spellstone is important, yet going full is weak to Mind Control Tech anyway so no need to load too many of those.

-Deadly Shot: That's just a high power-level card that's not getting it's recognition. the deck is filled with utilities to clear the opponent's board, including the weak minions, so leaving the big minion/s alone on the board is not a difficult task. the card is not even expensive, so trading out 1 for 1 with 3drops isn't an overcommitment, takes care of Hench-Clan Thug and Giants very effectively.

-Wing Blast: Cheap removal. 4 damage for 1 mana allows clearing stuff effectly, prevents the Arcane Tyrant swings, makes-up for not killing a 3drop right away, not much theory it's just good.


A few techs to consider:
+Secret Plan - if you see a lot of druids, no evenlocks at all, and you'r playing closed-lists, you could include a 2nd copy in exchange for the freezing. that will allow you to get Snipe and Rat Trap for which are decent in the matchup, but aren't good enough to be an inclusion in the deck.

+Freezing Trap: if you play open lists and expect a lot of Even Warlocks, 2nd copy could do some work, as bluffs might not be as effective with just 1 copy.

+Dire Frenzy - if you have this card, you will hardly-ever lose to Odd Warrior, fatigue will always be on your side. having 1 copy around can have bad influence on other matchups but it is worth it if the Warriors are around, especially in a conquest strategy.

If you have multiples of the cards you aim to get, you have to give the curve untrivial thought and decide. following the mulligan guide will make sure you know what's important and have stuff to work with, but mulligan is just a starting base!


Against Aggro - Rogue, Mage, Warlock (Odd Rogue, Zoo, Mage) : Spellstone, Wandering Monster, Flanking Strike, Secret Plan, Candleshot, Tracking.
Spellstone is big power-spike that often overwhelms the aggressive decks.
Wandering Monster is a 3drop for the cost of 2 mana, very good deal against every deck that relies on early damage.
Flanking Strike is very high-value card, that combine removal and board, making it very good in every matchup that you have stuff worth removing.
Candleshot is good on it's own, but also provides very needed utility to finish-off minions for Wing Blast, or after Explosive Trap, and many other combinations. cheap to equip and you want it around when board fights are expected to heat-up early.
Tracking and Secret Plan are to provide more tools to work with. Wandering Monster is the no-brain good option against aggro.

Additional options:
Rexxar vs Mage and Warlock - maybe it ends-up to be some control mage/evenlock/cube/slowlock, and then it's very good to have it (more precise to say crucial). probably won't be too bad to have it, as it's decent against aggro too.
Explosive Trap vs zoo - high priority keep, unlike other aggros zoo is much weaker to this trap.
Hunter's Mark/Deadly Shot vs Rogue: you gotta clear a henchclan, if your hand has candleshot and you kept 1-2 cards anyway it is usually good idea to ensure you have 1 card that deals with opponent's 4/4 3drop on curve for sure. remember that flanking often does that anyway tho.
Animal Companion vs warlock/mage: if you got early turns already, might aswell use it to fill up the curve. keep in mind that it is weak vs rogues.
Can keep Animal Companion, Deadly Shot or Hunter's Mark (*With Candleshot) against Warlock if you suspect Even Warlock.

Against Hunter (assume it is deathrattle hunter) :Spellstone (keep secrets only to support it, never alone), Flanking Strike, Deadly Shot, Animal Companion, Tracking, Rexxar.
you want to prevent him from having a big minion (Shaw, Devilsaur, Grizzly) by turn 5. the hunter can be blown away by Spellstone relatively easy, and also got bunch of 3/3 minions (and Egg) so Flanking Strike got plenty of targets. usually you will not win through early aggression so Rexxar is worth keeping right from the start to make sure you don't get outresrouced after dealing with the threats. you will usually win the rexxar vs rexxar fight as the deck has much better cheap tools. Animal Companion is good early pressure, can clear Egg through trade, and can just provide decent damage or board-threat. If you find out it's secret hunter then just treat it like aggro and win easily even with the 'wrong mulligan' it's fine.

Against Shaman (Assume it's Shudderwock): Animal Companion, Flanking Strike, To My Side, Rexxar, Rhok'delar, Tracking.
You basically want to have all the cards that either put stuff on the board or provide you with extra resources, so you can pressure them as much as possible - given the deck has many reactive tools and few proactive cards you have to hold on even to the expensive cards too, but it's not like you are under any pressure.
If you find out it was Even Shaman then enjoy your free win.

Against Priest (Can't even know what to expect): Rexxar, Deadly Shot, Spellstone, Tracking.
Rexxar beats any priest and you will depend on it to win the match, as you can't possibly kill the priest with the Hunter's proactive cards - they are too weak to Psychic Scream.
Spellstone is big early power-spike and can provide some good value (sometimes they even lose to that, if no psychic). Deadly Shot is to deal with some big minion that they all often get on board, even just by using Power-Word Shield on something.

Against Warrior (Odd): Rexxar, Rhok'delar.
you basically depend on rexxar entirely to win the match. avoid using tracking as they will get you closer to fatigue. Rhok'delar provides a lot of resources to prevent being pressured by the Warrior while having nothing. it can also provide you with Dire Frenzy or Play Dead that help in fatigue.

Against Paladin (Odd): Rexxar, Secret Plan, Unleash the Hounds, Spellstone, Explosive Trap, Wandering Monster, Tracking, Secret Plan, Candleshot.
Get as many board-clears as possible and get them timed to prevent any big Level-Up from happening. be sure to plan your swing turn - the paladin can take about 2 turns to build a board worth buffing. if it's Even Paladin enjoy free win.

Against Druid (Assume it's Malygos): Rexxar, Spellstone, Animal Companion, To My Side, Tracking, Secret Plan, Rhok'delar.
In this matchup you depend on Rexxar to win, however you do want as much early pressure as possible as it sometime forces-out removals (Swipes, Moonfires, Naturalizes) or any other unoptimal defensive play from the Druid's side, that ends-up very big in the long run. sometimes you even kill the Druid, especially if it ends-up to be Taunt (if you know it's taunt to begin with, get Hunter's Mark and Deadly Shot).
Rhok'delar is for extra resources to pressure with, as the druid will usually deal with all you can throw at him, so having more stuff to throw is great.
Given that the Druid is not fast (and everything he does expect for the Malygos combo is easily dealt with) don't worry about holding on to expensive cards.
Secret Plan can provide you with Snipe or Rat Trap - those 2 are hard for Druid to play around. if you can get the Snipe on Dreampetal Florist it can be game winning.

If this post got old or I'm not responding to a question in the comments - it's a good idea to approach me in twitter. you can also check my Twitch for some gameplay.


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hatulhs