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[Wild] Reno Shaman

  • Last updated Oct 24, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 17240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/17/2018 (Boomsday)
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always keep: Ancestral Knowledge, Far Sight, Sir Finley Mrrgglton (discover healing or armor against aggro decks/ mage, rogue or druid hero power can help with board control/ warlock hero power helps against control decks), Loot Hoarder, Bloodmage Thalnos

vs aggro: Reno Jackson, Lightning Bolt, Maelstrom Portal, Elemental Destruction, Healing Rain, Lightning Storm, Volcano, Doomsayer

vs control: Mana Tide Totem


Card draw is super important because it allows to get those important card like Reno Jackson against aggro or Shudderwock vs control decks.

When you don't have a card try to replace it with sth similar from list 'Cards that might be included' or when you face a specific deck try to tech against it.

Card Replacements:

Electra Stormsurge -> Hot Spring Guardian (solid defensive tool)

Hagatha the Witch -> Stonehill Defender or high value card (it's impossible to replace Hagatha but Stonehill Defender helps against aggro decks and there are few great taunt minions in wild like Sludge Belcher)

Sir Finley Mrrgglton -> Zombie Chow or Mistress of Mixtures (helps during early game)

Bloodmage Thalnos -> Acolyte of Pain or cheap removal

Loatheb ->Jinyu Waterspark or Tidal Surge (those options are worse in terms of protection against spells but they can heal hero)

Cards that might be included:

Beakered Lightning - easy way to deal with big boards filled with small minions. Synergies with Bloodmage Thalnos

Earth Shock - deathrattle minions or buffs? not anymore...

Crashing Hand - cheap way to deal with big minions

Stormcrack - Counter Totem Golem or any other early threat

Zilliax - defensive tool that can heal our hero 

Br. Boom - dr. 7 (best card ever printed) <3