Deathrattle Odd Rogue - Gameplay [Legend]
- Last updated Oct 21, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 24 Minions
- 5 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Odd Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 7280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/16/2018 (Boomsday)
- Kyten
- Registered User
- 1
- 8
- 14
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Total Deck Rating
Hello, everybody!
Here is a deck for those who want to make som insane shinnanigans as well as having a high win rate. This deck is a midrange/aggro deck, with the ability to go for both offensive and mor midrange/defensive lines.
Gameplay in Legend
Mulligan and strategy guide
This is first and foremost a deck that wants to gain tempo and be ahead. Your hero power and early minions will usually help you gaining board control early. Often from this point you will be able to rush your opponent down. If not, the cubes and deathrattle synergy wil be helpful to build a board bigger than your opponent can handle.
Regarding cubes, it is important to not get to greedy. Often it is correct to cube a low impact minion or just slam Cube naked. As far as i concern this deck has 7 preferred cube targets: Egg, Devilsaur (which comes out of the egg), Cube itself, Leeroy, Grizzlys x 2 and Baku. If cube hits on one of thees minions, you usually will be in a verry good spot.
In summary: Often play the deck as a tempo deck and treat the deathrattle synergy as an x-factor and don't get to greedy with it against aggro. If facing Druids, you really like to cube high impact minions.
Mulligan guide
The mulligan with this deck is very hard and different regarding the match up. If you try to mulligan like an ordinary odd rouge (seeking 1- and 3-drops except egg) you usually should be doing fine. This means that you should be looking for Squire, Fire fly and Mole of the 1- drops, and regarding 3- drops you want to find Thug, Fledgling, Ripper and SI.
But in certain matches the egg is an keep if you are having void ripper or blade at hand as well. For an example my experience is that even locks struggles a lot against the egg, since often they can't remove your board without prokking the egg.
As said, the mulligan is very complex with this deck, which makes it hard to say something in general about how to mulligan. You need to be able to look at how your hands synergies, and if that particular synergy is to prefer in the very match up your are facing.
Hope this was helpful in any ways. Feel free to ask question below and I will try to answer as many as best I can.
Ekstras - Awesome game play by Kiwiinbacon!
Well, still much better than standard Odd Rogue, where it's almost auto-concede. If you make four or six 3/12 Grizzlys with Necrium on Cube you might as well have a chance to beat them
I am Missing Leeroy and 1x Necrium Vial.
I do, however, have 2x Necrium Blade. Would this work or what do you suggest?
I have Van Cleef maybe I could put him in?
You can play this deck without Leeroy. But then you have to be aware that the deck lose some burst potensial and your strategy might have to be more midrange than with leeroy in deck list.
You can add Edwin Van Cleef, secound fungal or zilliax. All of those three are good options I think.
Fun deck! so far 60% in 20 games. if only there werent so many control decks around rank 11 because thats the only reason winrate isnt higher!
Odd Rogue has been in a really good place for a while now, tweaking of the archetype has slowed down. This deck is a tonne of fun to play, still has the strength of a regular Odd Rogue deck plus some explosive potential! Played some games with the deck, check them out;
(Games start at 3:55)
Would love to see the stats behind the deck, such as the Drawn & Played winrates for all the Deathrattle synergy cards! Gonna keep my eyes on HSreplay for it.
Thank you so much for this sweet list, cheers <3
Glad you liked it!
By the way, I think 2 necrium vial is vital in this deck. Yeah, some times it just stays as a dead card in your hand, but when it don't it's just so much tempo and value as well as a bunch of fun!
I do love me some fresh takes and this makes me very happy. It has some benefits over the regular odd rogue and also happens to be much more enjoyable to play as it is a bit less linear! Making an army of bear is a ton fun so ya'll should give this a try :P
I made a video showcasing the deck in all of its glory, and also happened to get a nice winstreak. I hope ya'll enjoy!
I am currently running a budget version of this deathrattle rogue with relative success (not great but not terrible either honestly). Although my deck was not inspired by this one I will admit, I really love this take on Odd Rogue but if you are skeptical about playing it you could try a budget version to see if you like the feel of it. If you like how the budget one plays and you want to fully commit to this deck this list looks pretty good.
With one egg and one necrium blade on a deck with no card draw, i bet cubing dire moles is really fun in aggro deck /s
Dude, this deck farms aggro. Your dagger makes you take early board control, and when the grizzlys hits the board it has usually 8 health or more since aggro players often has few cards on hand.
As well, if you want to make this deck even better against aggro, I suggest you add Zilliax to have more defensive tools.
Btw, I have tried two copies of Blade a lot, and it is by far better playing only one copy and instead playing two Necrium Vial. Futher, its not critical to get huge cube value against aggro, since its not about value in those match ups.
Do you think you need both necrium vials and both cubes? I only have one of each.
i tried with one copy of each, and the deck will pull of the deathrattle synergy a lot more incosistent. BUT, you can play with one copy of each and just make the deck more aggressive, like more similar to the standard odd rouge.
A fresh take on Odd Rouge...I'm interested.
"fresh" is a bit far fetched imo. this is nothing new, just the core setup from the tier 1 hunter list slotted into the tier 1 rogue list...
Yes and no. The other deathrattle lists are not odd lists, and play backstab, eviscerate, etc. as the rogue core. This one is a quite clever mashup between the two that stays balanced. I don't think this was a easy list to come up with, so I credit Kyten for it.