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Freezer Bomber Shaman 2.0

  • Last updated Oct 18, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 15440
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/15/2018 (Boomsday)
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Check out this Video for some hot Bombing Action

Fill your opponent's deck with despair. Perfect deck for those who wanna watch the world burn! The idea behind this deck was to create something unconventional whilst also being extremely fun/entertaining to play and being able to stay somewhat relevant against today's meta but not be the usual competitive shuddy deck we are all used to. I present to you the infinite frozen bomb!

The idea behind the deck is to control the board and then get your opponent stuck into a loop in which you fill up their deck with bombs and force them to draw them on their turn whilst also incapacitating them with multiple freeze triggers.


Glacial Shard, Brrrloc and Mana Tide Totem are primarily what you will be looking for, if you are playing against a specifically aggro deck, you can keep Volcano or Healing Rain and if playing against a slower deck with important pieces, keep Hex.

If you know you will be in a match which will require you to play Shudderwock as fast as possible, you may keep him or Grumble, Worldshaker in your hand.

Card Choices

Glacial Shard: Freeze is the name of the game!

Brrrloc: Needs more Freeze. I mean seriously he's an Ice guy.

Baleful Banker: Let's not get rekt from fatigue shall we?

Murmuring Elemental: Who doesn't like more battlecries?

Electra Stormsurge: Big board clear, big heals or nice shuddy shenanigans.

Mind Control Tech: That shit be mine!

Far Sight: Gotta get that Shudderwock ASAP.

Healing Rain: I mean... you're trying to survive until after turn 9 if possible.

Mana Tide Totem: kinda need to draw those other combo pieces before you do end up playing that shuddy.

Zola the Gorgon: Let's be honest, you are trying to get an extra shudderwock in your hands.

Hex: Speaks for itself.

Sandbinder: draw Grumble

Saronite Chain Gang: Is part of the main combo, needed to go infinite.

Volcano: The one and only boardclear in the deck, much value.

Seaforium Bomber: This card is the reason this deck exists in the first place!

Grumble, Worldshaker: Use it to set up sick combos and for the infinite setup.

Hemet, Jungle Hunter: Thin the deck a lot.

Priestess of Elune: Self heal, could be anything else but I chose that one, feel free to change to anything else.

Hagatha the Witch: Has a nice boardclear and can carry you trough tough matchups.

Marin the Fox: Fill your opponent's board with chests and freeze them so they can't play shit anymore.

Shudderwock: ...

Thanks for all the support I will make more decks in the future :D


Don't forget to sub: https://www.youtube.com/user/CanadianRumPunch for more decks like this one in the future!

I hope you guys enjoy playing this deck as much as I did, and May the top decks be in your favor.
