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Even Warlock 65 Legend NA Full Guide

  • Last updated Oct 12, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 7760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/12/2018 (Boomsday)
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Good day everyone. Today I present to you the even Warlock deck that I used to climb to rank 65 legend NA (Proof) in October 2018. Below is the deck list and the code. I recently started using my twitter account that I made last year, so please follow me at @AshleyDunki.

### Even

# Class: Warlock

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Raven


# 1x (2) Acidic Swamp Ooze

# 2x (2) Defile

# 2x (2) Plated Beetle

# 2x (2) Sunfury Protector

# 2x (2) Vulgar Homunculus

# 2x (4) Hellfire

# 2x (4) Hooked Reaver

# 2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone

# 2x (4) Shroom Brewer

# 2x (4) Spellbreaker

# 2x (4) Twilight Drake

# 1x (6) Dread Infernal

# 1x (6) Genn Greymane

# 1x (6) Mossy Horror

# 1x (6) Skulking Geist

# 1x (8) Bonemare

# 1x (8) The Lich King

# 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan

# 2x (12) Mountain Giant




# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone




The deck is quite standard. Most players agree upon 25 out of the 30 cards, those being 2x Defile, 2x Plated Beetle, 2x Sunfury Protector, 2x Vulgar Homunculus, 2x Hellfire, 2x Hooked Reaver, 2x Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, 2x Shroom Brewer, 1x Spellbreaker, 2x Twilight Drake, 1x Dread Infernal, 1x Genn Greymane, 1x The Lich King, 1x Bloodreaver Gul'dan, and 2x Mountain Giant.


Tech Choices

I will now explain the tech choices. Note the deck was played in a druid, rogue, and Tempo Mage dominated meta. More information can also be found in the matchups section.

1x Acidic Swamp Ooze: I play one ooze because it is very applicable in many common matchups, including Malygos Druid (Twig of the World Tree), Tempo Mage (Aluneth), and Odd Warrior(Supercollider). It can also be used flexibly as a mediocre 2-drop. I do not run a second as most matchups where it has high value only run one weapon, therefore meaning we can include other cards instead.

2nd Spellbreaker: Silence has been crucial to all control warlock decks since the beginning of their existence with Handlock, Reno Warlock, Malygos Warlock, and Cube Warlock all using some sort of silence. This deck is no exception, and the 2nd Spellbreaker ensures that we have a silence to deal with a threat as often as possible. It has useful applications in all matchups bar possibly Zoo, Mill Druid, and Odd Warrior. That being said, it is the card that I am most comfortable removing as your hand can become quite clunky with this card as it is not a good tempo play, especially considering the other 4-drops in the deck.

1x Mossy Horror: This card in my opinion should be the 26th auto-include into this deck. It is just such a ridiculously strong card in this current meta-game. Druid plays Spreading Plague and you can't pressure? Mossy Horror. Giggling Inventor in your way? Mossy Horror. Facing a massive potential Level Up of seven Silver Hand Recruits, and can't find defile or Hellfire? Mossy Horror. This card saves you so many times, and especially in a meta with tons of druids and Giggling Inventors, you have a real gem in this card.

1x Skulking Geist: This card I include to deal with druids, odd warriors, and cube hunters. If there are no druids, odd warriors, or cube hunters, feel free to switch it out for another card from the exclusions list below. This card is useful because it destroys the biggest single target removal spells of the above-mentioned decks: Naturalize Shield Slam, and Hunter's Mark. The bonus of removing Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Omega Assembly, and Tracking is also nice.

1x Bonemare: This card I do not have in for any particular matchup. I think it's a powerful card even after the nerf, and it has a high impact when it comes onto the board. It can sometimes get stuck in your hand, however, so if you do not prefer it, then feel free to switch it out. I just think that it can help to secure a board once you've stabilized, or it can be used nicely to pressure.



Sacrificial Pact: I'm surprised people even run this card in this deck, as its power level is extremely low and doesn't help you in most matchups. From my limited time using this card, I've found that it is only useful against Warlocks or super aggressive decks that you need the health against, the latter of which I think has many different solutions. I personally do not recommend inserting this card into your deck.

Doomsayer: I am quite a fan of Doomsayer. My most played deck of all time was Freeze Mage (over 1000 games), and that deck made me love this card so much. However, when there are not many aggressive decks running around, this card loses its value a lot, therefore the exclusion. One thing to note is that this card can be great against Even Warlock as well--more on that in the matchups section.

The Black Knight: This card is only useful in many niche cases against certain matchups such as Taunt Druid, Odd Warrior, and the Control Warlocks (Even, Cube, etc.), but doesn't have much application otherwise. It is a disastrous tempo play as well, and considering there are other better 6-drops in the deck, I prefer to leave this card out.




This deck does not have a single play-style, so I will go over the mulligan for each class, as well as strategies and win conditions of each popular matchup in detail, as well as give it a rough estimate for win-rate.



Mulligan: The mulligan is the same for all matchups, so mulligan very hard for Mountain Giant, Twilight Drake and Skulking Geist. If you have these, still throw your other cards unless it is a 2-drop from first because these are your must-haves to win against really any druid.

Malygos Druid: 60/40. If you know you are playing against a Malygos Druid, consider keeping Acidic Swamp Ooze for the Twig. This matchup is a free win if the druid does not naturalize your giant on turn 4. If he does, the matchup is still pretty favorable, but less, as you still have ways to pressure. Skulking Geist and Mossy Horror can be life-savers in this matchup. Avoid giving the druid much time to set up for their combo, and this is an easy victory. Tip: If the druid plays Twig early, don't Ooze it until they are at 9 mana or 1 durability in order to avoid giving them free mana crystals.

Taunt Druid: 35/65. This matchup should be played out the same way as the Malygos Druid matchup, but the difference is that you need to really pressure much harder, as once their taunts come up you are not getting through. Not enough early pressure and one Master Oakheart will destroy you. Hit face as much as reasonably possible, and Skulking Geist can really help you out as they can't immediately kill their Hadronox if you destroy their naturalize, allowing you to silence it. The only way to realistically win this matchup is through constant pressure in the mid game.

Token Druid: 70/30. This matchup should be played similarly to the Malygos matchup as well, and this one is even easier, as their win condition is completely nullified by all of the board clears that this deck runs. Avoid using all board clears and save them for the Wisps unless you would be in a dire situation otherwise, and if you are going to use one, use hellfire as it is less useful against the wisp combo. You can win this matchup through good pressure or by removing their win condition of getting the wisps to stick. Tip: If the druid plays the wisps+Soul of the Forest combo and you have defile in hand, kill one of the wisps in whatever way necessary and defile will clear the board.



Mulligan: Mulligan for Defile, Hellfire, and Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, as well as possible 2-drops such as Plated Beetle and Vulgar. If you have one or more of these, consider keeping Spellbreaker and Giant/Drake.

Secret Hunter: 70/30. This matchup tends to go well usually, but it can go horribly wrong at times if the hunter gets an excellent draw. Do not waste Hellfire, as it is essential to clear the wolves from the Lesser Emerald Spellstone which will probably be a Greater Emerald Spellstone when it is played. If the hunter doesn't get a God draw, the only way to lose is to allow the four wolves summoned to stick, because 12 damage is a lot. Play more of a survival game, and once they run out of steam you should be good to pressure and win. Tip: You don't have to attack into a secret if it might hurt you. If you are wary of a Freezing Trap, you can just not attack with your minion and play Sunfury or Shroom Brewer to give other, more useful bounce-back options. Watch out for Kill Command if you get low.

Cube Hunter: 40/60. If you know you are facing a cube hunter, consider looking for Spellbreaker and looking slightly more aggressively for the Giants/Drakes and less for the board clears. It helps greatly with an early silence on an egg. The most effective way to play this matchup is to pressure and try to kill him before he does crazy cube shit. However, this can be difficult because the hunter has early game and Hunter's Mark, which is always a fun way to have a Giant destroyed. Your use of Spellbreaker is key as it determines whether you can have a chance or will get destroyed by a future cube. When late game comes, watch out for King Crush. Keep playing your minions and try to out-value his plays with yours unless you are the aggressor after he's played Deathstalker Rexxar and you know you can't out-value him anymore.



Mulligan: Look for Defile, Hellfire, Plated Beetle, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, Vulgar Homunculus, and especially Acidic Swamp Ooze. You need it to destroy Aluneth.

Tempo Mage: 45/55. You are basically at the mercy of if they are good at drawing Mana Wyrm on turn one or not. I would say the win-rate against Tempo Mage if they play Mana Wyrm on 1 is about 20%. If they do not have it, the matchup becomes around 55%. If the mage do play Mana Wyrm on 1, pray that the rest of his hand is utter garbage and that Aluneth is at the bottom of his deck. If there is no Wyrm on 1, you should play defensively with your 2-drops and try to avoid taking as much damage as possible. Hooked Reaver is very good in this matchup, and once Bloodreaver Gul'dan comes down, the game should be over. Just make sure that the Aluneth gets destroyed immediately. If you can't destroy it, go for a fatigue game-plan unless you have lethal or can really pressure. Tip: Watch out for those secrets! Try to take as little face damage as possible from Explosive Runes, even if it means sacrificing a large minion.



Mulligan: Look for Defile, Hellfire, 2-drops, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, and possibly a Drake if you have one of the other cards.

Odd Paladin: 70-30. This is an excellent matchup as you can just remove the Paladin's minions continuously. Most of your cards match up perfectly against his naturally. Try to make sure that he gets the least value out of Level Up! and you will win by running him out of resources. Just avoid a hand size that is too big as Divine Favor can screw you over at times.

Even Paladin: 45-55. This deck is not very common, but when you meet it you will struggle and probably experience the most stressful time of your life, even though the matchup is not horrible. He constantly pressure you with threats, and he never runs out of steam as his cards have decent value with cards like Val'anyr. His removal is also super efficient, especially Sunkeeper Tarim and Equality. The win condition of this matchup is to outvalue with Bloodreaver Gul'dan, or to pressure him enough in the mid to late game.



Mulligan: Search hard for Twilight Drake and Mountain Giant. Nothing else is useful.

Resurrect Priest/Combo Priest: 50/50. Both matchups start out the same. Try to pressure as hard as you can with Giant and Drake, and go face whenever possible and pray that the priest does not have Shadow Word Death. This plays out similarly to the Malygos Druid matchup, but it's slightly less favorable because they have much better ways to deal with your pressure. Play around Psychic Scream at all times after 7, and avoid making the game long, as that only makes the matchup worse.



Mulligan: Look for Defile, Hellfire, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, and 2-drops. Don't bother keeping anything else except maybe Hooked Reaver since the game is decided in the early game. Don't mulligan for Quest Rogue as you will lose anyway, unless you are certain it is Quest Rogue. Then hard mulligan for Giants and Drakes.

Odd Rogue: 40/60. Make sure to have a way to deal with Hench-Clan Thug. Avoid as much damage as possible and consider using board-clears for even two minions, as Odd Rogue is not a deck that spams minions. Try to play around Leeroy Cold Blood as much as possible, but sometimes it can be better to ignore it if it puts you into a winning position as long as he doesn't have it. You win by running them out of resources. This matchup is hard because the minions are very efficient and difficult to remove.

Quest Rogue: 15/85. It's quite funny because there was a time around ranks 2 and 3 that I beat 4 Quest Rogues in a row and thought that the matchup wasn't too impossible, but as soon as I hit legend and started facing really good players, I've beaten only one out of around nine, although it was against the rank 11 which was quite fun. This is basically a single player game for the rogue, and you try to pressure as much as possible with your giants. Don't go into this matchup with a lot of hope however, as it is the most dreadful thing. You win if he can't complete the quest quickly enough and you draw extremely well with both giants being a must-have and kill them by around turn 8. Never mulligan for Quest Rogue unless you are absolutely certain, because you should give yourself a higher chance of winning the better Odd Rogue matchup. If you know 100% you are facing a Quest Rogue, throw everything that isn't a Mountain Giant away. If you have both, look for Twilight Drake, but only if you have both.



Mulligan: Look for Defile, Hellfire, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, and 2-drops. If you have one or more consider keeping a Giant or a Drake. If you know you are facing Shudderwock, hard mulligan for Giant and Drake.

Even Shaman: 80/20. This is the freest game you will ever have. The shaman has little pressure, and you can just board clear if the pressure does start to build. Just make sure you have a means a dealing with Corpsetaker, as it is the only card which can sometimes make you lose. You win by running him out of resources or even with some low-key pressure, as his minions are his deck focuses on board control, not face damage.

Shudderwock Shaman: 50/50. This game is just like the Priest matchup. You try to pressure them hard enough that they don't have time to end up getting a good combo off. Hit face as much as possible and hope that he doesn't have Hex for your Giants. However, watch out for Mind Control Tech. Never have more than three minions out unless you absolutely must. Tip: You can try to bait out a Hex by playing a Drake first and then a Giant after they Hex the Drake. Smart players will not fall for this however.



Mulligan: Look for Defile, Hellfire, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, 2-drops, Mountain Giant, and Acidic Swamp Ooze if you are playing against an unknown Warlock. Consider keeping Drake if you have one or more of the previous cards that are not Mountain Giant. If you know it is Even Warlock or Cube Warlock, hard mulligan for Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake. If you know you are against Zoo, treat Giant like you would a Drake in the mulligan.

Zoo Warlock: 75/25. This matchup is very similar to the Even Shaman matchup, just more pressure. Once you deal with his early pressure through board clears, you just run him out of resources and win from there. Know well that his burst consists of 4 damage from Soulfire and 5 damage from Doomguard, or a possible combination of more than one of those. Try to have the board cleared by his turn 5, as Fungalmancer is the only way you can seriously lose the game.

Even Warlock: 50/50. This matchup is played in two ways. You have the aggressor and the defender. This is usually determined by who can play Mountain Giant first. The aggressor is always favored once determined by around 75/25. Doomsayer is very useful in this matchup if you run it because you can play it before the expected Mountain Giant turn of the opponent. If you are the aggressor, always go face with Mountain Giant unless you absolutely have to trade, and pressure the opposing Even Warlock constantly, as he won't usually have efficient removal for big minions unless he runs Siphon Soul, which most decks do not, so much so that I didn't include it in the Exclusions list. If you are the defender, try to stabilize the board and play your taunts very strategically to block as much Mountain Giant damage as possible. It's not likely, but the way to win from becoming the defender is by making a big swing turn and becoming the aggressor, which is difficult for a deck with higher cost spells, or by running him out of threats. Bloodreaver Gul'dan is a massive swing in this matchup.

Cube Warlock: 60/40. Not a common matchup, but when you do, try to pressure constantly, and make absolutely sure that you have the Ooze to deal with the Skull of the Man'ari. It is so important to do so that you even keep it against a Warlock you don't have any information on as it is the only way that the Cube Warlock can win. For the rest, know that you have two Spellbreakers and a Mossy Horror to deal with the Voidlords and its 1/3 taunts. You win just through constant pressure and not letting him get value out of the Voidlords.



Mulligan: Hard mulligan for Mountain Giant and Twilight Drake. Keep nothing else except possibly an Ooze for the Supercollider.

Odd Warrior: 40/60. Statistics on Vicious Syndicate indicate that this matchup may even be slightly favored, but this is mostly because Odd Warrior is a very difficult deck to master, and most players are misplaying the matchup. Against perfect players, this matchup is extremely difficult, and I've only made it 40/60 because I wanted to somewhat incorporate the less perfect players that will oppose you in the matchup. You have a chance if the Warrior can't immediately remove your giants when you play them. Try to use your Drakes as bait as you would against Shudderwock, but great players will not fall for this. Once late game hits, his removal is far too efficient, and you will lose unless you can keep the pressure going and you get lucky with the Dr. Boom hero powers not giving him armor. You must play Bloodreaver Gul'dan the first chance you get. You can consider trying to win the fatigue game, but that usually also ends badly as the Warrior will always be ahead by at least three cards with two Direhorn Hatchlings and Elise, and he does not have to draw as you are not constantly pressuring, as well as a crap ton of armor from you not pressuring him.



Even with all of the information I have provided with the matchups, these are only guides, and what will really make you win more with this deck is a lot of practice. The more practice you get, the better you will become as you will experience less unfamiliar situations.

Below are some more tips and tricks that you can incorporate into your gameplay.

  1. Tap first if you know you are going to tap. Plan out your turn, and if you know you will tap, do it first to see if what you draw is a better option that what is currently in your hand.
  2. You don't always have to tap whenever you have the mana for it, as your health is very important against aggressive decks. Knowing when to tap and when not to tap only comes from experience.
  3. When you play giant, tap first unless you have ten cards, as you are technically drawing a card for 0 mana, because the cost of the Mountain Giant goes down by one when you draw.
  4. Play the tempo game if you must. You don't always have to get full value out of your Hooked Reavers or Ooze, especially if their value situations are not common in the matchup. If you are trying to pressure, feel free to play these cards without getting their full effects.
  5. Do whatever the hell you can to avoid Quest Rogue. If there is a lot of Quest Rogue in the meta, either wait for the meta to shift or play another deck, as it will only decrease your rank.
  6. Use Shroom Brewer to heal minions. Of course, against aggressive decks your hero will need its healing. However, in matchups where your health doesn't matter too much, you get much more value out of healing your minions for more favorable trades and keeping them alive to sustain pressure.
  7. Plan out your turns before you take them. There are so many situations with this deck in which you can screw up the ordering. Make sure to avoid this by knowing exactly what you will do in the turn and by not playing to quickly.

Thank you for reading my guide, and if you would like to follow me on twitter, it is @AshleyDunki.