[ Top 500 Legend ] Token Shaman
- Last updated Oct 18, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 18 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Clone Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 7960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/30/2018 (Boomsday)

- Murl0c_Slayer
- Registered User
- 3
- 12
- 29
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Total Deck Rating
Token Shaman is a solid Hearthstone archetype that has moved in and out of the meta at various points in Hearthstone's history. It aims to take advantage of the Shaman Hero Power, Totemic Call, to add free minions to the board and combine it with other board-flooding cards to repeatedly create wide boards turn after turn. If the board is not immediately dealt with each turn, Token Shaman can immediately capitalize on wide boards with powerful cards like Bloodlust and Thrall, Deathseer, which will often deal critical damage when used.
Mulligan :
You should try to find your strongest possible opening in your mulligan to ensure early board control. Flametongue Totem, Fire Fly, Menacing Nimbus , and Voltaic . all great choices for achieving this. Additionally you Should look for some cards depending on your match ups ....
{ Against Aggro } : You should keep one copy of ( Lighting Storm ) and only use if it really necessary be greedy as much as possible .
- Against Tempo Mage / Zoo Lock / Odd Rogues : Best combo you should look for is [ Flam tongue Totem + Voltaic ]
{ Against Control } : Look for Thrall Deathseer or BloodLust to Close the Match early if your opponent doesn't have answers to your board .
Against odd Warrior : Try to bait your opponent Brawl with small minions then go all out .
Against Malygos Druid : best to look for Thrall Deathseer or Unstable evolution because you won't go wide on the board .
Against Even Warlock : Hex is a must to have so when mulligan against Warlock you should always to Keep one copy of Hex in case .
[ Strategies ]
1# Electra :
If you have 4 minions with 1/1 stat on the board you can Deal 30 Damage to your opponent by Use [ Electra + Blood lust + Weapon ] . You might need big board clear so Combo Electra with Lighting Storm .
2# Voltaic :
Always Use Voltaic Before ( Bloodlust :for trades ) ,( Storm Bringer : for extra 2 Legendary minions ) , ( Thrall Deathseer : Extra 2 lvl three minions ) or with Thrunderheaded for Extra Valie .
3# Corrider Creeper :
Always keep 0 Mana Corrider to play it with Unstaible Evolution or Thrall Deathseer .
4# Thrall Deathseer unstable evolution :
The average Power Level of Minions in 8 Mana Category is Better than 7 and 9 so keep an eye on that ..
Cards changes due to recent nerfs
Cards out : 2 x Giggling Inventor / 1x Hex / .
Cards in : 1x Thunderhead / 1x Cult Master / 1xLightning Bolt .
i dont have
Thunderhead and Corridor Creeper only 1Unstable Evolution :(
Any ideas?
You can replace Thander head with Replicating menace .. Corrider Creeper is very important in this deck but you might try one copy of Primalfintotem and one Zilliax if you have him .
Love this deck, new player been floating around rank 19 to 17 playing fun Shudderwock decks, but I don't always want to spend 30 minutes per game so this is great. Lost a ton with this deck in the beginning but just made it to rank 15 for the first time, still bad but means a lot to me so thanks.
Gzzzzz and Thanks for posting your feedback 😊
IT really make me happy to know it worked good for someone ...
Just made rank 12 :D , I see you've made some changes, what's the reasoning behind removing Hex? Did Even Warlock die? Also I'm still using Giggling isn't it fine as long as you can follow it up with an evolve? I'm guessing it won't survive a turn on the board at higher ranks?
Congrats on Reaching rank 12 keep it up !
And yes the meta has shifted more to Aggro and A lot of Hunters with less Even Lock and Control . I think it's Oky to keep Giggling if it's working with you but I will suggest one copy of it , works good if you already has Thrall Deathseer hero power or Unstable evolution .
Gl and HF
I don't have The Storm Bringer. For what card I can replace him?
Arcanum dynamo or Unstable evolution
How good this deck without Electra and strom bringer? good enough to reach rank 5?
Anyway +1
You can do it as long as you don't face many Rogues , I will make a budget token Shaman and see if it reliable on Ladder so keep an eye for updates ..
let see, I'll replace it for Witch cauldron and Arcane Dynamo
Sounds cool on paper but I will suggest to replace witch caldron with Extra copy of Unstable evolution since you don't have Storm bringer and tell me how it worked with you please .
If you guys have any suggestions or feedback about this deck then please share it here .
any replacement for Electra?
I don't know if this deck could work without Electra but you might try Tar Creeper , or Witch caldron or even Arcane Dynamo ..
Good deck, but I dont have some cards so I downvote!
good game, but today my cat shit in my shoes, so I put 1 of 5!
just kidding :)
I am definitely interested in a guide! :)
I think I own you a good guide coming soon today or tomorrow ..
What is your reason for not putting Primalfin Totem in your deck? Wouldn't it be a better replacement for Microtech Controller?
In late game you can Play Microtech into Storm bringer to have 3 Legendary minions who'll Primalfin totem will give you only one ☝️