APM Druid
- Last updated Sep 26, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 1 Minion
- 5 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Druid
- Brawl: Six-Shooter
- Crafting Cost: 180
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/26/2018 (Boomsday)

- dr3amb3ing
- Registered User
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Battle Tag:
dr3amb3ing #1471
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Nice deck for "play 30 druid class cards" quest. Replaced Naturalize with Pounce for some fast damage.
I love playing against this deck. Infinite turn mage wrecks this deck because biology project basically enables you to draw all the cards you want while completing the quest.
However this works very well against Arcane Giant Rogue. Unstable Element draws all of the deck, leaving the opponent in fatigue.
worked like a charm for me
Deck doesn't work anymore. Mods need to remove it, the game has been patched.
I'm not sure if it's been patched but i cant get it to mill my opponent.
Im not seeing how this is infinite. The second auctioneer breaks the chain every time? What am i missing?
you put 2 auctioneers using the biology project
Fun & interactive 8)
i have been having fun with this deck yesterday, unfortunately they have changed it and now cant mill your opponent. unlucky :D
But I milled my opponent a few minutes ago 🤔
I use Earthen Scales for the armor gain. I find Claw to be too weak.
yea found this out the hard way. =)
amazing fun deck. went 12-2 only lost 2 of discard warlocks. even beat a kingsbane rogue. i did naturalize on my auctioneer at some point. nothing stops milling :)
Dude, this is beautiful.
naturalize stops the otk when nothing to target unfortunately
They stealth added a deck limit, so you can't ever go infinite in one turn
Great deck! Many thanks!!!
Had to try and I LOVE IT... saw HUGE Pogo Hopper after Pogo Hopper... looked impressive... not next to all my Naturalizes... big laughs... literally chip damaging folks to death.
I fought a mirror deck and the opponent had Jade Idol and I had Claw. I Naturalized all his Jade Idols and I did Claw face dmg in there. By turn 7 or 8 the opponent conceded but neither of us held anything on the board for over a turn.