Duwin's Reno Hunter
- Last updated Oct 24, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 17 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 15940
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/24/2018 (Boomsday)

- duwinddk
- Registered User
- 4
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- 35
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This is a well rounded deck I play in high legend wild and do well with. I get asked for the list often and wanted to share the list. I will add a section about specific card choices soon along with some links to the deck on camera.
So in place of what would you put there Master's Call? It really bothers me :)
Zola but I plan to revisit RenoNzoth Hunter soon I just figured out a solid 30 for RenoSecret Hunter and will post once I hit legend
I love this deck! The deck feels so flexible, like no match is really out of reach of winning. Are there any videos of you playing or a guide? Matchups or mulligans? Thanks in advance!
Ill try to get some links to me playing the deck against some streamers this weekend. As far as me recording some matches im not sure when i will be able to do that. I can work on a mulligan guide as soon as possible as well. A lot of my focus has been on secret hunter and spell hunter but this deck is very strong and extremely well rounded like you said. I still que this deck in often when playing especially when the meta is a little more control heavy. My twitter is @duwinhs and i post updates and new decks and ideas on there as well.
Awesome! I'm a huge fan of your decks, I use your spell hunter list as well, its one of my favorites. Thank you!
I appreciate that very much! That spell hunter list is strong. I built it as my only deck on EU server and went from rank 50 to rank 1 ladder in 6 days. Tonight or tomorrow ill make the final push to legend. If you follow me on twitter you can DM me anytime to discuss decks or whatever. I love talking with players who love the game like i do. twitter: @duwinhs
Replacement for Dreadscale?
unstable ghoul