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Mill - No Togwaggle

  • Last updated Sep 23, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 11980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/23/2018 (Boomsday)
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  • M3llis
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Hello everyone!

I've been a fan of Mill Druid since the game's original release, but after Coldlight Oracle was moved to the Hall of Fame and Poison Seeds rotated out it was hard to find a deck list that worked. With the release of The Witchwood, we have cards like Forest Guide and Baleful Banker to make the archetype playable again. Someone posted a deck much like this one during The Witchwood, which inspired some of the card choices I've made. Of course, King Togwaggle Druid is a popular and effective form of Mill Druid and even Mecha’thun Druid sees play, but I just don't find these versions to be very fun. 


The best thing about this deck is that many opponents can't figure out what I am trying to do until around turn 10+. I have been playing this deck again this last week or so and will be downloading a deck tracker for mobile and trying to find a decent one for desktop as well. Over the last few days, I've gone from rank 20 to rank 16 with about two or three losses. I know that this is trash tier ranks, but my goal is to prove this deck as viable by making it to at least Rank 8 by the end of this month. Then next month, I hope to continue refining it until I am nearing ranks 5-1. I plan to update this post as I figure out how to play this deck more effectively. If you have any suggestions/critiques, please send them my way!


Card Choices:

2x Naturalize: Obviously used to mill opponent when their hand is too full or when you need some burst to finish them off and they are in fatigue. I try to only use these if the opponent has some big threats on board (like against Evenlock’s Mountain Giant) or a full hand so I can hopefully mill their Frostlich Jaina or other win-conditions.

2x Baleful Banker: I question whether I need two of these, but it definitely has been helpful against Warriors. This card gives me some late game answers (making more Doomsayer’s or Giggling Inventor’s) or threats (opponents want to concede when you play 3-4 The Lich King in a game.

1x Doomsayer: Strongly considering adding another. However, it seems like when I need it the most it gets hit by silence or Vilespine Slayer.

2x Wrath: Powerful early game removal. Only use it to draw when I am way ahead in deck count or desperately need an answer.

2x Drakkari Enchanter: This card is the nuts. Really makes this deck worth playing. Playing against aggro or a wide board that you opponent has spent 3 turns building? Drop this + Barron Geddon. Want some sweet value off of your The Lich King? Drop this the turn prior and reap the sweet benefits. Opponents hand full or in fatigue? You guessed it, this + Forest Guide. The card really makes turns 7+ really interesting.

1x Ironbeak Owl: Having at least one silence is usually needed for deathrattle or really pumped up guys. Just a boring tech card. Weak play against Frostlich Jaina.

2x Stonehill Defender: Lately I have been questioning this card, because it is only exciting when you highroll. The thing is though, you need some cards that are playable in the early game. I just don’t know what I would replace these with yet. Plus getting another Lich King just feels good.

2x Tar Creeper: More taunts to defend my face and its cheap.

2x Branching Paths: 99% of the time I use this for armor. That’s about it. I can see it turning a game that I need to play token style (against decks such as deathrattle hunter).

1x Flobbidinous Floop: Extra Giggling Inventor, The Lich King, Baron Geddon, Forest Guide. Makes it easy to have a burst turn as I can afford to play more cards.

2x Forest Guide: I almost always hold these until the late game so that the opponent doesn’t know I am trying to mill them. Around turn 7+ I’ll drop one with a Drakkari.

2x Swipe: To wipe Paladin boards or turn 3 Hench-Clan Thug.

2x Giggling Inventor: Solid anti aggro and can be used to make a wide board and go face with a Branching Paths buff.

1x Starfall: Target removal or board clear in a pinch.

2x Spreading Plague: No explanations needed.

1x Baron Geddon: Board clear and often a Flobbidinous Floop target. Almost always played with Drakkari Enchanter at some point.

1x Malfurion the Pestilent: I very rarely use the attack buff. I just armor up all day.

1x The Lich King: The Death Knight cards that you want are Doom Pact and Death and Decay. Death and Decay for obvious reasons, but Doom Pact is awesome because once you are in fatigue, it is a 5 mana board wipe with no drawback (in other words, it does not take you further into fatigue). When I get one of these in hand, I just sit back, let my opponent fill the board, throwing taunts in their way. The boom, its all gone. They have no cards in hand or their deck so they just concede.

1x Deathwing: The nuclear option. It’s the board clear they never expect. It is the bane of Frostlich Jaina and Deathstalker Rexxar’s existence.

Guide: (Working on this now)


Witchwood version:


This is a really cool deck, but the version here obviously (since its from Witchwood) will not function well in the current meta.

Another version that someone recently posted:


This user has a long write up on his deck which is linked in his deck description.

What makes my version different? Using Drakkari Enchanter to abuse the many "end of turn" effects I've packed into this deck. You would be surprised how often 4 damage from Baron Geddon, two Death Knight cards, or a big burst of draw can really swing the game. Strategic use of Baleful Banker to keep yourself from dying to fatigues as well as cycling cards back into your deck that will cause issues for your opponent later in the game. No Lesser Jasper Spellstone or Ferocious Howl. My hand is usually quite full for a large part of the game, but I don't seem to need the extra armor to win (branching paths is usually enough). The Lesser Jasper Spellstones are not very effective as a result, because they are difficult to upgrade with only hero powers and Branching Paths. I usually have enough removal or stall as it is now, but sometimes games versus very aggressive decks makes me reconsider this.