Top 100 legend - Recruit quest druid
- Last updated Nov 1, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 14 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Barnabus Druid
- Crafting Cost: 11900
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/18/2018 (Boomsday)
- Fleiva
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
79% win, sample: 33 games
This deck is literally insane in this meta. Does fantastic vs other druids, hunters and all kind of control/combo decks. Stands its ground against odd rogues and even shamans, suffers vs zoo and odd paladin and other hyper aggressive decks.
Top 100 playing exclusively with this deck all season:
This deck is autopilot basically so there's not much room for guides, some things to consider is that in most match ups holding recruiters after you complete the quest might be useful cause you might need Gloop Sprayer/Ixlid to duplicate Tyrantus(mostly vs druid, warlock and warriors) Hadronox, Lich king, or sometimes taunts to control aggression, and you don't want to recruit them randomly if the game will depend on who outvalues who.
Most games you can just spam the board and pull your entire deck before the opponent realizes and that's the fun part of it.
Mulligan for ramp, Oaken summons and vs aggro keep Jasper. You might keep Nourish vs control as a turn 5 nourish turn 8 Grizzled bear almost completes the quest.
Most games you don't need to ramp with nourish, it's better to have just enough mana to complete the quest and then draw with it instead. You don't need a 9MP barnabus with 0 card draw in hand, it's preferable a 7MP barnabus with a nourish in hand, taunts will stabilize.
Really well played by iShrubery, made very little mistakes in my opinion.!muted&video=v313838228
Awesome gameplay video by Kiwiinbacon:
After watching quite a lot of people playing this deck I have to address some common mistakes I see:
Your goal is to finish the quest ASAP. You should not look for major board control or using nourish to ramp, finish the quest and you'll stabilize and not need mana at all. If you don't finish the quest by turn 8 in average you're not using this deck properly. Another mistake a lot of people make is drawing before completing the quest. Unless you have absolutely no plays incoming that could help you completing the quest, drawing before Barnabus is a mistake. And if you really have to draw, do the minimum. Don't use 2 branching paths card draws if you get an oaken summons on the first draw. Drawing a Malygos or a duplicator will make your life harder.
Another mistake people make is not tempoing Steel ragers properly. You have a charge 5-1 that can help you remove early threats, don't use Oaken summons if you have a Cursed Disciple in hand unless you can benefit of the Steel rager. Also, when you pull from your deck you're reducing the chances of drawing a quest completer next turn, so always use first the one in hand unless you really need Steel Rager.
Control the recruiters. This is probably the hardest part to pilot in this deck and where I see the most mistakes. In games vs aggro decks it's not so relevant, but in some games duplicating the key cards is vital. Also have control over what minions you have left. Using Oaken summons when your last minion is Ixlid can do major plays. Knowing when to duplicate and what to duplicate is also another point to master in this deck. Don't over commit unless you're really safe to do it.
Trying some changes this season, working out well in this meta
list pls
The deck is a lot of fun tbh. I'm sitting at around a 60% winrate out for close to 70 games now. It's pretty terrible against aggro decks because it's difficult to finish the quest. What tends to happen is I finish the quest, but the next turn the opponent has a board set up to kill me on the next turn so I'm unable to play Barnabus and instead have to play defensively. So my winrate against warlock is abysmal because Zoolock is very prevalent at the moment. However, against decks that aren't geared toward killing me quickly, this deck tends to outclass them all. As such, I'm looking at around a 70%+ winrate for non-aggro decks. I would recommend the deck for those who can afford it.
I did make some substitutions however. I swapped out Hadronox for Tyrantus because there are so few removal options for a 12/12 spell immune minion. I'm pretty sure I won every game where I managed to duplicate him with a Goop Sprayer. Hadronox might still be good, but I don't have to dust for it at the moment.
I also replaced Ultimate Infestation with a Giant Anaconda because UI is so hard to pull off. Generally speaking, the scenarios where you can use a UI are so few and far between that it's not worth running. Drawing 5 cards is too aggressive and leaves you susceptible to fatigue and you reduce the effectiveness of your recruit cards. The 5 damage and armor is too expensive for 10 mana. And why summon a 5/5 when you have a 0 cost 8/8 or something similar in your hand. A Giant Anaconda has better synergy and more utility for this deck so that's why I would recommend against UI.
All in all, amazing deck. Looking forward to climbing with it!
I really don't think I like gloop sprayer... any other good options? Was thinking of another guild recruiter, ferocious howl, earthen scales, or elder longneck I feel like may be a little better?
How come? I believe it's quite easy to get value out of Gloop Sprayer with this deck. Guild recruiter you're running 2 so.. :D
Try with Fatespinner if that makes you feel more comfortable with the deck perhaps.
So wait..... Tyrantus or malygos??
Malygos seems to be working better for me now
deck looks fun i still think there is a big potential in this Gloop Sprayer card, will be next Corridor Creeper with correct decklist
Another season, another legend run and top 1000 with this deck :D
I like it, since its finally a druid deck that doesnt run Spreading Plague. For once something else then just play taunts and get 30 armor.
So far i went 3-3. I lost to all aggro decks (Vomit Paladin, Heal Zoolock, Keleseth Shaman) and won the rest (Midrange Shaman, Mech Warrior, Priest). The priest auto-conceded angaints druid, i dont even wonder. I need to figure out how to survive aggro decks.
Again this season this deck is working wonderfully, I'm using the first version with hadronox and with more recruit, and added a Biology project instead of the wrath I used to have.
There's just way too many druid tryharding at the top of the ladder at the moment and this deck thrives vs druids.
Lost 4 in a row with this deck at rank 3. Lost to Bane rogue with vanish, Even lock, zoolock, and token druid. It just dies to the current meta. The quest is too slow.
Against Zoolock you have zero chance. Against Odd Rogue just with the perfect draw and rng on your side. Even Warlock is a 50/50
I can't climb at the moment with this deck (asian servers around rank 4/5) as there are too many aggro decks and the other decks are far away from auto-wins.
really fun deck
When you barnabus on 9, then UI on 10. UGHHHHGHGHHUHHGHGh. It makes it all worth it
I am not minding this deck at all. Other than a few match ups here and there that dominate and destroy this deck. I am rocking a pretty high win to loss ratio. Also the deck is really fun to play. Getting ramp early on is a must, and using branching paths early game to armor up against some aggro decks has definitely got me the win.
Gotta be honest. I am not seeing how this deck got you to legend. I play a similar Quest Druid but rely more on taunts / Cube / Hadronox for the win condition. This deck has the heavy hitters that my taunt based version doesn't, but survivability is just non-existent in this deck.
Yeah I just get murdered by zoolock and odd rogue.
I've lost 3 in a row... I guess because I'm missing tyrantus.. but it seems like while your completing the quest, your opponent is fishing for their game ending combo.
I have a hard time against some aggro decks and the OTK decks. I don't think Tyrantus is what would be causing you to lose. And losing 3 in a row isn't that bad. I lost a bunch in a row yesterday, took a break and played a different deck and now I just won 2 out of 3. If you don't have tyrantus i'd say try almost any other big minion. I'd say Deathwing if you have it but unless you recruit that card the battlecry will only hurt you.