Game of the year, Definitive Druid Edition
- Last updated Sep 16, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 18 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Token Druid
- Crafting Cost: 6000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/7/2018 (Boomsday)

- kiwiinbacon
- Deck Architect
- 14
- 43
- 248
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Before anything, if you like this deck, please leave a like as it helps me quite a bit.
Stream Highlight of the deck, you won't regret watching :D
Here's a different Token Druid deck that has been working fantastically well for me on stream! The win rate is well above 60% for me personally.
This is before I edited the deck, part one of the series.
I really hope you guys give this a try, it truly is different and most people don't expect this deck at all while going in :D
I’ve tried this deck for 20 games and have gone 16:4 but it definitely would not hold up in ranked or against anyone with a brain. It has way too many holes in it and is VERY easily countered. Blood Knight has no use unless you’re facing an odd paladin, so he just takes up space in your hand. It’s a really fun deck, but it’s pretty useless against people who know how to play. My only 4 games I lost were all in ranked, casual didn’t stand a chance. I’d love to see how this deck grows and hopefully becomes something complete.
this deck is not that great sorry to say!
I’ve found that instead of bittertide hydra, I run wurm as budget and it combos very well with the deck
Bli$$ard has put your deck on the shit-list. Now, I only play odd rogues and secret hunters. 0:5 at the moment and resting your deck
So in his first video he was Rank 6, and after editing the deck, he's now Rank 8, nice!
Awesome highlight mate, love seeing you enjoying yourself! Played a few games with the deck, though none turned out as entertaining as yours;
(Games start at 6:23)
Keep up the great work, cheers for the list!
How you lose 1 star? You post only wins?
I don't, i just post highlights BUT i also do happen to play real shitty decks in between games most of the time just to try new things XD
It claimed to be GOTY defininitve edition, but then it asked me if I wanted to buy the full season pass, 2 additional map packs, horse armor, darth vader in pink and super-special ronaldo foil version.
Hardly 'definitive' ... 2/10.
you just need to get the season pass....i think its the best deck ever i give it a 5/7.
Why in the HELL does no one use the multchers in this deck?!? They've single handedly won me multiple games... I might be giving the wrong name because I'm kind of spacing right now so I'll describe its effect. It becomes 1 mana cheaper for every Trent that's died this game,"starts at 10 mana I believe ". With having living mana and soul of the forest in the deck i end up playing him on average from 4-6 mana.... I'll take a 4 to 6 mana 8/8 with rush any day of the week in this deck! I've seen atleast 6 different token druid variances yet no one is running the card.... So far I hole a 66.2% win rate with the deck i made from rank 15-3. Give them a try atleast in casual and you'll see exactly what I mean. With this deck you can remove 2 of the hydra for them. HMU if you would like to see my decklist. Also remove 1 landscaping and remove either gloop or 1 loot hoarder to add 2 soul of the forest. Gloop is EXTREMELY inconsistent in a deck like this, especially with only 1 UI and no naturalize ramp / draw..... Gloop will most times give you 2-4 mana but that extra mana usually means nothing since you're hand is always very small. I also recommend 2 swipe but that's personal taste
Because people like cards that have more than one use and take up space otherwise
i like the deck, been playing on ladder with some success, only thing is living mana has kinda ruined me. it seems to be easily worked around but im probably playing it wrong.
also put in void ripper to help get through spreading plauge and taunts, this deck really struggles against taunt. so i feel void ripper is almost a must, but thats just me. let me know your thoughts
I do like the idea behind void ripper, I feel like it can be extremely strong!
eyy, looks like you found a fit for the void ripper, glad you like it
I don't have a second Hydra so I might take your suggestion and slot it in instead. I was thinking that or maybe a Soul of the Forest to make some boards extra sticky.
How can you compare Spiteful and Token druids? Absolutely different decks.
This deck currently cannot be found at hsreplay:,42651&sortBy=winrate
so it means not many people are playing it...
not surprising since this is a new take on token that he only posted a few days ago.
0-4 in casual. Guess it's not the deck for me but it fulfilled the play 30 druid card quest.