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Double Deathrattler Battler- 86% winrate Great ...

  • Last updated Aug 31, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
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A fun, and surprisingly effective aggro deck for the current weekly brawl. The deck can frequently win by turn 4 or 5. Given the short game length, its also amazing for grinding gold- my average game time is 3 minutes!

If you like the deck and find it's winning games please do upvote to help others find the list! Thanks! 

EDIT: Wow, thanks to all the people playing the deck, HSReplay has enough data to show it to be the BEST performing decks of the whole brawl- it has a staggering 81.2% winrate even across thousands of games!


Mulligan aggressively for goblin bomb, leper gnome and devilsaur egg. This deck revolves around hitting you opponent's face as hard as you can, as quickly as you can. It is typically correct to ignore minions, and SMorc them down.

Tips and tricks

Note that ALL deathrattle triggering effects cause a double trigger, as opposed to a double trigger only occuring upon the death of a minion.  For example, a goblin bomb detonated by play dead or terrorscale stalker will deal 4 damage to the enemy hero, in addition to the 4 damage dealt upon the death of the bomb.

Note that Sneaky Devil is a debatable inclusion- I personally value its ability to consistently provide a means of killing goblin bombs, but it is far from essential to the deck. Some have been finding success using Spider Bomb as an alternative, resulting in less reliable damage in exchange for removal.

An obvious combo is to use your deathrattle triggers on bombs and leper gnomes, but don't overlook the value of using them on your lost spirits. With the number of tokens you spawn, this combo can deal a significant amount of burst damage, often equaling or exceeding that which could be achieved by triggering a bomb.


A few games with the deck, courtesy of Tommy Wave: 

Games start at 03:05

Thanks for reading!

I'd appreciate any suggested improvements in the comments below, as well an an upvote if the deck worked well for you!

For anyone interested, I offer hearthstone coaching--send me a dm if you'd like to know more! I'm a Hearthstone veteran, peaking at rank 21 EU and can play all classes to an expert level. I'd love to hear from you!