- Last updated Sep 10, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Mecha'thun Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 8080
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/28/2018 (Boomsday)
- user-16502056
- Registered User
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From 6 rank to 2 rank with 80% win ratio.
If this deck will get 100 likes i will make a guide.
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Combo: "...Play two Galvanizers to discount Mecha'thun, then once your deck is out of cards, you play the combo of Mecha'thun -> Bloodbloom -> Cataclysm to win the game... "
rang 9, 3-0)) Nice deck
This looks like a worse eventhun. No Godfrey?
0-8 now on rank 8... I have never ever played more trash deck like this one
Love it, really great and fun deck!
Why are you playing mountain giants if your goal is to otk your opponent? You should better focus on surviving, because mountain giant is a dead draw against aggro. Hooked Reaver would be way more helpful, because you already win against control/ most other combo builds.
If you try hard enough it floats between 45-55% at rank 5
Nice deck, works like a charm.
Op offers 0 stats or proofs and shamelessly begs for upvotes.
No Hooked Reaver?
I'm pretty bad. Can't seem to win with this one. 0-6 already; even meme Academic Espionage Rogue got me good, and that one was on casual. I bet it's pretty good against warriors, though.
Whizbang the Wonderful gives me better results.
replacement for mecha'thun?
Other even warlock deck
I replaced it with Millhouse Manastorm and my winrate increased by 20%!
Golden Mecha'thun
Im sorry but I cannot figure out the combo to win in a turn. If you don’t win in one turn, so many things could destroy it, while other cards are available and maybe minions.
It feels like a weak Even Warlock, considering that there's no Bloodreaver Gul'dan and plenty of Novice Engineers and Loot Hoarders. I assume this is meant to draw through your deck as quickly as possible while playing like a standard Even Warlock with Giants and stuff to last the early and mid game. Later on, if you haven't won yet, you play two Galvanizers to discount Mecha'thun, then once your deck is out of cards, you play the combo of Mecha'thun -> Bloodbloom -> Cataclysm to win the game.
My concern is that there may not be enough heal or removal, but that's probably just my Rank 25 speaking.
Okay so you play every card, specifically the 2 Galvanizer to reduce the cost of mechathoon to 8, Then once you draw into fatigue, play mechathoon, Bloodbloom, then Cataclysm. You win, no matter what they have going on at the time. For me, it's still undefeated, but the games just take way too long, especially when the opponent takes their time pondering their irrelevant actions.
Bloodreaver Guldan good this deck?
Slows your card draw, but i used it anyway with hemet. just have to make sure you get your mech costs -1 cards out on mecha 1st