Liam the Paladin of Miracles
- Last updated Aug 14, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 5 Minions
- 24 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 8600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/14/2018 (Boomsday)
- SneezingMeerkat
- Registered User
- 5
- 33
- 46
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This deck myGuy, this deck is just so random and more importantly... fun.
So what is this deck? Basically stall the game until you get the win condition you desire. Yeah that's right you get to choose if you want to combo your opponent down as a Miracle deck or rando your way to victory with all those Legendary "win"ions and if you feel like it, you can add one card to go OTK'ish.
Just a disclaimer, this decks winrate is ******* AWFUL!! Please don't copy pasta it thinking it'll get you to whatever rank you feel you deserve, it's a meme deck built to fill the void that Evolve Shaman left when both Evolve and Devolve rotated out to that place that Blizzard doesn't care about.
- Keep Prince Liam if you want to style on your captive.
- Keep Leeroy Jenkins if you want to go from 0 to 100 in one turn.
- Also keep Prismatic Lens if Neeson or Chicken boi aren't in you opening hand. It can help you draw them with a lovely discount to cost later.
Miracle Playstyle=
- Play it like you would Rogue. Drop Gadgetzan Auctioneer and draw your way to Leeroy, you can also get lucky with the Lens and get the nightmare for 1 mana.
- So how's the combo go? Well drop Leeroy (at full mana or discount doesn't matter that much), double Blessing of Might him and pray that you get Windfury as an option with your Adaptation options (or you can double adapt for the attack increase. All together in the perfect dream you'd get about 24 damage in one turn with only one adapt.
- So why keep Liam in the deck if I wanna go full Miracle? Well those rando winions can help you out mid/ late game when your 1 cost cards are next to useless (except for your combo pieces that is).
Rando Liam Playstyle=
- Play Liam and have fun....
- I'm serious that's it, just plop him down whenever you feel like and draw your way to some random fun.
- Be sure to keep some card draw or activators for the Auctioneer so you can draw the winions more reliably. It's kinda the one thing keeping the fun down as most of the card draw comes from the 1 mana cards you just got rid of.
OTK'ish Playstyle?=
- You can add one or two copies of Blackwald Pixie and just play the game out like any of the other playstyles until you get Uther of the Ebon Blade.
- Then you just spam hero power until you have 2 Knights on the field and just Hero Power + Pixie + Hero Power and BOOM. You win, get yourself a cookie.
- Like I said, 1 Blackwald Pixie is an option so you can instantly turn into an OTK if your facing Druid. Careful though, it dilutes the minion pool for Lens if you aren't going for an OTK.
- Adding 1 Witchwood Piper is what I considered for a long time as your lowest cost minions are all 5 mana and even if you get it from Lens it still allows you to get one of the other minions (even a bit more reliably I might add).
- More 1 cost cards are always nice. Spells like Hand of Protection, Eye for an Eye, Humility.. hell even Light's Justice is ok. Just don't add 1 cost minions as it makes Lens a very unfavourable gamble.
- Divine Favor is also really good once you drop down Liam as you don't have to worry about saving cards for the Auctioneer anymore. I'll toy around with it more and update this deck list once I'm happy with the results.
Wait, why add??
- Elise the Trailblazer? Why not? Card draw can be an issue and if you get her pack you basically draw 5 cards. Plus she hella fine.
- Uther of the Ebon Blade? It has some really great healing + removal and it can be used to OTK your opponent if they are a Druid. Plus it has some great mind game potential as your opponent has to consistently keep the knights off the board or they loose, so it forces them into unfavourable trades that could result in you winning.
- So why didn't you add Bellringer Sentry? Surely it should help thin the deck for you to get to crucial pieces right? Yeah, but the secrets are the crucial pieces as well, getting rid of them from the deck means Liam is worse and the Auctioneer doesn't get more activators. Trust me, this isn't a secret Paladin deck. This is a terrible Paladin deck.
- Mage = I auto concede to mages as watching them freeze the board 4+ turns in a row and then just plop down that totally balanced card Frost Lich Jaina and then watching as they heal all the way back up to full health is really not that fun.
- Druid = I really hope you added a Pixie to your deck as the druid is just gonna armor up all the way to about 60 life and have 10 mana at turn 5/ 6.... #Balanced.
- Zoolock = Pray that they end you fast or that you got the good secrets to stall the game out a turn or two.
- Generic Aggro = Enjoy some tea as your secrets will stall the game long enough for you to do your magic.
- Generic Control = Either get lucky with Liam, combo them down with Leeroy or OTK them with Uther.
- Generic OTK = I'm guessing Shudderwank Shaman.... Make Leeroy a monster and kill them like the dogs they are.
And that's about it, thanks for reading... if you read up until here. I don't know what ells to say... except maybe whore out for some upvotes.
- +05 upvotes will make me feel good about myself.
- +15 will get me wet.
- +50 will make me post a video of me failing miserably with this deck.
Thanks again and I hope you enjoy ;)