[Budget] Pogo-Hopper Rogue
- Last updated Aug 24, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 10 Minions
- 20 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Shuffle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 1720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/13/2018 (Boomsday)

- Jeleniowatyy
- Registered User
- 15
- 51
- 86
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Total Deck Rating
I explain shortly how those decks work and showcase them.
Ask me about anything and subscribe if you want to see more!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Jeleniowatyy
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jeleniowatyy
always keep: Shiv, SI:7 Agent, Hench-Clan Thug
vs aggro: Backstab, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives
vs control: Witchwood Piper, Preparation + Sprint
when you have good mana curve: Witchwood Piper, Preparation + Sprint
Card Replacements:
Cheat Death - get more hoppers with a discount
Mimic Pod - card draw and you can copy one of the useful cards
Elven Minstrel - more card draw (faster pogos)
Shroom Brewer - healing against aggro decks
Gadgetzan Auctioneer - get more cards and pogos faster
Evasion - get more time to summon pogos
Sonya Shadowdancer - easy way to get mote pogos
Fal'dorei Strider - you draw a lot of cards so it's an easy way of getting spiders
Myra's Unstable Elemental - it's like playing with fire but you can get faster to the part of shuffling pogos
Vilespine Slayer - removal
Valeera the Hollow - more value and pogos
Bloodmage Thalnos - make your spells more powerful and card draw
Augmented Elekk - shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...
Zilliax - buff one of your hoppers to uber powerful hopper
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Sonya saved me so many times against aggro, but I use the version that Kolento made, so basically better ;)
Sonya could be better than Zola in my opinion and I think it's a good replacement maybe even simply an upgrade . I play Gigling inventors in my version and they work really good witch sonya. You can consider adding them too.
Yea I would think so, they both have the same impact (it’s just zola is a copy rather than a 1/1), it might be arguably better since you get more pogos and lab recruiters off Sonya
Sonya is better against Aggro and can stack in value, if not with 1/1 pogos then with 1/1 lab recruiters, 1/1 elven, etc. Zola is slightly better end game cause you get another big pogo, immediately, adding a lot more value to the Board. IMO Sonya and Zola are about equal in power, it’s just the match up they are in, Sonya is better against Aggro and Zola againist slow.
I already hate this deck and I have only played against it once.
I tried out both versions of this deck and I feel like that even the F2P one while not able to give you as many bunnies, will be more than enough to completely shut down many top tier decks. The complete version is excellent and does give a good objective to craft forward for many new players which might end up enjoying rogue.
I made a video showcasing both versions of the deck and I really hope you all enjoy!
for sprint and vanish. they are otherwise extremely expensive to cast.
Sonya and Edwin if you got either of them. If not then try the pipers.
Replacement for pogo hoppers?
you forgot the irony-emoji
lmao, not gonna lie, I literally have every card in this list OTHER than the pogo hoppers. Got pretty unlucky with my rares this expac. Got a decent amount of legendaries though so I'm not complaining
Jade Idol
Would you want Sonya Shadowdancer in this deck? If so, what would you replace? Also, what other changes would you make if you added her?
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to give it a try.
My rendition runs Sonya, Valeera, Zola, Zilliax, 2 Vanish, 2 Shadowstep, 2 Lab Recruiters, 2 Minstrels, 2 Vanish. Its such a good deck honestly i love it
I just played it with Sonya and was able to copy Sonya, then use her to make more Pogos. Soooo fun! Thanks for the deck!
Hench-Clan Thug