[Budget] Pogo-Hopper Rogue
- Last updated Aug 24, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 10 Minions
- 20 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Shuffle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 1720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/13/2018 (Boomsday)

- Jeleniowatyy
- Registered User
- 15
- 51
- 86
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Total Deck Rating
I explain shortly how those decks work and showcase them.
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always keep: Shiv, SI:7 Agent, Hench-Clan Thug
vs aggro: Backstab, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives
vs control: Witchwood Piper, Preparation + Sprint
when you have good mana curve: Witchwood Piper, Preparation + Sprint
Card Replacements:
Cheat Death - get more hoppers with a discount
Mimic Pod - card draw and you can copy one of the useful cards
Elven Minstrel - more card draw (faster pogos)
Shroom Brewer - healing against aggro decks
Gadgetzan Auctioneer - get more cards and pogos faster
Evasion - get more time to summon pogos
Sonya Shadowdancer - easy way to get mote pogos
Fal'dorei Strider - you draw a lot of cards so it's an easy way of getting spiders
Myra's Unstable Elemental - it's like playing with fire but you can get faster to the part of shuffling pogos
Vilespine Slayer - removal
Valeera the Hollow - more value and pogos
Bloodmage Thalnos - make your spells more powerful and card draw
Augmented Elekk - shuffle, shuffle, shuffle...
Zilliax - buff one of your hoppers to uber powerful hopper
Full Deck:
Full Deck Code:
I´m at rank 13 now. I added zilliax, fal´dorei strider and cheat death.
Works for me so far 50% (7/7) it´s fun to play!
Why no Edwin with prep. shadow step, and the cheap minions? It should atleast be added to the upgrades
The strategy of this deck is to draw as many Pogo-Hoppers as quickly as you can. It's much easier and better to make the Pogo-Hoppers stronger than to get a (single) strong Edwin. Putting Edwin in the deck would only dilute it and lower your chances of drawing a Pogo-Hopper.
Made some small changes (little bit closer to full version) - its very funny. Just beat tempo mage with 15-15 pogo =) What do you think about elek? I just add one copy and its seems okay - closer to endless deck =))
What cards to cut for the Upgrades listed?
i mean the deck is good but its minimal dust cost is hard to play you need to trade and think out of the box to win that is my opinion
Another SPICY budget deck from the master! This is one of the most fun budget decks I've played and getting those big big hoppers feels so sweet. Played some games with it, check them out;
(Games start at 3:53)
Thanks so much for the extra effort with the write-up! Cheers!
I haven't got Pogo-Hopper is there something else I can replace it with?
Not even close. You can't replace pogo hopper in a deck literally named after the cared lmao.
Its a joke
this deck absolutly need Zilliax to magnetize to a big pogo it saved me tons of time when i got low on health
Pretty weak deck to be honest. Most of the time you simply loose by turn 8-9... Agree with people who say that Fal'dorei Strider is absolutely necessary, managed to win a few matches with it.
lmao its a pogo deck yeah its weak
this deck won more in the tourney that you will the next month playing it.
I'm not going to play it at all, so you can relax kid XD
Good try at a budget deck, but without at least Fal'dorei Strider this deck feels unplayable. :(
Thank u very much for this awesome deck at first i was missing 1 Preparation and was worried but i crafted it anyway becuase its an essential card for rogue other than that the pogos were cheap anyway i also made a few a changes
- 1 assasinate -1 Sap and -1 Witchwood Piper
and i added +1 Valeera the Hollow +1 Cheat Death and lastly +1 Bloodmage Thalnos
i also have all the replacement cards mentioned for any advice
Is it possible to replace Zola with Sonya?
maybe early, but once the pogo's are big they won't die fast enough to leverage her, and your opponent is just going to kill Sonya asap