Caravaggio's Mech Warrior
- Last updated Aug 12, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 23 Minions
- 3 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Mech Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 3600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/13/2018 (Boomsday)
- Caravaggio
- Pro Player
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Rly good facing deck for people without much warrior cards. Did my daily quest easy, won 3 of 4 games (not ranked) Thank you!!
Love this deck! Nice resilient aggro list with a really strong curve. Played a few games with it, check them out;
(Games start at 4:51)
As many have mentioned, the only thing I'd like to experiment with is cutting the Reaper for a Zilliax. Give some more cards to hit with Town Crier and a little more ooomph. Would love to know your thoughts on the change!
Cheers and thanks for the deck!
do you think boom and zilliax would be too slow?
I really just wanna use my dr boom as got it in a pack. ha ha.
Pretty garbage deck imo, the only time you have a chance is if you get literally a perfect curve and your opponent is playing a shitty homebrew. Thats it.
That sounds like a good variation. I am going to try it.
Why no Zilliax, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius?
It a bit late for this deck I think.
This deck look like a new version of Face Warrior.
You go all face with Charge and Magnetic minion and kill your opponent before he can turn the table.
Because of that, Zilliax doesn't have efficient attack power for it cost, and Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is too slow and not a reliable source of damage.
I think I need some advice with this one.
6-0 so far against a Cut and Paste Maly Druid, Kingsbane Rogue, Control Paladin, some homebrew Shammy deck, Shutterwork retarardation and of course fucking Heal Lock. Most other classes, to my playing ability have too much defensive for this deck I'm finding. Spreading Aids seem to really bugger this deck up.
How is the community finding it so far? What is this supposed to win against?
Any guidance?
6-0 means 6 wins, 0 losses right? Whats the problem?Yeah nvm this deck is garbage it can't beat anything
you could always add a mossy horror or void ripper to deal with spreading aids?
Arrrrrrrrrghzap-zap-zap!Is Town Crier enough for the card draw? No silence?
yeah I also don't have ton crier. it seems pretty important though for tempo.
any ideas guys?
I will probably just add dr boom and zilliax instead.
Add fire flies to replace the criers.
Replacement for town crier? Not looking to spend 800 dust to try out this deck to see if its any good,
A simple Loot Hoarder could work