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87% Winrate Mechrattle Hunter

  • Last updated Aug 12, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 27 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 7380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/10/2018 (Boomsday)
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First of all, the stats are not taken from many hundreds of games. I have currently played 39 games with this deck and won 34 of them. 

This seems like great deck for the current ladder. You have extremely tough boards for control decks to deal with if you use your resources correctly. You have enough board presence and tempo to beat combo decks in time. You also have a fairly strong early game to defend against aggro decks. The only archetype that feels like a bad matchup is Zoolock, but I've still managed to win half of my games against Zoo with this.

You can utilize your cards in very different ways. You could use Play Dead on a Devilsaur Egg if you're in desperate need of a body but other wise you can save it for a Carnivorous Cube that might have a Savannah Highmane or Mechanical Whelp.

By turn 7 or 8 you should be atleast somewhat in control of the board, which is where Mechanical Whelp shines. There are so many cheap ways to trigger the deathrattle that it's really worth the horrible body. It also plays around AOE.

From my experience card draw has not been an issue, but it definitely would not hurt the consistency to add some more.

There is no OTK charge combo to end the game, you just stack value on top of value until your opponent can no longer deal with it. The only thing you have to look out for is surviving long enough to get your beloved value, Odd Rogue and Zoo can be tough but as mentioned before I've had a tied score with Zoo and positive winrate against Odd Rogue.

The deck is not perfected, and might need some tweaks. Possible replacements:

  •  Zilliax instead of one Fireworks Tech, you already have many ways to trigger your deathrattles and Zilliax is great if you are playing from behind which is what sometimes happens in the early game with this deck.
  • One Venomicer for one extra Saronite Chain Gang or one extra Devilsaur EggVenomicer has had it's highlights in this deck but I feel like having two is rarely neccesary, so switching one for more defense or combo pieces might be a good move.

I'd love to hear your opinions on this.