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Boomsday Malygos Druid

  • Last updated Aug 11, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 20 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Malygos Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 14400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/8/2018 (Boomsday)
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11 August Edit: Replaced 2x Oaken Summons with Ferocious Howl's. And added 1 more Tyrant instead of 1 Branching Paths.


Hello everyone first time building a deck here. Don't mind to hit me for questions you have (if you have one) and sorry about any typos.

We'll try to OTK as usual but with the cards that came out this expansion we can try to OTK in consecutive turns without having a fear of losing Malygos because of Flobbidinous Floop and Dreampetal Florist.

Strategy in here to keep any cards that contains gaining mana crystal at start. Especially Biology Project. Then try to find Twig of the World Tree at early phase. After that and the most tough part is not dying :( Spreading Plague can be good option for any aggro decks. Lesser Jasper Spellstone and Wrath can be usefull too. 


If everything goes well and we gain control of the board. And assume we have 2 mana malygos. Combo will be:

maly+floop+gloop, then attack-> 10 mana -> faceless+swipe+moonfire x2, if any enemy minions die due to swipe then use another swipe to deal total 70 damage to enemy hero

If we have maly without any mana reduction then:

maly, twig -> 10 mana, floop+gloop+swipe (left 1 mana to us) if we gain 3 mana -> another swipe + moonfire x2, again that deals total 50 damage to face (if we can't use another swipe we can also hit 36 damage to face)

Worst case scenario for no twig at hand will be like this, I assume no mana reduction applied to minions in our hand:

1-malygos + moonfire x2 , next turn (assume malygos has died) floop+gloop+swipe, then another swipe if we have 4 mana, exact 30 damage to face

2-malygos, next turn floop+gloop+swipe -> (if we have 5 mana) -> faceless + moonfire x2, total 31 damage ; (if we have 4 mana) go another swipe and moonfire x2 to deal also 30 damage to face

Any other options before combo like using Alexstrasza can do tons of work. Also Death Coil from Lich King just do fine. mana reduction to faceless and floop also give us opportunity to 0 mana malygos which is fine. This deck is all open to ideas and improvements will come from you guys. 

Enjoy and have fun :)