Reliable Mecha'Thun
- Last updated Aug 7, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 7 Minions
- 23 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 7800
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/7/2018 (Boomsday)
- swinkscalibur
- Registered User
- 3
- 41
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Mulligan for Bloodbloom, Sense Demons and Galvanizer/Hemet (in that order)
1. Use Sense Demons to draw the Witchwood Piper's
2. Use Witchwood Piper's to draw two of your Galvanizers and Hemet (hopefully you can draw a galvanizer or Hemet naturally by this point).
3. Destroy your deck with Hemet after you have at least 1 bloodbloom
4. Draw and your Mecha'thun and play your Galvanizers for the discount
5. When your deck is empty play Mecha'Thun + Bloodbloom + Cataclysm - FTW
You usually dead against aggro by turn 6-7 if you don't put something solid on board that's able to trade and block their smorc...
Not gonna work any good...