Saviours of Uldum Mecha'thun Mage
- Last updated Aug 12, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Exodia Mage
- Crafting Cost: 11120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/7/2018 (Boomsday)
- Notorious_E
- Registered User
- 5
- 19
- 33
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Now here is a Mecha'thun deck that will leave your opponent thinking "what the Lich King just happened?". The deck is pretty much an insta-win against control-ish decks and has enough board clears to keep you alive against aggro until its combo time.
The are multiple ways to do the combo:
- Luna's Pocket Galaxy gets Mecha'thun down to 1 mana, once your hand and deck are empty (which shouldn't be too hard because you have a lot of draw) play a 1 mana Mecha'thun, hit it with Frostbolt and then with Snap Freeze
- Sometimes it happens that you draw Mecha'thun before Luna's Pocket Galaxy, in that case: play Galvanizer 4 times to get him down to 6 mana (2 Galvanizer are already in your deck and the Brewmasters give you another 2) and use the remaining 4 mana for the Frostbolt + Snap Freeze combo.
Edit: Giggling Inventor is too expensive now. Saronite Chain Gang and Rotten Applebaum get the job done.
Edit #2: Dropped one Rotten Applebaum for a Voodoo Doll, the hard removal with your hero power is better when your opponent busts out their biggest minion.
Edit #3: So after the rotation I've been trying to figure out the best list and this is the one I have come up with so far, might need some more tuning. The loss of Arcane Artificer is significant, it was a good way to gain life, Batterhead is pretty damn good against Tempo Rogues, Murloc Shamans and Zoo-style decks, Polymorph and Voodoo Doll are op against Summoner/Khadgar Mage dropping Mountain Giants and Twilight Drakes on early turns. All Warrior match-ups seem to go in your favour.
Edit #4: Dropped the Rotten Applebaums for Khartut Defenders as they provide more healing and are harder to remove from the board.
Overall I think the deck is really good even though it does struggle a bit against Tempo Rogue and Token Druid but if you manage to survive the early turn it should be smooth sailing from there. Murloc decks are a pain to deal with but you can manage it with freezing the board.
One thing to note is: I have not tried Kalecgos in the deck yet as I do not own him yet. The discovery effect and the 0-mana spell seem really strong so he is on my watch list. Oh and one more thing...
Almost 10k I love you guys! Have fun
Do you know if a reduced mecha'thun on board will trigger zephrys to give you the necessary spell to kill it? And with Ray of Frost you can do the OTK with one less mana so your mecha'thun only needs to go down to 7.
Say if it could give you a Corruption spell you also have a OTK with a 7 mana zephrys which only fails to silence/hex/polymorph stuff.
zephrys don't undestand specific card effects but stats and keywords (only exception being doomsayer), so I doubt zephrys will help you to kill mecha'thun
The idea is pretty creative but no it wont happen.
Well explained here
A fresh deck that make some fun, thanks!
when you have all the cards necessary for an off meta deck... thank you for fuelling my fun friend
Whats a good Mulligan?
Depends on the matchup:
Against aggro - Glacial Shard, Novice Engineer and Doomsayer are god-tier if you get them, Raven Familiar helps you on the board so you could keep that, if you really think you will have a bad time in the early game consider keeping Saronite Chain Gang
Against control - Luna's Pocket Galaxy is basically a win every time, Raven Familiar, Stargazer Luna and Research Project are all amazing
Only consider Gluttonous Ooze against Rogue if you think its Odd-Rogue
it costs 1 mana but it stays on 10 health, thats why you need the combo to kill it