Feelzbatman's ShudderKiller Infinite Armor
- Last updated Aug 8, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 17 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 9520
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/3/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- FeelzbatmanHS
- Registered User
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New Patch 12.0 brought new copy mechanic. Now you can copy 0 mana Shudderwocks with Azalina!
Let me introduce you to the new best Anti Shudderwock Taunt Warrior deck.
Before start leave an upvote on this deck for more strange combo decks!
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Cards needed for the combo:
Bring It On! and Azalina Soulthief are the core cards.
After opponent play Shudderwock, he gets 1/1 copy. First, we play Bring It On! then play Azalina Soulthief.
Finally, we get INFINITE 0 mana Shudderwock.
How do we get armor and heal?
Before doing this combo, you should play Cornered Sentry+Drywhisker Armorer with exact order. (Infinite Armor)
For the heal, you have Lifedrinker.
How do we get rid of extra bodies of Shudderwocks to play it infinite?
Primordial Drake and Blood Razor can do it.
For the other decks:
You can play the deck as classic Taunt Warrior.
The deck specially counters Taunt Druids with Cornered Sentry. Because you give opponent 1/1 beast. This screw up the Witching Hour+Carnivorous Cube combo.
Armor, heal, removals and taunt cards will counter aggro and tempo decks such as Odd Paladin, Zoolock, Tempo Mage, Tempo Rogue and Hunters.
F2P version list for budget:
Shield Slam ->> Execute
Only one copy Bring It On! ->> One copy Slam
Gluttonous Ooze ->> Acidic Swamp Ooze
Honorable Mentions:
Do not think like its for shudderwock. 2x Lifedrinker + 2x Bring It On! are good against aggro and the Azalina Soulthief is a lifesaver against control matchups. Matches can be long but the results are worth it. I'm on 6-1 now. (rank 8, it's kinda low but i'm sure this can work rank 5 to legend (until there will be any game-crusher deck))
Great idea and great deck!!!!!
Is shudderwok even a problem ?
not worth playing this jus to counter shudder, warlocks the best counter to shudder burn their hand burn their deck before they play that cancer.
I still don't understand how the combo will work... Your opponent will Shudderwock multiple times.This deck, boasting all that armor, will only get to play Shudderwork once... I don't see ant infinity combo or whatsoever. You have no bounce for the shudderwork (Grumble). Your opponents battle cries do not apply to you...
Shudder replays azalina
Doesn't the Shudderwock keep recasting the Azalina battlecry though?
The only way to make this deck consistent is with Dead Man's Hand.
fantastic tech, now each shudderwack game turns into 1h long draw after reaching turn limit...
How you out big minions w/o excecute? Also wouldnt dk be better than lk?
Dude! It is the best thing you have done so far! Keep going :D
So basically one Baleful Banker is all I need to add to a shudderwock deck to beat the "Shudderwock Killer"... all right. Could also add a seaforium bomber
Well u will just die since Lifedrinker will kill you.
You dont need to, if you played the weapon the battlecry refreshes your heropower
Played 4 games with this deck yesterday happened to be vs two Shudderwocks a hunter and a bakurogue (won the two against shaman) #feelsgoodman.
It´s epic how they all emote Hello as they drop the shudder....then Astounding when you play your Bring it on followed by azalina :)
Nice change if you are facing tempo decks. Against Shudderwocks, not a good choice.
Btw, I had added F2P list to guide, you can also check out there.
Lol otk with opponent's hand
Seriously, beating Shudderwock with himself is priceless !
The best way to beat shudder is to kill them before they kill you. Today I did 28 damage to kill a shudder from almost full health with good old cube -> still the best combo deck ever made.
As for control warrior the thing is it will never have a good win rate vs combo, simply because it's less consistent. In this game the aggressor has a natural advantage over the defendant .
I think the recruit version of this deck is better for same reason, much more so after the expansion.
Taunt warrior with Azalina gave me stunning 36% winrate on rank 3 today. WOW! And I know how to play taunt war, I took a legend with him in Ungoro and was playing for fun time to time.
From 20 games played I faced SW shaman only 2 times. And both times loose, first one because he was unlucky with first SW and got 9 mana SW back to hand from Zola. So I have to wait till his hand will have 1 mana SW to copy. But his hand was full, he played SW once again. and again got only 9 mana SW etc. I lost.
Second time shaman drew discounted SW and just killed me with 4x SW before I could play Azalina.
Actualy my verdict - f..k this taunt warrior. I dont see any sense to reduce my winrate against all that tempo decks if I'm facing SW less than 10% games on ladder. I'll better take my keleseth big spell mage and just will easily win all that even locks, big druids and tempo decks.
Maybe I'll give more chance to Azalina control war after the patch with Dr.Boom hero. But anyway I have strong feeling, that mech control war with Boomship and maybe Baku will be anyway stronger.