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Anti-Shudderwock Control Warrior!

  • Last updated Aug 5, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 11300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/2/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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Deck in action:  https://hsreplay.net/replay/s4tvMqAeRLVrCDJZt3TJgY

What if my opponent doesn't concede? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ppeDUOgRS4

The new patch is in, and that means anti-shudderwock warrior tech is in!

Control warrior is a pretty good counter-queue option in the current meta: It beats odd paladin and rogue handily with armour and aoe. Token druid almost stands no chance against it, and taunt druid also has a hard time since you dilute their beast pool with raptors. Any combo deck struggles against it if you can armor up steadily through the game. The only bad matchups are control mage (need to tech in Dead Man's Hand and play the fatigue game VERY carefully to win that one), deathrattle hunter (your clears don't do much against super sticky deathrattle minions), and shudderwock shaman. But no longer!

As a consequence of the new patch, Azalina Soulthief now keeps the discounts on the copies cards. A pretty decent card in control warrior even before the patch, it now can be used to beat shudderwock in its own game. This is how.

1) SUPER IMPORTANT: Mulligan and draw for Drywhisker Armorer, Azalina Soulthief, and Cornered Sentry. If you don't get your combo pieces before the shaman you lose, and they draw incredibly fast, especially with Hemet, Jungle Hunter. SO KEEP THEM IN YOUR MULLIGAN IF YOU HAVE TO, IT'S YOUR WIN CONDITION.

2) Play both Drywhisker Armorers and at least one Cornered Sentry throughout the game. They are already included in most warrior decks, they are simply pretty good cards as is. Also play Blood Razor, as it'll allow you to go infinite with shudderwocks, as will be explained in step 6.

3) Try your best not to let them bounce Lifedrinker and try your best to remain healthy (at least 18 health).

4) Wait for the opponent to start the shudderwock combo. They will only be able to play it 2 times from 10 mana (assuming it didn't come from Far Sight, and do 6*2=12 damage, or 9*2=18 damage if they bounced lifedrinker. Make sure you have enough health+armour to survive the first shudderwock turn. Against shudderwock shaman, that's not too hard to do.

5) Play Bring It On! (not a mandatory step, since you'll get enough armour without it, but playing it allows you to go infinite). Play Azalina Soulthief. You will get the 0 mana copies of Shudderwock in your opponent's hand.

6) Play Shudderwock. It will summon raptor token, and once their board is filled, Drywhisker Armorer will gain you 14 armour per proc. If you played them twice in the game, that's 28 armour per shudderwock. The Azalina Soulthief battlecry is also in your battelcry pool, meaning you'll keep getting 0 mana Shudderwocks per Shudderwock. The Blood Razor battlecry ensures that by the time you'll play your 6th shudderwock, the first one will die. Then each sunsequent shudderwock, another one will die. This means you'll be able to conitnue playing them until your time runs out. Even though the bloodrazor may kill the raptor token right before the Drywhisker Armorer and prevent armour gain every now and then, the fact that you can play dozens of shudderwocks means that you'll gain a LOT of armor. Over 200, easily. The opponent will not be able to deal more damage per turn that the armor you gain per turn.

Edit: You can consider one copy of Lifedrinker which can deal 30 damage in one turn when you play 10 shudderwocks. If you opponent decides not to concede, the game will end in them taking lethal fatigue damage eventually, but that will take a LONG time (check the youtube video I linked at the top. Spoiler: FIFTY MINUTES). In order to save that sort of pain, it may be worth just putting in a single copy of Lifedrinker. However, it's not key to the combo as most opponents will concede, so don't hesitate initating plan drain-the-soul-of-shudderwock-players even without Lifedrinker in your battlecry pool unless you're really sure it's the type of player that would prefer to waste half an hour rather than concede.

Another option, btw, is to add Marin the Fox to lockup their board. Then you can simply deal damage with your own board. 6*7=42 which is enough to kill them from 30. I prefer lifedrinker as a "decent" 4 drop that helps a little with survivability, but Marin the Fox would be a pretty cool value card.

But wait! What about the anti-anti-shudderwock strats?

Credit to thebelgianemperor for figuring this out: If the shudderwock player sese your plan coming and decides not to Grumble, but instead to only zola, then what? They'll be able to create boards of 3 to 4 shudderwocks every turn by playing a single 9 mana shudderwock every turn, and you will only be able to copy 9 mana copies (or 7 with Bring It On!), and that won't be enough to stop them dishing out damage with the actual shudderwock minions. And you can't clear them every single turn. Do you just hope that zola goes off before saronite?

If we ever reach this high level counter-counter play scenario as the norm, then tech in a King Mosh. You have two Blood Razors, so you rely on them going off before King Mosh's battlecry to clear their shudderwocks. At that point, whoever has their battlecry go off in the wrong order first loses: You because your face gets bashed in by shudderwocks (if you've gained enough armour, you can hope to survive the smorc despite the failed ordering and live to roll again), or them because they no longer have shudderwocks in hand. However, you cannot do this on the same turn you play Azalina, so you have to survive one turn of 3 to 4 smorcs from shuderwocks. Prep yourself to survive that.

But Kwak, I don't want to leave things to chanceToo bad, you're playing Hearthstone. Best thing you can do is guarentee that the first shudderwock will 100% clear their board. Play Bring It On! before you play Azalina, and make sure you're in Scourgelord Garrosh mode. Then, you can hero power before playing a 7 mana shudderwock for a combined 9 mana. Your hero power will guarentee that they are damanged before the King Mosh battlecry procs. Doesn't work for subsequent turns because they'll play their 7 mana shudderwock and get 9 mana shudderwocks back with he zola battlecry (if they get the right ordering), so you'll be stealing 9 mana shudderwocks again, which you can't play with your hero power :(



It's not a guarenteed win condition, since it requires drawing into pieces and remaining healthy enough to survive the initial shudderwock combo. But the key idea is that all these cards all ALREADY used in various warrior decks, and now the winrate against shudderwock shaman goes from bascially 0% to around a 50/50. 

P.S. Since the combo doesn't actually deal damage, you sometimes just have the count on the opponent conceding. Minor (or maybe not so minor) detail :)

Bonus: It's a lot of fun to see the soul drained out of shudderwock players as they lose to their own combo card. Azalina Soulthief is also handy against taunt warrior, control mage, and other slower matchups.

You can tinker with the control shell as you see fit according to the meta. Stuff like ooze/harrison, mc tech, and other stuff is fine. I simply like my current build, as it has some extra late game options to beat slower decks instead of having a lot of tech.