Internet Explorer Mage
- Last updated Aug 6, 2018 (Boomsday)
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- 26 Minions
- 4 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Freeze Mage
- Crafting Cost: 9720
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/2/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- SoupeAuxPois
- Registered User
- 10
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- 69
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The goal of this deck is to make your opponent feel miserable until everything is as frozen as Internet Explorer.
To achieve this, the deck runs the Snowchugger + Missile Launcher combo.
We also run Ice Walker with a discounted hero power so that we can freeze individual characters. Coldarra Drake and Garrison Commander grant us repeted hero powers to freeze everything up.
Adds with rise of shadows?
I don't think so, nothing strikes me as very good for the deck. You could try Unseen Saboteur in place of a dirty rat but other than that, there's not good hero power matters cards...
Ok yes! And, does the deck work vs this new meta? or nah
Not at all. The wild meta has become very degenerate. Warlock kills you on turn 5-6 and big priest wins the long game everytime. I would expect the deck to be back on track if Priest and Warlock see nerfs.
Any adds with Rastakhan ? :D
Make a video xD I wanna c versus the legend decks ahhahahah
but how do you win? i mean you have to giant snadonce they kill them off like most decks on here i guess your screwed
Reached first time legend with this deck! Thank you very much!!
Probably due to the 21 2-drops in this deck.
i think that guy might have been sarcastic
This is brilliant! I love it!
And you gave me another evil idea to play in Hunter: Missile Launcher + Venomizer xD
But the problem with these combos that it can be silenced or hexed or polymorphed..
This deserves an up-vote just for the reason behind the name.
Well played!
This is the product of an evil mind! Upvoted ;)
How can the people in the comments think this is a competitive serious deck? Jesus christ ofc its bad and its gonna loose. The point is not to win but to freeze everything !
I love the deck btw have my upvote
All this really needs now is Frost Lich Jaina, for even more freezing (and an actual win condition for the deck).
I mean, the deck doesn't really need Genn to be a massive dick. Hell, there's even redundant cards like Garrison Commander.
no win condition lol? do u expect them just to concede? xD
this deck is Sub Zero prepare for some,,,,,
thanks m8!
good in paper bad in ladder :/