- Last updated Dec 29, 2018 (Level Up Nerf)
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- 3 Minions
- 5 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: C'Thun Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 4640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/30/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- user-100306466
- Registered User
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First turn put Mecha'thun on bord and shadowstep him now he cost 8 mana.
Next turn use Ticking Abomination use on him stealth from master of disguise you can also use evasion you dont need to do this but it can save your life.
The last turn put mecha'thun on board and use prep and trigger abomination deathrattle
Oh, got it, twice... :)
What about:
- Play Voodoo Doll and Shadowstep it;
- Next turn (having 10 mana) - Mechathun + coin (from Wanted!) + Voodoo Doll on Mechathun + backstab the doll
Of course you have to empty your hand and deck (using Mira's spell).
I really don't get why you guys are recommending the abomination as it does 5 damage, not 10... To empty your battlefield? So you can do it in the turn you shadowstep the doll... :)
Replace Master of Disguise+Necrium Vial + Ticking Abomination with the following
Voodoo Doll + Backstab.
If you can't figure out how to play Voodoo Doll with Mecha'thun in one turn, it's super simple. Shadowstep or Cheat Death or The Coin and in wild Counterfeit Coin or Emperor Thaurissan.
Voodoo Doll is a much better way to go because it'll be useful to play with Cheat Death to keep you in the game. I'd also throw in some Doomsayer, they also work with 8 Mana Mecha'thun
Heck, consider Sonya Shadowdancer. To get some 1 cost versions of minion when possible. And for wild Shadowcaster
Or in Wild, you need Myra's Unstable Element, Ticking Abomination, Emperor Thaurissan, Drakkari Enchanter. Conceal, Mecha'thun, and Necrium Vial. Maybe keep Master of Disguise and Preparation in there in case the first part gets hit with a Volcano or Psychic Scream.
So once you have needed combo pieces, you play Emperor and Enchanter, then Conceal them (10 mana). The reason for the conceal is you ideally want Emperor to go off twice with the x2 effect.
You can play Myra's either the turn before, or the turn after playing Emperor. I like the turn before because you will start fatigue later, and still get the second (-2) on the remaining cards. Cost reduction allows you to play cards from hand quickly. Then on your final turn, use the above mentioned combo of Ticking, Mecha'thun, and the final card from hand being the vial. This should clear the board, while your hand and deck are also empty, and you win. With the (-2) x 2 effect from Emperor + Enchanter you get free Ticking, (6) Mecha'thun, and (1) Vial, making it a very viable OTK, granted you survive that long and you don't get board cleared or hit with a Dirty Rat.
If you do get board cleared by the above mentioned spells, or similar (Lightbomb), then you can use the Ticking + Master of Disguise combo, then to the Mecha'thun + Prep + Vial (or replace Prep with a Counterfeit Coin to have 11 mana)
Regardless of how you imagine pulling off this combo it's a lot of set up. Your standard combo takes 7 cards, the wild one I listed takes 6, or 8 if you prep for a back up plan to non-targeted board clears. Take the needed pieces and throw in anything and everything that might help you survive.
Could you build this around a Kingsbane package?! If a weapon like Kingsbane is equipped does that stop the combo? I imagine not since it's in play but not in "the battlefield".
I see, so the order of operations is
Pretty clever, I like it. Just needs a Control Rogue shell and it should be good to go.
if u trigger the deathrattle then mechathun is still on the board u need to kill it
You don't trigger Mecha'Thun's deathrattle, you trigger the Abomination. You'd have to play that minion and give it stealth with Master of Disguise the turn before.