Mecha'Thun: 300 IQ Edition
- Last updated Aug 1, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Quest Priest
- Crafting Cost: 8640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/30/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- SkyferTheSlyDragon
- Registered User
- 2
- 12
- 21
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My Bootup Ends...
Your Termination Begins...
The Game Plan
- Cycle through your deck using your 5 copies of "Loot Hoarder" and Twilight's Call
- Accumulate Coins and Tarzan Ticks on your Mecha'thun along the way
- Go off on turn 5 to pop the quest and swing the board state back in your favor, all at the same time.
- Blow the remaining cards in your deck with Hemet
- Combo off on turn 9 or 10 to win the video game. EZ.
Things to Consider
- When to Play Hemet:
Short Answer, the turn right before you win the game. Long answer, when you can guarantee a "5-mana" Mecha'thun (Any 3 point combination of coin's from Gilded Gargoyle or Cost Reductions from Galvanizer), A Reckless Experimenter in hand, and no other cards in hand except deathrattle minions. - Early Game Deathrattle's:
Since getting good draws off of Twilight's Call is so vital to the success of this deck, you might actually want to refrain from playing any early game deathrattles that AREN'T 2 mana draw cards. Not only that, but the more of those minions you hold onto, the more impactful your first reckless experimenter becomes. Treat this deck kind of like a Miracle deck, except instead of cheap spells you're stock piling cheap deathrattles. - Beware of Big Boards:
There are A LOT of 1 mana 1/3's in this new expansion, and with them comes a whole variety of "new" and "innovative" ways of jamming early game tempo and way too wide board states. We can't afford cards like Duskbreaker as they slow our game plan down by forcing us to include big, hard to play dragons that could cost our our combo late game. However, some good early game tech options such as Crystalizer might be decent options for keeping ourselves ahead of the aggression that's likely going to be coming our way in the next few months. And as always, NEVER underestimate the power of a well timed Silence against the likes of Mech Paladin.
Ideal Turn Break Down (Earliest Mecha'thun Win)
- Mulligan: Always look/keep for Dead Ringer, Loot Hoarder, Bloodmage Thalnos and Twilight's Call
- Turn 1: Awaken the Makers
- Turn 2: Loot Hoarder / Dead Ringer
- Turn 3: Gilded Gargoyle
- Turn 4: Twilight's Call + Crystallizer
- Turn 5: Reckless Experimenter + Gilded Gargoyle + Additional Deathrattles
- Turn 6: Galvanizer + Coin + Amara, Warden of Hope
- Turn 7: Galvanizer + Hemet, Jungle Hunter
- Turn 8: Reckless Experimenter + Coin(x2) + Additional Deathrattles + Voodoo Doll + Mecha'thun
the fact he doesnt have two psychic screams is laughable
I also tested this. It doesn't work. Is it a Bug? Is it intentional that it doesn't work? Seems like the reckless expiramenter dies after the cthun and voodoo doll even though you play voodoo first and cthun last..
hope its just a bug.. would work so much better then Galvinisers + Shadow word Death
in theory, voodo doll and mecha'thun would die first, then reckless experimenter
Yeah, this doesn't work. With no other cards in hand or my deck and nothing else on the battlefield, I just played Reckless, Voodoo on Reckless, Mecha'thun. They all died and Mecha'thun's deathrattle did not go off.
What do you think about adding one Psychic Scream ?
After playing Hemet, then you could throw in one turn, where you clear your side of the board in order to set up the guaranteed combo without caring about small minions, which you might not be able to trade and which destroy your game plan...
I'll try this for sure.
How do you clear your Reckless Experimenter before Mecha'Thun dies ? Reckless Experimenter kills your deathrattle minions, but voids Mecha'Thun's win condition if it is triggered while Reckless Experimenter is still on the battlefield.
Nevermind, it was unclear to me that Voodoo Doll was targeting Reckless Experimenter. It has to be played before Mecha'Thun to trigger first I suppose ?
There are some cool ideas in there !
What about zola? she cost 3 and makes awaking the makers even better to hold on.
So what's the point of hassling with 5 mana Reckless Experimenter when u can just play discounted Mecha'thun + coin + Shadow Word: Death?...
Much simpler and stable edition:
If you can afford something over 3 mana it should be Psychic Scream not some crappy Reckless Experimenter...
The reason is because Experimenter lets you make swing turns and dig deeper on 5 (via things like kaboom bot and volatile elemental) in a deck that can otherwise die very easily to early game pressure due to the lack of Duskbreakers and decent taunts. In addition, Experimenter does something wonderful in that it let's you dump your hand the same turn that you go in on the combo. Make no mistake, playing out all the cards in your hand IS the hardest part of Mecha'thuns set up in everything BUT warlock, as each turn you have to spend doing that is another turn your opponent gets to set up THEIR combo and/or run you into the ground.
Psychic Scream IS a great card, and will likely be an important consideration depending on the meta, but it also can mess up your Hemet which is actually a big deal. I mean, it's not like I DIDN'T think about it or anything, I'm just not yet sure how necessary it is. This is a deck designed to get to the combo as fast as physically possible, more like the raging worgen combo's of yesteryear rather than the slow, grindy control decks you'd normally see out of the likes of druid or otk mage. I did toy around with having it in at maybe 1 copy, so that in the worst case scenerio, you can hemet / shadow visions into it reliably in desperate situations, but again: just don't know what the meta will look like in a day or so and whether or not you'd actually need it versus the other tools the deck has available.
Ultimately, I still like the "cleanness" of experimenter at the moment. But who knows. Maybe your more control oriented version will win out in the end. We'll see. :)
PS: Did like your inclusion of Doomsayers tho. Should probably consider those more, but something something silence meta has me a lil worried.
I tried playing mine deck shell on ladder - have to say without psychic scream you don't have even a slim chance to win the game, not even 1%... And even with it you will often lose due to no board tempo and because you already spent your removals...
I doubt Experimenter will help much against all those aggro decks dumping really scary threats like even shammy giants
There is also huge issue with card draw, basically if you don't mulligan one of 5 deathrattles that draw - you will almost always lose vs aggro early game... And if you put more draw by other means it could be hard to dump hand(fatigue) when you get closer to combo...
Will give your deck a try too when expansion lands, feels like your could use more draw. You run so many non-draw deathrattles that if you resurrect at least one of them your draw will be short on cards forever and even to get Hemet more/less reliably you need to draw more
Upvoting 50% for deck idea and 50% for username
I don't think this combo actually works. Mecha'thun dies before Voodoo Doll, meaning its effect does not trigger.
Oh I misunderstood, I thought Voodoo Doll was being played on Mecha'thun.