THICC TURTLES [Challenge Deck]
- Last updated Aug 2, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 9000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/29/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)

- kiwiinbacon
- Deck Architect
- 14
- 43
- 248
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The entirety of the goal of this deck is to make the Most Thicc Turtle as possible. You can only use the bounce effects on keleseth. This deck works 100% of the time (20% of the time) and when it works it is the most satisfying in the world. Go ahead and leave a screen cap of the biggest minion you can down here!
Here's a bit of how the deck works!
Record is 10-13 so far, how Thicc can yours get?
there's only one damn turtle : /
I can't believe how fun this is
This deck needs Oasis Snapjaw
"Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue"
Steals all your time? XD
The real challenge is trying not to make your opponent concede after about 5-6 bounces, which is near impossible once I play Valeera and have double Keleseth action!
I dropped the dropped the thugs, foxes, and slayers and replaced with charge minions and the lifesteal taunt demon btw, helps me fight and recover against aggro.
True, I did get my turtle to 10/13 because my opponent just went afk, no concede, no quit, afk.
How much thicc could a thicc turtle thicc if a thicc turtle could thicc thicc?
Ah, a fellow believer in the way of the Turtle.
11/14 baby! Actually 14/14 because I cast Bloodlust after and killed them.(it was casual mode, so I think once he saw me bouncing so many times he just decided to let me go balls out because he stopped playing stuff, lol)
How can I report this deck. This isn't the Family-Friendly Hearthpwn I let my kids visit.
Got rid of the 2 x Hallucination and 2 x Blink Fox and replaced with 2 x Saronite Chain-Gang and 2 x Tar Creeper, works better and is alot better vs aggro.
Aiight I'm pretty sure I got the record right here. I was surprised my opponent didn't concede or quit, but after the match he send a friend request and told me he also watches kiwiinbacon and knew what was going on here so he let me make the thicc-est turtle possible. But technically this was not a friendly matchup so still counts right?
so is this a refined version of the kele-bounce deck from last week?
Well i tried this deck , it is not "Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue"
Its more like a trolling style, its working fine so far, main idea is that you can either draw Prince Keleseth or draw it with Witchwood Piper since its the lowest mana cost minion in deck
Then there is Shadowstep x 2 , Ancient Brewmaster × 2 , Vanish × 2 , Zola the Gorgon × 1 making the prince playable up to 8 times .. maybe more using the DK but less likely to be a good idea to wait till turn 9 to start buffing
Its not hard to do the trick, the deck starts up as standard tempo rogue with ongoing upgrades to turn the game around late game
There is a screen shot vs some kinda taunt druid to clarify the idea
Just make sure u wont loose the game caz u got too greedy buffing the minions ..
Stay tuned !!
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