Fantesstic Rogue
- Last updated Jul 18, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 15 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Thief Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 11940
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/15/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)

- kiwiinbacon
- Deck Architect
- 14
- 43
- 248
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Here's what to expect out of this sweet deck!
KiwiiNbacon here. For those who don't know me, I'm a multiple time legendary player on the NA server. I also do deck showcase videos on youtube once in a while.
The Idea with this deck is to have as much fun as possible. To do so, you will be trying to get as big of a weapon as possible and gain value from your burgling. I can tell you right now that you will be having a great time! The best time you will have with this deck will definitely be playing against priests so sit back relax and enjoy, this is gonna be a good one :D
without coin: You will be looking to keep Hallucination, Cavern Shinyfinder, and Blink Fox. if you have this starting hand, you'll be having a grand ol' time.
With the coin: you are more than welcome to keep the same hand as if you went first BUT with all the combo cards you have, feel free to keep SI:7 Agent or Elven Minstrel.
you will be wanting to get your weapon out on the board as fast as possible. From there, you will attempt to generate as much value as possible while healing yourself with the weapon. One of the funniest ways to do so is to play the opponent's Hero card, at which point you will be able to splay all your rogue cards to increase the weapon's durability! From there, just control the board and the insane value you got from stealing the opponent's cards will win you the game!
Tell me what you think down in the comment section !!
Don't forget to sub: for more decks like this one in the future!
I hope you guys enjoy playing this deck as much as I did, and May the top decks be in your favor.
Awesome deck, lots of fun :D
Is it worth to craft Valeera to try out this deck?
For fun, hell yeah. To climb ladder, hell to the no.
Pick Pocket twice is overexaggeration and not needed. Most of the time your hand is full anyway. I added Hench Clan Thugs and Firefles and cut Faldorei Striders since this deck doesn't really have card draw anyway
If I don't have Lilian Voss, should be Shadowstep replacement okay? Or is there any better option?
Upd: nvm, already got comments below about that. my bad :)
Certainly more fun to play than Kingsbane Rogue, which isn't really fun at all to play.
One thing I noticed today is that playing Hagatha actually makes you become a Shaman. Tess will now replay your rogue cards and only rogue cards will buff your weapon durability. I believe that also works with DK heroes
i think at least one shadow step would be better
And right now it just happened again. I was facing an elemental mage with seven elementals on his board and full health as DK Jaina. Hallucination discovered me that “freeze 3 minions and deal 1 dmg to them” spell, so I froze six using my DK shadow reflection. He pinged my face more down to 3 hp and was already Well-Playeding. Next turn I played Tess who cleared his entire side of the board with blizzard, meteor and those spells from hallucination, filling my board with various Pyroses as well: . I won couple of turns after thanks to the 8 dmg lifesteal wep that I had.
Most of you HS players may play alll the same deck against the current meta over and over again to get into leg, I just play HS to have a fun time like this. This Tess deck actually requires a thorough understanding of current meta and each individual class, so you can counter them with their own cards. Absolutely love this play style! Thanks again kiwiinbacon for all that memeful fun :D
I am such a huge fan of this deck! It is so fun to play and sits outside of the current meta so much. I played it for the last two days and I had so many incredible moments it’s simply amazing. It may not be super well performing, but it’s not bad either. As I started playing it I instantly dropped to rank 5 from rank 3, but slowly growing back. I love it so much I can’t stop playing it!!!
lets get real, this deck is for fun. its doesnt do well on ladder, its too rng dependant. when it works, its tons of fun for sure. but losing the other games waiting for it to work isnt worth the pain to the reward imo
I'll be honest, this deck relies so damn heavily on 3 drops. And most Rogue decks in general.
In all seriousness, I'm glad to have finally found a Thief Rogue that seems competitively viable (relatively) that uses my shiney new golden Face Collector. It really sucks because I have poured about 2000 dust into this deck, only to have it be so surprisingly bad. I really hope that blizzard enforeces this archetype in Boomsday Project and doesn't give up on it like Freeze Shaman, because I really love the deck.
Here's the version of Brian Kibler, I just removed one firefly for one vanish since it's core against some deck, It's the most competitive version for the moment in my opinion.
The most competitive, IMO, is a burgle variant on miracle, swapping out the weakest cards for burgle fare and adding Tess as a tertiary win condition. Most of the time you win the usual way, with an army of spooders or Leeory + Cold Blood x2, but once in a while you get the perfect burgle and then a killer Tess off.
Where can you find that miracle deck charginghawk?
Pickpocket is so slow that when you actually can afford to play it you have already won the match. The tempo loss is to great I’m afraid.
I watched video and participated in giveaway, still same question what about FaceCollector and LilianVoss which cards should replace them deckwise?
Thanks again keep up the good work! :D
I mean I am still unsure about those replacements :P I'd probably go with stonehill defensders to be safe.
You could also add a Shadowstep or two. Playing Tess and then Shadowstepping her to play again later is great, and it can also be used on Vilespines x)
Second Sap or Vanish might also work
What about Sonya instead of Lilian?