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(Updated) (EU Top 1 Legend) Super Versatile and...

  • Last updated Aug 8, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 20760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/14/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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Guide is not updated! Trying the deck, and will wirte new guide with new videos, right now at legend N1.

Hello Everyone! I am Bexultan, played Hearthstone from beta. And it is one of my own created deck, but first which i posted.) Sorry for my English) Not a native speaker.

Will be very happy if you upvote it)) Going to add some epic moments with the deck)

Want to warn you that deck is difficult and you are going to missplay a lot)) I still do a lot of missplays))

Got legend very fast with it. Good against aggro and extremely good against control, fatiique, OTK decks(especially). In one day got legend from 5th rank. 

Proof of legend:

Possible cool combos:

Twig at T4, Blingtron at T5 will give refill your hand and now you are with 10 mana. Combined with UI or harrison can be huge value and tempo combo) Several times blingtron alone won me games by giving aluneth to control decks)) After they got aluneth they will draw 4 cards in a turn, and if it's done in the middle of game) they will surely burn a lot of cards)) and after 6-7 turns they will lose to fatique :DD

Medivh( while you have Twig in your hand) will refill your mana and playing draw spells will be super value combo. 

Togwaglle+Azalina combo (wrecks any OTK combo and shudderwock). Can be done by Aviana and Kun, or by breaking the twig. Against OTK decks azalina can be played alone if you sure that your opponent got all pieces of combo)

Aviana+Kun+Togwaggle+Brann+coldlight+zola to coldlight(you get 2 more coldlights)+coldlight+(kill one of the coldlight)+coldlight Otk Combo which requires 6 pieces, Can be done when you have few cards in a deck or better if its empty. Together with naturalize can make opponent draw 15 cards which does 120 damage of fatique) Main win condition against dead man hand warrior.

Aviana+Kun+Big minions+Brann+Loatheb combo is one of the win condition against control decks


1) Kun is not only card to replenish the mana to do the combo. You can replenish mana if you have the twig equipped, you play aviana+Bling Or Medivh. So dont hesitate to play kun to get armor or just to have board control. Kun to replenish and playing zola on it is also nice board control turn without losing the kun.

2) If you lost Aviana, you still can do the combo using the twig. Play togwaggle + do the last hit with twig+azalina. Once I did Togwaglle then brann with innervate+last hit with twig+coldlight+zola+coldlight+naturalize to deal him 66 damage of fatigue (that was the game against warlock who dirtyratted both azalina and aviana, and "Goodgaming" me whole game)) Can Imagine his reaction :D.

3) Still unsure about Brann. But sometimes it makes possible some crazy combos like burning 4 cards of warlock, shudderwock and other control cards and refills your hand or dealing around 100 damage in one turn, or getting two more renos with zola. Double battlecry of loatheb also great thing)))  But most of times it is just useless card in your hand  and i think it will not be a big problem if you replace it with some anti aggro tools, like tar creeper, unstable ghoul, starfall or poison seeds and etc. Important: Never play Togwaggle if you have Brann in your board (hope you know why). Brann should be played after Tog.

4) Zola is also can be replaced. But without it you will not be able to do brann and coldlight OTK. And it is good counter to deathlord and dirty rat.

5) Coldlight Oracle is very good card against control decks. But not good against aggro.  Still can be played in order to get Reno or spreading plague. 

6) Hemmet is key card to win mirror matches and other control cards. Confidently play against warlock if he already used his gnomeferatu. Against slow decks play ASAP, but dont play it if you are under pressure.

7) Nourish: dont ramp if you dont have any card draw left in your hand. Otherwise there is huge odds that you are going to just do useless moves and your mana will not help you. 

8) Harrison Jones is nice card if you can combine it with blingtron. Sometimes I play blingtron and harrison next turn just to get some cards.

9) Twig. I usually keep it always as getting bling till turn 5 is 30% of chance, which is not too bad)) Sometimes i play it turn 2 with coin and innervate and at turn 6 you will be able to do some crazy tempo stuff.

Tactics against popular decks:

Control Walock(Favoured): Try to mulligan ramp cards(Wild growth, nourish, twig, hemmet, coldlight oracle, mulch and naturalize against malganis)    Ramp as fast as you can.  try to keep minions in your hand to be safe from dirty rat. Aviana and Tog are two win conditions. If you lost both, then you lost) Zola can be played to counter deathlord and dirty rat.  Be careful while playing doomsayer as they usually plays dirty rat.)) Try to do togwaggle and azalina combo as fast as possible. Even if you have cards in your deck)  If you lost togwaggle then you can win by flooding the board with aviana and play loatheb and try to counter godfrey (once i naturalized his 1 mana minion just to be safe from godfrey)) He can be also killed by togwaggle +brann+coldlight+zola combo

Even Warlock(Slightly favoured) Mulligan for ramp tools,  coldlight oracle, naturalize and mulch to deal with his giants. Dont use them on his dragons unless you are low on health. Dont hit his face as he will be able to go with molten giants faster and buffed 4 mana demons and can heal up back) Rest tactics are same. 

Aggro Warlock (havent faced much, but they are unfavoured) Keep anti aggro tools like doomsayer, sheep, spreading plague, reno is okay, living roots, spellstone and wrath. Twig can be kept.

Even Shaman ( one of the most faced decks, had equal odds against them) mulligan for mulch and naturalize, doomsayer, sheep, jasper, wrath. reno, spreading, twig. If you do twig and bling it is win against them as you will easily overtempo them. Play kun free whenever it is possible. T4 Twig and T5 Bling+Kun+UI is perfect case which is rage quit of opponent. Keep mulch for their 4 mana 7-7. Keep wrath and speelstone against their 3-4 totems or +2attack totems.

Shudderwock Shaman (Super favoured won all 20 games against them)  ramp definitely, Coldlight is good as they will have a lot of cards, Hemmet. But if you met shaman with unknown nick, consider them as aggro and mulligan for anti aggro tools. Try to play hemmet as fast as possible. But if he got all combo pieces and very close to do shudderwock. then try to kill him with brann and coldlight OTK. He also have no answer against Aviana+Kun+Big minions+loatheb combo.

Mill Kingsbane Rogue(favoured): Have a high winrate against them. Mulligan for ramp tools and hemmet, togwaggle, azalina, aviana, kun. Dont draw too much. Keep amount of cards in your hand 5-7 cards. Even having 7 cards is dangerous. Dont flood the board without using loatheb. He always keep kingsbane in his hand. Winning combos: 1-combo(when his kingsbane equipped) Aviana+(Kun or breaking twig)+(blingtron or Harrison Jones to return his weapon to deck) + Togwaggle+azalina+shinyfinder(he have almost always) +and wore his weapon which concludes into straight concede of your opponent. 2-combo(when he ganged up coldlight oracles) Aviana+refill your mana+Togwaggle+brann+coldlight+his coldlight or return and etc.

Odd Rogue(slightly unfavoured) same tactics as against even shaman. Keep wrath for his 3 mana minions.

Odd Paladin(slightly unfavoured) same tactics, mulch and naturalize is not needed.

Big Priest (favoured) they only win if they get yshaarj from brann or from 6 mana spell. If they get rag then chances are equal. Others are not a problem. Ramp ASAP, hemmet ASAP, azalina+TOG combo ASAP. 

Dragon Priest( slightly favoured) their deck are slow, so you will be able to ramp and combo. Keep mulch to play around inner fire combo.

Dead Man Warrior: (highly favoured) Mulligan to ramp, hemmet. their deck are super slow so you will be able to do the combo. Do azalina+Togwaggle combo if he used one of the dead man hand already,  but Brann and coldlight combo is the main win condtion. Usually they play deadman hand followed with coldlight. So dont keep more than 7 cards. 

Togwaggle druid and Malygos Druid(highly favoured): cannot remember that i ever lost to druid): Mulligan to ramp and hemmet. Hemmet is winning card against them as you will get combo pieces faster.

Control Mage(highly favoured won all 10 games against them): mulligan for ramp and hemmet and try to do the combo ASAP. But if Mage is unknown, treat them as he is aggro.

Aggro Mage(equal odds): same tactics as aginst any aggro decks, reno won me a lot of games aginst it.

Here is the video with some funny moments:


add me on battle net Bexultan#21506 if you need any help or if you have recommendations. Will be happy to hear recommendations to make deck better.