- Last updated Jul 13, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Priest
- Crafting Cost: 6180
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/12/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- user-13060055
- Registered User
- 4
- 11
- 31
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Protector of the Realm, Lady Regnant of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons recruited the Priest army and made them a new crushing deck.
Her reign has just begun. Turn us away and we will burn you first.
A big thank you to KiwiinBacon, King of Youtube, Rightful Son of the Hearthpowniens, Broadcaster of the Unsullied who has showcased the deck on his channel. Make sure you check it out!
How to burn your ennemies with the new Dragon Priest army of the Queen of the Andals?
The strategy is quite simple: Crush the board with your dragons while you are drawing cards and ultimately building a position to OTK your opponent with a big dragon hit.
What results have obtained our Dragon Priest army since they joined our beloved Queen?
The Dragon Priest army is proud to announce to their Queen that they have a 12-4 record since they entedred the ladder at rank 12. Overall they have been working hard to find the perfect combination for their Queen and can show a 33-20 record since they pledged allegiance to the Queen. We have been very strong against most current meta decks. Extremely powerful against aggro decks. Most difficult matchups we had were against Odd Rogue and Control Warrior.
Join our Dragon Priest army and share your experience in the comment section. Do not forget to upvote the deck if you like our army. Daenarys will be grateful.
Mulligan guide at +10.
shitty deck as fuck.. it cant compete
I think the deck would be more fun in another meta. Right now you're facing big minions in very low mana stages while struggling to get board control. For example: While Even Warlock puts a giant in the 3rd/4th round on the board, your hand is covered with spells to make small minions big enough. Maybe I've had bad luck, but lost all my 3 games with this deck against Token Druid, Even Warlock, Aggro Warlock without any chance... But cool deck though
i added Zola the Gorgon to my deck.
Out of curiosity what did you replace?
one of Acolyte of Pain. i know its a card generator but there is few good card to copy that you know it will be dead the next turn. nothing wrong with a safety net.
this was great lol. Maybe I just need to play more games, but I played Warlock and got my ass kicked. I had all the cards, so I gave it a shot--glad I didn't craft anything for it.
Lmao of course this deck does well at RANK 12. What deck doesn't do the job at that low of a rank?
Poor deck all around, cringey name, and underwhelming win conditions compared to other meta decks.
And away is your combo
Replace for Lyra the Sunshard?
Yeah my waist also ain't the size it used to be anymore. Such a shame right!
These game of thrones names make the decks cringy as hell
Words can't even describe how much cringe that name generates on me
Nice meme
the mulligan guide is: your opponent plays warlock, shaman or pali, hard mulligan for duskbreaker or you auto-lose
Mulligan guide pls?
Any thoughts on possibly replacing Ysera with Malygos? (I don't have Ysera)
Best 1600 dust you'll ever spend!
Yeah. Best get that Ysera before you start putting together any decks.
You have great taste ;)