The Heal Zoolock
- Last updated Jul 11, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 28 Minions
- 2 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Zoolock
- Crafting Cost: 5040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/2/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- EspressoS
- Registered User
- 5
- 25
- 38
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
+10 votes for mulligan and general tips
Decent win rate from rank 5 to Legend (July 2018)
Thanks a lot for the votes!
Replacements: -1 Void Ripper +1 Spellbreaker if you don't have Void Ripper
I think that Prince Keleseth is a core card, if you don't own him and you need to replace it, you will need more 2drops in the deck, i will work on that and give a new budget list without Prince Keleseth soon
Someone said why we don't play Doomguard. I though it was a good option since most of the times you don't have enough cards to discard and could give you a good lethal, but we already play five 5drops, i will try out a version with doomguards by removing
-1 Tar Creeper -1Leeroy Jenkins +2Doomguard and i will tell you if it works better for me.
Mulligan tips: Always keep Prince Keleseth. Try to throw every card that costs more than one. If you have a card that can heal you, also keep Happy Ghoul. Only vs paladin keep Despicable Dreadlord.
A general tip: If you face control decks like sw shaman, warrior or mage, try to deal big amount of damage before they can clear your board, play smart and you will win them. If you face a tempo/aggro deck like Baku Rogue, Paladin or miracle, winning the board is the key to win the game. Vs hunter the game is easy if they won't find all the cards they need to kill you, and also vs druid a big board on early game is great threat for them. The only win condition they have vs that deck is Spreading Plague or Wild Growth into Coin into Nourish
Videos/Guides: Here is a Guide made by KadakHS
And here we have an other guide made by kiwiinbacon, i hope you all like it
Unfortunately I'm not able to make videos or stream yet but maybe someday it will happen so if you want to see more stuff, click the follow botton.
Have fun playing the deck, i'm really happy that you actually like it
I will try to make more decks like that.
Good Luck on Ladder
Works even now, 10/12/2018.
Great work
cool deck, but does it beat even rogue, the greatest deck ever?
Hi! I'm currently running a different version of the deck with soul infusion 2x and doubling imp 2x instaed of tar creeper and void ripper, could you explain why you run tar creeper instead? I dont really understand the reasoning of having it in the deck.
This horrendous Espresso person just trolled me throughout a game with emotes then abused me in chat afterwards when I added him to tell him not to. He was boasting about this deck so I googled him. Here's what he said to me:
after that loss i would delete hs for ever ;)
if i were you
I'm like one of the best
in the world
creator of heal zoolock
take loss as a lesson
from a better player
dude i'm scales better than u
cry bro
ez game
Not just incredibly insulting and toxic, but also deluded. We were both 15k legend and I beat him in previous game. Just an awful person.
LMAO I just played with this idiot and destroyed him with Quest Rogue, added me after to tell me that he created Heal Zoo and is one of the best xDD
you should have seen it before people knew what was going on. if a Shaman dropped healing rain when you had light warden on board it was insane.
This deck is fucking disgusting and I love it. A 9-2 Lightwarden is really common to get with this deck...and here I thought Tunnel Trogg was gross. There is just something...wrong...about a priest having to Shadow Word: Death a 1-drop that is deliciously despicable. Obviously, this is a very meta-dependent deck, but it is a very solid version of zoo right now. Just...hope you do not queue into Duskbreaker Priests. You get shitstomped. Hard.
It was now I'm rank 3 with 38-18. Great comeback
This deck runs out of steam very early. Currently stuck at 12, lost 4 games in a row... very inconsistent.
Playing at legend rank with doomguards instead of spellbreaker/leroy. Ofc you run out of steam eventually, this is an aggressive deck which excels in the early-game. Against aggro... go for board control (trade and heal up). Against control... deal as much face dmg early, use fungalmancer to survive AoE and doomguards to finish.
It really depends on the meta. Priests really fuck this deck over if they run Duskbreaker, but most control decks actually struggle with the turn-5 lethals this shit can pump out. Just try not to overcommit too much and plan out your combos like tap->heal->Happy Ghoul.
Great deck! Fast climb from rank 9 to rank 5 in few hours today.
not sure how to link image,
turn 2 nuts draw
Highly overrated deck, auto lose to control aka ever bundle of sticks playing druid aka 90% of ladder
Trash tier deck
trash tier
It was a great deck... a few weeks ago. Now is dead. Unable to win anything in actual meta
Used this deck to go from 11 to 5. 69% WR on 40 games.
Dont have a Voidripper, replaced it with another spellbreaker.
Kinda braindead, you win by turn 4-8 or you lose. Can confirm it's good. Rank 25 to rank 5 in 110 games, 71% win rate