Easy Wins Consistent OTK Priest
- Last updated Jun 20, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 4 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: OTK Priest
- Brawl: Shadow Reflection
- Crafting Cost: 960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/20/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)

- WhatAChamp
- Registered User
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IMO this is the best iteration of OTK priest for this TB. Pure Mind Blast priest is okay but relies on waiting until T6 for a kill most times. This can lethal way quicker. Clearly the idea here is to Radiant into a string of PW:S/Divine Spirit/Inner Fire for a win as early as T2 or T3 with backups in case RNG doesn't work in your favour.
Mind Blast is here as an alternative since some decks use taunts or are running removal. Also, you're not always guaranteed to draw Inner Fire or find it with Shadow Visions so Mind Blast is a good alternative.
Northshire Cleric seems odd but it adds consistency. All the other decks require you to draw into your Radiant Elemental and either Shadow Visions or PW:S. Sure there's a chance that'll happen, but in the games where it doesn't you're screwed. 3x Northshire on T3 (with your reflections) gives you a massive draw engine to get to your combo pieces. You could also just drop one T1 if you have some combo pieces and then buff it up as a big minion T2 with Radiant and PW:S.
Try it out! The deck is far more consistent than some of the other versions out there
Also, here's a video of kiwiinbacon playing the deck!
I am quite new so forgive me if this sounds dumb: why are there only 14 cards in this deck? And why is there talk of shadow reflections while that is nog actually in the deck list?
This is for a tavern brawl, not for regular play
8 games so far,... no minion by turn 6 and dead each game... super inconsistent, could my luck be any worse!
Wouldn't it make sense to include a Silence in here to be able to nix someone's Radiant Elemental and throw them off? It'd also work against someone who was dumb enough to pre-pump their minion up.
It would! I started running one copy the last time this brawl came around but haven’t really played much this time. The only issue is it dilutes your shadow visions pool. Still not a bad idea depending on what you face
At what point do I win with this? because at over half a dozen games and not getting the cards I need it's not looking like a great brawl deck.
Nah, I downvote people who try promoting their decks.... seeing its against site rules.
Super inconsistent deck, probably the worst in that matter. With 4 minions, chance for drawing a minion is minimal, and without Radiant Elemental this deck does nothing.
This brawl is an inconsistent brawl by definition. Put in 30 cards if you want extreme consistency. In terms of priest OTK decks, this one is more consistent because it has a better chance of drawing a minion and some sort of win condition vs. other versions that only run anywhere between 6-10 cards. That's why it's listed as being consistent since priest is the most played class in this brawl. If you want pure consistency, go play some midrange/aggro ladder deck.
So ez deck :D Thx
thanks this deck helped me a lot with my daily quests! :)
This deck is Over Powered.
I went 5 0 easy.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Grats. You learned to counter a deck. Truly proud of your accomplishments
T1 - pass
T2 - Radiant elemental dropped, buffed to 19 health
T3- Divine Spirit, Inner Fire, to the face and win.
Worked for me still.
Turn 3 40/40 Radiant Elemental. Thank you!
turn 3 216/216 :)
Turn three 30/30 Cleric. Opponent concedes. Thanks for the pack.
Love the deck, it's not the author's fault Blizzard made such a shitty brawl.
You'd think they would have learned after the first time this brawl was run and everybody swarmed to priest decks, but nope.
LOL Auto Conceded