[70%+ WR] Recruit Warrior R5 to Legend
- Last updated Jun 22, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 8 Minions
- 18 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Recruit Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 15320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/9/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- ArnoldTheHobbit
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
HUGE and FUN viable warrior deck which is easy to climb with once you get around the unusual playstyle. 70% Winrate from rank 5 to Legend. Enjoy! I'm not claiming this deck is suitable for Top 100 Legend or competitive, but its worked for me up to 187 Legend.
Woriking on full guide. Sorry for the delay, should be up in a few days.
Winrate update (13.6.2018): 216 games played and winrate is at 67%. This is played over 2 accounts. The first one i went from Rank 5 to Legend with 70% winrate and the second one i went from Rank 10 to Rank 2 (Not sure about the winrate here, probably around 63%).
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you never want to keep minions, having them in hand ruins the whole point of the recruit part of the deck.
Druid: Forge of Souls, Brawl, Gather Your Party and Shield Block.
Hunter: Most of the time i keep Forge of Souls, Warpath, Gather Your Party and Shield Block. BUT if i'm feeling lucky and feel it in my bones that it's Spell Hunter, I keep Bring It On, Warpath, Forge of Souls and Gather Your Party.
Mage: Shield Block, Forge of Souls, Iron Hide and Warpath.
Paladin: Forge of Souls, Warpath, Shield Block and Gather Your Party.
Priest: Brawl, Forge of Souls, Gather Your Party and Shield Block. I keep Dead Man's Hand if in opening hand.
Rogue: Shield Block, Shield Slam, Forge of Souls and Warpath.
Shaman: Warpath, Forge of Souls, Gather Your Party and Shield Slam.
Warlock: Forge of Souls, Shield Block, Gather Your Party and Brawl.
Warrior: Forge of Souls, Gather Your Party, Shield Block and Dead Man's Hand.
Woecleaver CAN NOT be replaced. you can replace all of the legendary minions to other high cost- high value minions that doesn't rely on Battlecry to be effective. Its very important to note that you can't put in low cost minions like silences etc. That depend on Battlecry to be effective as these might get recruited and ruin the steam and power of the deck. I would also not recommend to swap out Scourgelord Garrosh as it is a huge survival tool and great board clear and Grommash Hellscream, as the burst is quite important.
To watch the deck in play: https://www.twitch.tv/arnoldthehobbit
I crafted lost of cards for this deck becouse it seemed fun. It is fun deck if you wont draw all minions in first 7 turns and trust me it happeneds a lot. I dont consider myself amazing player but i understand general strategy but a lot of times i loose just on draw (1. turn 2x 8 drop and brawl is just terrible hand).
Another problem with this deck is its wierd RNG from recruting (getting Rootface when you have 15 armor or when getting Yip win u have Warpath on hand).
In one moment i had preaty good score (15 wins -7 looses) but then i had few bad (and terrible games) and now Im on 19 - 20. if u are thinking about this deck try some "cheep" verison first and wait for full guide + some video to understand all mechanics and how to counter meta decks.
I love this deck,im climbing really fast in ladder with him,the problem is when you have your biggest Minions in your hand.
Thank you.
This deck is quite strong for me.
I managed to climb from R10 to R5.
I think I don't need 2 Forge of Souls, I replaced one of it with Reckless Flurry.
Reckless Flurry can be a great board clear card if you face Spider rogue, Wisp Druids, Zoolock.
Easy matchups: Odd Paladins, Druids (Taunt/Wisp), Spell Hunter, Mage, Zoolock, Quest Priest.
Medium-Hard: Recruit Hunter, Even Warlock, Spider Rogue, Odd Rogue, Shudderwock Shaman, Even Shaman
that 70% winrate must be vs the AI in practice mode, nice clickbait tho
This deck isn't bad, but like other lower tier decks (similar to Big Priest at one point last year) it is very prone to insane lose streaks every now and then if you get faced against top tier decks. When it works, it's overwhelmingly powerful, but if you misdraw vs aggro or certain tier 1 decks and can't clear early threats, it's impossible to recover (unlike taunt druid atm or other tier 1 decks that CAN recover from bad early game and even misplays). I just played to rank 3 with it, and thanks to said lose streak, back down to rank 5. I played this deck last season and it was a similar case, got one star away from rank 2, and then crazy lose streak again. I'm mostly playing it to farm warrior wins and since Warrior is very weak, any version of Recruit Warrior is probably the most viable deck for the class. "Good decks" are only good because they are more consistent in accomplishing what you are trying to do, but recruit warrior is like big priest in the sense that you are heavily relying on rng to summon the big minion you need at the moment. Gather Partying Rotface against full aggro doesn't do you much good, similar to when Big Priest would shadow essence a Ysera when it really needed obsidian statue for example. My first time hitting legend was with Big priest when it was at a lower tier, so it is doable with these decks, but because of the RNG factor, it can take hundreds of games, so play it more for fun, not if serious ladder climbing is your goal unless you're a glutton for punishment.
Shit deck at rank 5. No chance winning against aggro.
Just missing Rotface. Is it replaceable?
This deck **feels like you're actually playing a warrior**. That incredible sense of power and knowing that once your opponent lets you live for even a little bit, you just completely fucking overwhelm them with so much stuff. Not that I don't enjoy playing the Rampage warrior as well, but this deck reminds me of the ones I used to make for fun, where I'd just put all expensive minions and hope to live to turn 8. Except with this deck you don't need to hope, you just do and roll over your enemies.
Reminds me of playing Control/C'Thun warrior a few years back.
Nice deck, very refreshing, thanks a lot. So far I'm at 68-70% Winrate with 25 games at rank 4 :)
What's the best card to replace for Nozdormu? Out here tryna force some misplays
I figure its rotface but could be wrong
I subbed out a mountain giant. they felt clunky in this deck. Nozdormu is forcing misplays HARD. At the very least they are wasting board and cards in hand to clear him.
Waiting for the full guide be like... im dead
how important is rotface should i craft him?
Not very important.
Sometimes he can be awesom but i won´t include him. For me 10 8+ cards is already too much. Very risky. Use a second brawl or dead mans hand. You can also go with slam or a strange but maybe intesting pick would be upgrade.
Situation: turn 8, i have Woecleaver, few spells, few minions in hand. Both boards are quite cleared, but i know my oponent is starting to create some pressure on me. Should i use woecleaver and push on, or should i wait for dead mans hand.
I wouldn't wait. I normally wait for Dead Man's Hand when i start running out of minions OR when i face a heavy fatigue matchup.
Add leeroy instead of another charged devilsaur for memes and extra legendary status
concede to hunters tho