Heeljin Genn Mechadragon Mage (Wild) - WW
- Last updated Jun 4, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 28 Minions
- 2 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Mech Mage
- Crafting Cost: 10320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 6/3/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)

- Heeljin
- Registered User
- 4
- 25
- 38
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This mech, dragon amalgamation deck uses hero-power minions like Garrison Commander & Fallen Hero for early game control. Later in the game our 1-mana hero power becomes less relevant so it's up to Coldarra Drake & Kodorider to put pressure on the opponent. Not only are we restricting mana-costs we also are going with a full creature deck to support the new Book of Specters. Without spells Ice Walker gives us a way to hold back big threats like Sea Giant out of even Shaman. Mossy Horror fights off board spam, but more importantly is our answer to Spreading Plague coming from all the different ramp Druid decks. Leyline Manipulator and Emperor Thaurissan work together to drive your discovered minions down in cost. It's also the best possible follow up to the Archmage Arugal plus Book of Specterss combo.
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Journey into Wild Surviving Standard Highlights
Crafted this, I still need the Emperor, so until I buy that previous expansion I have substituted Sindragosa into the deck. Very dust heavy with the epics, but this is hands down my most favorite deck I have ever played in Hearthstone. The intricacies and synergies in this deck are amazing and a lot of fun. Hand stays pretty full throughout always giving you options, the board is always healthy. Overall great deck and always a way to play around things. I will definitely get a lot of practice in with this deck.
How is this deck going? I am very tempted to craft it, seems very fun
Too bad Nightmare Amalgam is odd cost