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Odd Queen [Legend 61% Winrate]

  • Last updated May 24, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 5600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/23/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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I started playing Paladin after Spiteful Nerfs, and had an idea for Odd Paladin: put in Call to Arms with Emerald Hive Queen, and take out battlecry 1-drops Acherus Veteran, Glacial Shard / Fire Fly.

The MVP's

Emerald Hive Queen is a joke card in other decks, but The Silver Hand lets you offset the (2) cost penalty. It's a good pawn, and can usually be traded in before it causes issues with the curve.
Call to Arms is good because it let's you recover on the board, AND it thins out your decks of 1-drops.
Corridor Creeper is an always keep. It feeds on The Silver Hand, lets you recover after board clears, and is critical for board control match ups.

The Silver Hand

Lost in the Jungle is good tempo, but feels wasteful without setting it up for Level Up! or Sunkeeper Tarim. Use it if you have to, otherwise save it for recovering on board.
Level Up! is the reason your opponent keeps targeting Silver Hand Recruits over 2/1's. 4 recruits is good value, while 2 recruits can be worth it if they make good trades. Against control you always want this to hit hard as a pseudo-charge; don't waste it to just set up a board.
Vinecleaver is insane! This decides the matchup vs. control, and easily puts up a threatening board for Level Up!. It might get oozed, so never play this naked vs. Mage or Warlock.

Value Swing

Unidentified Maul is a good card 3/4 times. Purifier's Maul is the strongest for setting Level Up! and value trades. Blessed Maul let's you swing in real hard and potentially value trade. Champion's Maul is best on naked board and a strong turn 3 or 5 play. Sacred Maul does suck, BUT it can protect Silver Hand Recruits and Raid Leader. Use the weapon for board control.
Raid Leader wants at least 3 minions in play or enable value trades. vs. Control you need to be greedy with this card, and swing in for about +4-6.
Fungalmancer works like a pseudo-charge for 4 damage, and often enables value trades. It's always playable at 7 mana with The Silver Hand, and optimially buffs minions in play or with divine shield.


Blessing of Might acts as a 1 mana Wolfrider that needs a minion in play. It works wonderfully with divine shield and high health minions, and enables chump trades with your 1/1's.
Divine Favor is a dead card until you start top-decking. This deck doesn't really need draw most of the time, but if you draw a low curve this card is everything.
Stonehill Defender is good at protecting 1/1's early, and acts as a strategic taunt. You want Sunkeeper Tarim always! Other good cards are The Lich King and Tirion Fordring, while Righteous Protector is a good consolation prize.


Always keep: at least one 1-drop (Argent Squire, Dire Mole, Emerald Hive Queen, Righteous Protector, Lost in the Jungle), and Corridor Creeper.
With one 1-drop or coin: Call to Arms, Level Up!, Unidentified Maul.

vs. Druid (Taunt / Token: Difficult, Spiteful: Easy)

Control the board against Spiteful, unless they have an insane curve they'll run out of steam.

Taunt druids always have Swipe on turn 4, so be prepared to have a bad day. They don't have more than 2 damage board clears however, meaning Level Up! and Sunkeeper Tarim are safe.The match up is winnable until they kill their Hadronox and get around five good taunts back.

Token druids spend time ramping and have relatively few taunts, but Spreading Plague is something you need to be careful with. You have to win before they ramp up to 10 mana, Ultimate Infestation, and Wispering Woods / Spreading Plague + Soul of the Forest.

vs. Hunter (Spell / Odd: Easy)

Consider keeping Stonehill Defender, good turn 3 play against Unleash the Hounds. Fight for board control. Hunter, like druids, usually can't do more than 2 damage board clears.

vs. Mage (Control / Tempo: Easy)

Yes, control mage is easy. They do have about 8 board clears, but few minions to put on board. When they run out of board clears they are screwed. It's important that you recover on board after each board clear, and save Level Up!, Raid Leader, etc. for value swings. Gluttonous Ooze on the Vinecleavers, Skulking Geist, and Frost Lich Jaina will lose you the matchup though.

Tempo mage is lulz unless they have an insane Mana Wyrm opening, into Kirin Tor Mage + Secret. Try to preserve your life total, and be greedy on the board.

vs. Paladin (Odd: Even, Even: Odd, Murloc: Yikes.)

The Paladin matchup is all about board control, and getting the value swings. Coin out two 1-drops turn 1 if you can, and pray for Corridor Creeper.

Murloc Paladins are beatable, but if they get both Call to Arms into Gentle Megasaur + Murloc Warleader it can OTK.

vs. Priest (Quest: Easy, Control: Difficult, Spiteful: Medium.)

Quest is really slow early on, and can get booped unless they set up a strong board presence. Spirit Lash is annoying, Duskbreaker is broken, and Psychic Scream is just silly. Even after Amara, Warden of Hope you can still win (unless they get a copy of it to their hand).

Control is similar to Quest Priest, but they usually have a better hand without quest. Divine Favor will be a key card after they Psychic Scream.

Spiteful Priest is only a hassle if they get board control early, don't let them. If you consistently maintain board control, and re-coup after Duskbreaker, you'll usually win.

vs. Shaman (Shamrock: Medium, Elemental: Yikes, Even: Easy.)

Sharmrock Shaman is a race against their clock, and can be troublesome if they keep getting efficient board clears and set up a board. Wild Pyromancer is particularly annoying, and Healing Rain can buy them a lot of time. Try to deny them as much draw as possible. They don't need the Shudderwock combo at all, but the ones I ran into never play it without the bounce.

Elemental Shaman is puts up board clear and battlecry minions to ruin your day. Once they get a few value clears and establish board presence it's over.

Even Shaman might be a strong deck right now, but they don't have Lightning Storm or Volcano - any questions?

vs. Rogue (Odd / Tempo: Easy.)

Do everything to get board control and watch them squirm.

vs. Warlock (Control: Difficult, Odd: Easy, Zoo: Yikes,)

Control Warlocks wasn't a hard matchup unless they get Possessed Lackey into Voilord and turn 10 Bloodreaver Gul'dan. They usually lose if all they do is clear the board.

Odd Warlock is similar to Control Warlocks in that they're greedy and slow early on. That's their weakness. Threaten their life total, and they will make desperate plays.

Zoo Warlocks are actually a difficult matchup because they often set up a very threatening board early, have a lot of tempo, and Despicable Dreadlord screws you.

vs. Warrior (Control: Concede, Odd / Quest: Medium, Aggro / Rush: Easy.)

Control Warrior is almost impossible. Warpath, Blood Razor, Brawl, and endless taunts. Once they get Scourgelord Garrosh there is not much you can do.

Odd / Quest Warrior is winnable because they have fewer cards in the opening hand, less board clears, less draw, and lose when they run out of cards.

Aggro / Rush warrior is just a worse rogue, and that matchup is very easy.

Thanks for reading!