Good Odd Rogue
- Last updated May 26, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 26 Minions
- 4 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Odd Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 5200
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/23/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- Fluxflashor
- Registered User
- 31
- 104
- 694
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Mulligan for low cost cards or Hench-Clan Thug. (Argent Squire, Dire Mole, Fire Fly)
Does well against
- Popular druid decks right now (Spiteful, Taunt)
- All forms of Hunter (lolhunter)
- Other Rogue matchups
- Priests
Struggles against
- Paladin
- Warrior
The deck is aggressive, so it runs out of steam quickly. Blink Fox gives a little more fuel while providing a pretty good body. Plague Scientist is a little too reactive for the playstyle, if you need to get rid of big taunts, that's what Vilespine Slayer is for. Fan of Knives is a good replacement since it gives card draw and clears out dudes if you're against off paladin. Ravencaller also refuels, so that's also a viable substitute.
3/3 pretty good body? lol ... Ravencaller refuels with random 1 drops you really think it will have any impact? This card is not viable by any means, Fan of Knives is only effective against Odd Paladin/Token Druid but you dont really need it to beat this decks it's not worth playing you just need to understand the matchups. Plague Scientist is core in this deck on my experience it's such a good card nowadays, most people who say otherwise have never even tested it.
Is this playable without Leeroy Jenkins ?
Replacement for Baku?
Could probably throw Genn in instead
Any replace for those 2 Vilespine Slayer ?
Slayer is core rogue card, you simple can't replace it.
Plague Scientist is the closest to him but ideally you need to have at least one Vilespine Slayer .
Might be a stupid question, but can I slip a Fan of Knives in this deck?
For the paladins.
Try to replace 1 Agent for fan and see how it goes paul
Only one Cobalt Scalebane? Well I guess if you can't win with one and a board to use it, then you aren't going to make a comeback with the second one.
Two of a thing makes games where you draw one of that thing a lot more common.
Lol, thanks for the protip