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[Legend] Odd Paladin - Incredible pressure.

  • Last updated May 29, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 4500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/23/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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                          Greetings Challenger! 

In this Guide, we're going to be talking about my Odd Paladin, we'll explore each matchup individually and learn how to beat every opponent, Before we get Started check out Kiwiinbacons Spotlight of this Deck, and some Gameplay from Khris! Show some love whilst you're there! 

Deck Archetype

Firstly Lets talk about what you should expect from this deck A Classic Aggro deck gets on the board early and stays there for the entire match. This deck opens with 1-drops, or a fleet of 2-drops, and uses a combination of cheap minions, board buffs, other high tempo spells to control the board. The best part is that we are guaranteed to curve out well in every single match. We’ll run out of steam fairly quickly, but we’ve hopefully already won the game before that inevitability. The key to success with this deck is knowing when to trade on the board and when to deal face damage. This deck is a bit more flexible than it may appear to be at first glance, capable of sustaining itself into the late mid-game with advantageous trades on the board and liberal use of the hero power, or unleashing a massive wave of early game face damage to be finished off with reach. Either way, we’ll be the ones who set the pace in every matchup from the opening turns and we won’t take our foot off the gas pedal until it runs out. 


Mulligan - What Cards do I want in my opening Hand?

You're going to want to to swap out any cards that may ruin our early game pressure, for Example 

Cards to Keep:  Lost in the Jungle x1 - Righteous Protector x2 - Unidentified Maul x1 - Argent Squire - Dire Mole x2 - Glacial Shard x1 - Corridor Creeper x1 (Only if you have 1 or 2 other minions to play before)

Aggro/Mirror matchups

Against Aggro decks or mirror Match ups, you're going to want to Hard Mulligan for Dire Mole, Argent Squire, or Corridor Creeper, these cards are going to be fantastic for trading, and holding board presence, right from the start of the game your win condition is to get your cards on the board, and use your minions as currency to hold board presence, trading your Silver Hand recruits into their Low HP Minions, and using cards Like Corridor Creeper / Dire Mole to target High priority cards such as Knife Juggler/Mana Wyrm that could potentially sway the board control in their favour.

THIS IS NOT A FACE RACE! Refrain from trying to rush your minions into your opponents face and make sure that with every trade you're keeping as many of your own minions alive as possible so that when you draw Level Up!,  Unidentified Maul, Stormwind Champion and Fungalmancer You have a board to buff.


Control is by far your hardest Match up, from the start of the game you're going to want to Mulligan as usual however your priority is to fish for Divine Favor - This card is the difference between winning and losing.

However hard this match up may be, it isn't a guarenteed loss, you're overally priority is ending the game QUICK! Play your cards as fast as tempo will allow whilst also being mindful of their board Clears, don't put all your eggs into the same basket especially if you haven't got a Divine Favor to bail you out.

Your win condition here is making sure that Control decks don't get to theirs, For example Mages playing Frost Lich Jaina, if they play their frost Lich, you've probably Lost. This applies to all other classes and their Hero Replacements. often they'll play their Trump cards and clear the board, but if you keep forcing the pressure more often than not, they'll run out of answers for your minions giving you room to SMorc their face.

Against Warlocks


Important things to know

This deck contains Stonehill Defender not only being a great tool to protect your smaller aggro cards this cards main purpose is to Discover Sunkeeper Tarim

Be mindful of your cards battlecries for example:  Glacial Shard - This Can be used to freeze any of your opponents big minions you aren't willing to trade your whole board into, it can also be used as a free 1 mana Iceblock to break you out of rough situations

Ironbeak Owl - You only have one of these, it's precious so make sure you keep it for big Taunts, it's very rarely acceptable to play this on Tempo

How can I juice up my Deck?

This deck is a very effective way to achieve Legend without spending a fortune, sitting at around 4500 Dust it is a cheap deck, but that doesn't mean you can't add a spoiler and Hotrod flames to it.

Interesting Card to Consider:

Prince Liam - Transforming all of your 1 cost cards into Legendary minions doesn't sound too Shabby to me.

Witch's CouldronEvery time a minion dies add a Shaman Spell to your hand? Well... We have a lot of minions, and a lot of them are going to die ;) It also has fantastic stats, being a 0-4 Minion it will survive most boardclears, Priests will maybe think twice before they drop that duskbreaker on you.

Let me know down below if you decide to swap out any cards, and the results! I love Theorycrafting and building decks is half of the fun in the game!

Success Stories!

Reklam1: Thanks a lot for the deck. First time I made it to legend I am so happy. Started from rank two. 9-1, only lost against a druid. Played a lot with even pally before, but could not make it to legend, played over 100 matches.

VickyD: I'm a super casual HS player - and for the first time, I'm rank 7 with this deck! <3 Thank you so much for sharing it and tips/tricks. Edit: Went from rank 12 to 7 that is. Have had 2 losses so far:

Rdias88: Yesterday I managed to get a 100% winrate between rank 3 (with 3 stars) up until all the 5 stars at rank 1! I then lost another 2 games before I hit Legend. I didn't do the math but out of 17 matches I won 15 which is insane. 

refree: I played 10 games just to try the deck. I dont have Corridor so I replacedit with a Leeroy and a Tar Creeper. I won 9 games. Leeroy won it against Priests and Locks so its worthful.

Like most Aggro Decks, climbing with this is a Grind! as soon as you start to play this deck your Philosophy is a high Quantity of Fast games, you're looking to go on a winstreak and that is how you're going to climb and how you're going to achieve Legend in the end, don't lose heart Challenger.And thank you very much

- SeyaNce 

Proof of Legend https://prnt.sc/jm5unz