Odd Quest Control
- Last updated Jul 29, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 21 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 10120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/22/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
- Synonimous
- Registered User
- 4
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An odd variant of the warrior control quest deck I've already made: (https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1113740-anti-aggro-midrange-quest-warrior)
I made an odd spellstone quest control warrior deck as well, a variant of this one.
Kiwiinbacon did a video on this deck! Cheers to him and hope you guys enjoy!
Game plan for matchups:
Against Aggro:
MULL QUEST, you want to decimate the board in early turns and try to make the most valuable trades as possible. Hero power + Shield Slam will straight up win games as you can kill Knife Jugglers and other priority cards before they get crazy. Brawl is a nice t5/6 drop to clear all but one creature and will generally leave you in a winning position (especially now that call to arms is nerfed hehe). Overall, control the board state as much as possible early game, then around t7/8 is when you really can start winning. Tank Up will straight up win you games with how much value you get.
Against Control/Midrange:
KEEP QUEST, you're going to want to complete it ideally before t9/10 so that when you see the opportunity to burst damage through you can do it. Sulfuras + mini-rag is a 12 damage burst which is HUGE. It's especially vital that you make positive trades as much as possible so that you can maintain power swings. If you do end up using all your fuel, Azalina Soulthief is a godsend, as well as Elise the Trailblazer for refuel.
Replacement Guide:
There's no replacing Fire Plume's Heart so don't try running this deck without it. If you're looking for another warrior deck to play I'd suggest Rush or Recruit warrior.
Azalina Soulthief will probably be a questonable choice for many people, but it's really there for the control matchup (and don't forget the memes). It's useable as a gas refuel if necessary so it's very difficult to replace. Depending on your meta you could use a Rabid Worgen as it becomes a 3 mana deal three and potentially get a 3/1 or 3/2 left over, it's really just a tech for aggro. Ironbreak Owl if you come across enough potential targets for it.
Brawl is a pretty hard card to replace as AoE is the core of the deck, As there isn't a ton of potential odd replacements I would suggest not replacing it and just not playing the deck. (Same with a one of Reckless Flurry
Elise the Trailblazer just like azalina, makes this deck SO MUCH FUN and opens up HILARIOUS opportunities (take a look at the video kiwiinbacon made above for an example!) I've been messing around with Abomination and so far it's proven quite fun! Try it out.
Gorehowl is a great card but Arcanite Reaper can be a replacement.
Baku the Mooneater No replacement because that's obvious. If you want to play a non-odd variant check out my other warrior control deck linked at the top.
Shield Slam Again, not really replaceable.
Gluttonous Ooze can be replaced with Corrosive Sludge
Big Game Hunter REALLY important for odd warrior as we're missing Execute so honestly don't try and replace.
Mulligans Against Aggro:
Priority keeps: Tar Creeper, Whirlwind (if paladin), Shield Slam
Lower priority: Stonehill Defender, Brawl,Gluttonous Ooze (if against a weapon hero), Acolyte of Pain
Mull Fire Plume's Heart in the aggro matchups, it's not worth the card slot, tank up is more important.
Mulligans Against Control:
Priority: Stonehill Defender, Tar Creeper, Acolyte of Pain.
Lower priority: Big Game Hunter (only for spiteful and the potential mountain giant from warlocks), Gluttonous Ooze (against weapon), Elise the Trailblazer (good body while also providing a pack for later for more crazy shenanigans, a bit of a risky keep but can be worth).
Keep Fire Plume's Heart every time
Even after the updates, this deck is still shit tier, gets destroyed by any aggro decks
There are quite a few legendaries I would craft before either of those. Elise the Trailblazer sees very little play in the meta game right now, and obviously Darius Crowley has the class restriction in a class that is not so hot right now. If you don't already have most of the legendaries that are very common right now ( The Lich King Bloodreaver Gul'dan Leeroy Jenkins Malfurion the Pestilent Sunkeeper Tarim all come to mind) Then I really wouldn't recommend those to players with a limited dust supply. If you really want to play this deck, Darius Crowley will be better.
I entirely agree what ForTheHoard said. There are also replacements that are feasible as well.
Subbed in two Witchwood Grizzly for Elise the Trailblazer and Abomination. Didn't have Reckless Flurry, so added Darius Crowley. Been working well so far and seems to be able to react more actively.
Solid trades, I honestly haven't played odd quest anymore, i've been sticking with normal quest. Glad it's working well for you though!
She's definetely a card that can easily be replaced.
Bro, do you think clockwork automaton could work in this deck?
its a weird combo but its worth a try
Sorry! I've been out and about so unavailable! Odd pally is huge in my meta so there's been some changes I've made and haven't written in! I took out the allie and added an abomination in as it's INSANE for aggro clearing unless they silence it.
Rabid worgen is a meta choice so it's up to people, you could remove one for an allie but i like having one at least in the deck.
I ended last season at r7 but there are people who are playing this is r5 to legend.
So I'm missing Elise the Trailblazer and Reckless Flurry and tried swapping out for Abomination and Carnivorous Cube. Got a few comical results that way, especially when I cube the Abom. Fun deck, Thanks!
Isn't Voodoo Doll a good replacement for Reckless Flurry (future me here, what I meant was Big Game Hunter) ?
By the way I really like Countess Ashmore , if you run the Rush package!
The issue with doll is that we don't have any reliable way of killing it, and flurry is important for boardwipe potential as this deck is already on the lower side.
I would experiment with Ashmore but I don't have her and don't think it's worth crafting her.
It's was pretty late when I wrote that, I meant BGH, of course a single target removal can't replace AOE!
my bad, thanks for responding anyway!
I also wanted to ask what do you do against Spellhunters with the DeathKnight, do you still mull the quest? Do you just rush the quest before he can spam you with his Zombeasts?
Ah no worries, we've all been there haha. If we had a more reliable way of killing doll (like mage's hero power) then yes doll would be strictly better in a sense. Alas we warriors lack this ability.
I never mull the quest except in the aggro matchup. With spellhuntes you NEED the quest as you ideally want to beat him before his zombeasts can overtake you.
(Also I subbed in Alexstraza specifically for spellhunters really as they are everywhere. getting them down to 15 can mean setup for lethal in 1-2 turns easily.)
Check aggro guide.
You don't, you play a better deck
Tinkmaster Overspark is a great replacement for Elise the Trailblazer
fun enough and can produce some unexpected value
If you have it i'd try it out.
im playing for some time and i'm very satisfied, great deck