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Supreme Reno Priest

  • Last updated Dec 9, 2018 (Rastakhan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 18940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/21/2018 (Witchwood)
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Update Reno Priest enters into Rastakhan Rumble: Elise the Trailblazer was replaced by more efficient Azalina Soulthief in order to improve Control matchups and Kingsbane Rogue Matchup.

Greetings ladies and gentlemens. My name is FirePaladin and I’m mostly Wild player. I have big experience with a lot of card games but I stick to Hearthstone where I not only play for fun, but also hit the highest ranks multiple times with a multiple deck archetypes.

Today I would like to introduce you my Reno Priest built that I had success with a few months ago on Asian server where I piloted this list to Legend. The reason why I'm introducing it now is simple. The 22th May nerfs will arrive which will definitelly kick the Giantlock from Tier 1 and some deck might become more powerfull. But it is not a a big deal for us because the Reno decks can (with a few card replacements) success against anything. This is a really fun list, it basically has all good cards and crazy late game potential, so in a hands of experienced Control player this deck is crazy good. So, lets negin, shall we?


Aggro and Midrange : Haunted Creeper, Plated Beetle, Potion of Madness, Nortshire Cleric, Shadow Word: Death , Radiant Elemental and Shadow Visions. Mulliganing for these cards should stop early aggresion quite easily. One of the unexpectedly good target for Visions is: Twilight's Call

Control: Any card draw, Potion of Madness, Kazakus, Skulking Geist, Barnes. Our gameplan is to draw deathrattle cards ASAP altogether with Raza, Hero Anduin and N'Zoth. If you have all of them in your hand, don't be shy and play the Arcibishop Benedictus to win in fatique.

I want to improve my:

Aggro Matchup: Take out Bloodmage Thalnos and Loot Hoarder to replace them with Doomsayer and Explosive Sheep

Midrange Matchup: Take out Arcibishop, Obsidian Statue and Skulking Geist to replace them with cheaper midrangish minions like Kabal Talonpriest,Piloted Shredder and some good taunt like Tar Creeper or Sludge Belcher

Control Matchup: Then cut one of your less value deathrattle cards and addPsychic Scream as another removal. We simply don't care about fatique because we have Arcibishop.

Combo Matchup: Adding 1 Dirty Rat and 1 Deathlord should annihilate any combo deck. If you have problem with Kingsbane, then add Gluttonous Ooze. Kinsgbane Rogue should not be the problem as long as she won't mill your Benedictus and your tech cards.


This deck is quite strong Control deck. There are few reasons behind that. 1st is that Raza+DK Anduin Heropower is still really strong and allows Priest to close the game. 2nd is Arcibishop Benedictus which just spits on Fatiques grave in Control and Mill matchups and it has no downside of crippling your deck at all because you have really good cycling trough the decks. And finally the 3rd reason is N'Zoth which can be setted up to summon board affecting minions, vallue minions or hand refilll minions. That is all from me my fellow hearthpwners. If you like the deck give it an upvote, ask me any questions you want down in the comments. If this deck gets some attention I will definitelly update the guide. See ya)