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[LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Secret Aluneth Burn Mage

  • Last updated Oct 19, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 4760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/17/2018 (Witchwood)
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Come in and Warm your Frozen Boots by the Fire!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunnolf, and I am originally from the Land Down Under a.k.a. Australia. I am an avid gamer that has acquired a real passion for card games, which originated from my humble beginnings as a Yu-Gi-Oh collector and eventually grew from my dabbling in Cardfight Vanguard and Buddyfight, until we reached the game we know as Hearthstone.

I've played Hearthstone since the days of classic, with multiple accounts on both EU and NA servers. Despite having reached the Rank of Legend and my own personal mentality of equating 'having fun' with 'winning', I am not really a fan of meta power-grinding & net-decking, not that there is anything wrong with that. Therefore, I enjoy thinking about new, cool and fun deck ideas that push boundaries while also allowing you to win and those are what I want to share with you guys every-time I post a decklist.

I have presently become a contributing writer to WILDHS and will be posting articles there on a semi-regular basis, regarding deck-archetypes the status of the meta as well as how to get the most fun out of this game even if you aren't a big spender. If any of this sounds interesting, then I highly recommend that you check out of the website, as the writers and the owner himself are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet with great in-game knowledge (link to be website can be found HERE). You can also follow me on Twitter for latest updates.

If you genuinely like my content and would like to see me produce more of it, then please consider supporting me on Patreon. This is by no means necessary but it will definitely help me out in the long run. Thanks for Reading ^^

Deck Introduction

Greetings readers! Well this deck is slightly (a lot) overdue. However, given the recent nerf that paladin is about to experience as well as the uptick in control decks revisiting the wonderful old archetype of Burn Mage is certainly worth it. While the vast majority of lists and inclusions have already been covered my goal today is to introduce to you my own particular twists and explain the deckbuilding strategy behind this list. With regard to this deck's Legend viability, kindly check the Author's notes at the end of this guide. So without anymore ado let's get right to it.

Card Choices Explained

Below you'll find reasoning as to why certain cards were included in the present list.

1) Medivh's Valet: Is a really solid minion that allows for you to gain board control back should you need to. Also works as an additional 3 bust damage attached to a body. Getting the battlecry off is fairly easy thanks to cards like Kabal Lackey, Mad Scientist and Kirin Tor Mage.

2) Loatheb: Solid board defence card. Helps protect your minions from any impending aoe doom thus allowing you to seal off the game. Essentially works as a better Counterspell with a body.

3) Potion of Polymorph: Depending on how you time this card (more on that later you can essentially screw your opponent's entire strategy). Against warlock it is especially potent as it can fully deny Voidcaller value.

(At the present time, only a few cards have been listed but I will include more if questions pop-up within the comments section regarding substitutions and why other cards were included.)

Win Condition

This deck's winning strategy is based off of early aggression. You very often need to get chip damage in with your minions in order to have enough finishing burst with your spells. Often damage spells alone are not enough to close up the game, if you haven't done enough early chip damage especially against Armor and Healing classes.

Basic Mulligan Guide & Tips

Based on how the win condition has been described above, the cards you mostly want in your opening hand are early game minions i.e. Mana Wyrm, Mad Scientist, Arcanologist.

Now if you are on the coin and have a secret or an Arcanologist in hand then keeping Kirin Tor Mage is perfectly fine as it will give you an enormous tempo swing. Similarly, keeping Kabal Lackey is only ever really warranted if you have a secret or can get a secret really early.

If you are up against control decks then you are perfectly within your rights to keep Aluneth as they often cannot kill you fast enough until you've drawn multiple resources off of your weapon.

Card Sequencing

This is a minor part of the deck but a very important one nonetheless. A very important interaction is that between Explosive Runes and Potion of Polymorph. If you have these secrets in hands always make sure you play Potion of Polymorph first and then Explosive Runes. This'll ensure that whatever big deathrattle or taunt minion your opponent was trying to play effectively gets neutralised in such a way that you also get to deal 5 damage to the face. 

Another important reason why you should play potion of polymorph fist is due to Warlock and the fact that it can neutralise Voidcaller and thus almost ensure your victory.

Card Inclusion Density

This is a pretty rare segment for my deckbuilding guides but I wanted to include it for this deck so people can have a tiny window into my testing process. So below I will list some cards that I've tried out in various quantities in the deck and give you an analysis report on why I've included as many as I have.

1) Kabal Lackey: This is a very solid early tempo card and I would like to include more. However, since we also run cards like Kirin Tor Mage and Mad Scientist with only 6 secrets a second copy would most likely just be dead weight.

2) Arcane Intellect: Obvious inclusion but I want to just keep it at one due to the fact that we have 4 other pseudo draw cards in the form of Mad Scientist and Arcanologist as well as our huge draw engine that is Aluneth.

3) Ice Block: No copies. The card just has no impact and while having an extra turn to deal damage is nice, it doesn't protect you against fatigue and we are a very aggressive tempo deck so often a loss in tempo which is what ice block is can be very detrimental. 

Other Decks to Play

Do you like going face? Do you like keeping your opponents constantly on the defensive (and also don't mind losing to paladin all that much)? Well then I have the perfect decks for you which are also really cheap to craft to boot. So don't hesitate and try them out! ;)

Gunnolf's Wild Vex Crow Tempo Mage
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Minion (13) Ability (16) Weapon (1)
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Gunnolf's Wild Aggro Odd Face Hunter
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Minion (15) Ability (11) Weapon (4)
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Author's Notes

This is a super fun and aggressive deck for those of you who want to bang out quick wins. Keep in mind that this deck has been piloted to Legend but its main use is for counter-queuing. You will definitely get to rank 5 easily with this deck. However, as your main deck for climbing from 5 to Legend I would recommend on that doesn't get so easily slaughtered by Paladin.

I enjoy deck-building a multitude of interesting decks that are both entertaining and Legend viable (with some odd Free-to-Play lists mixed in). So if you like this deck (or anyone of my other ones) consider leaving a thumbs up, as it really helps in the long run! :)

Thank you guys for all your support and if you have any suggestions, let me know. 


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