Anti-Aggro/Midrange Quest Warrior
- Last updated Jun 6, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 17 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Taunt Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 7940
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/15/2018 (Witchwood)
- Synonimous
- Registered User
- 4
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This deck has served wonderfully for me through my climbing. For some reason almost every deck I run into is an aggro paladin build of some sort so I decided to make a deck which kicks it in the face. I don't play a ton so I haven't pushed further but I've reached r8 so far with this and expect to push even higher on this win streak.
I am currently experimenting with Elise the Trailblazer as a sub for a card, will update when I've decided whether it's good for this deck or not.
Basic game plan:
Against Aggro:
MULL YOUR QUEST, it takes up a potentially important card in your hand and you won't need it to win, all you have to do is stall till t10 or so and by then aggro decks generally cannot do much from there.
Against Control/Midrange:
KEEP QUEST, you want to armour up a ton until you finish the quest. From there you try to raise your chances of hero powering the face by limiting the creatures an opponent has on board will standard warrior control tactics. NOTE: against warlock you NEED an execute or 8 damage shield slam against the t4 mountain giant, otherwise can steamroll too easily.
People question Azalina but as Thijs as shown it can be powerful. The most satisfying thing is when the enemy warlock works on their seal, gets Azari, then you copy the hand and get the reward without the work.
Also, DO NOT RUN THE DEATH KNIGHT, your hero power is significantly more effective and while the weapon is great, it's not worth potentially losing your mini Rag hero power.
20 Upvotes will be the full mulligan guide.
Mulligans Against Aggro: (It's safe to assume paladin and hunter will 90% of the time be aggro, warlock CAN be if it's a zoolock variant which currently in my meta I rarely see.)
Mull your quest, armour up is more valuable in the aggro matchups than mini-rag. If you do draw it later, if you have the extra mana, play it but don't auto-play sulfuras the second you get it, use it do get a potential 12 burst in.
Blood Razor is an amazing card in many aggro matchups, especially paladins with their silver hand recruits. 2 damage AoE and 4 direct.
Tar Creeper is great for early game as it provides a major wall that either way will have to be traded into awkwardly.
Saronite Chain Gang is a keep as two bodies means one removal spell won't really work, it can be good to stop one or two big minions.
Less priority keeps: Acolyte of Pain, Stonehill Defender,Drywhisker Armorer. Brawl,
Against Control/Midrange: (safe to assume Priest, Shaman, Warlock, Mage, and Druid are all midrange/control)
Keep quest, against control you want to complete it as fast as possible and then when your opponent has one or no creatures it's usually safe to play weapon hit face or minion then hero power. Keep the ball rolling when you do get weapon out and before you do make sure you're at a decent life totaly (20-30 is good but ideally you have extra armour)
Stonehill Defender is a 2 in 1 taunt, or more if you highroll another stonehill.
Acolyte of Pain (ideally you draw into Blood Razor on turn 4)
If you're against a warlock or spiteful deck I personally like to keep Execute for their big dude like Mountain Giant or whatever big dude their [card]Spiteful Summoner/card] gets. Make sure you have some way of getting at least one point of damage in though. Sometimes though you can get away with a continuous armour up into Shield Block then Shield Slam the big dude.
10 Upvotes for card replacements
Some card replacements:
There's no replacing Fire Plume's Heart so don't try running this deck without it. If you're looking for another warrior deck to play I'd suggest Rush or Recruit warrior.
Azalina Soulthief will probably be a questonable choice for many people, but it's really there for the control matchup. Good subsitutes would be another Acolyte of Pain or Shield Slam. If you have Elise the Trailblazer then that's a great replacement to Azalina. Or if you need more anti aggro consider Reckless Fury or possibly Whirlwind if you face enough paladins.
Brawl is a pretty hard card to replace as AoE is what makes this deck work, but if you need budget replacements there's Whirlwind or if you have a Reckless Fury
The Lich King is a crazy powerful card in this deck as the Death Knight cards can straight up win games. Direhorn Hatchling can work as a replacement or honestly (and some people will definetely disagree) but Ornery Direhorn as a one of can be powerful (but not nearly as much as Lich Boi).
Elise the Trailblazer, I subbed her in for Gluttonous Ooze as I'm expecting less cubelocks with this meta and therefore think it's a safe drop, if you meta has a lot of weapon usage then these is an easy sub. (also Acidic Swamp Ooze/Harrison Jones/Corrosive Sludge)
Primordial Drake is CRAZY powerful and honestly if you have to replace both this deck will be significantly weaker so there really isn't a replacement.
This deck provides a unique experience in a stale meta (imo) so I hope you guys can enjoy!
Also if you guys are interested I put together a odd quest warrior deck:
Nice deck, very fun to play.
I have made my own variant else well =) Thanks for the reference =)
Just wanted to thank you, I got legend from r5 with this deck, however I subbed out one acolyte for Slam - I kept ooze , just now saw your elise sub for it. Ooze has worked for paladins, the extra armor is always welcome.
I nixxed both Tar Creepers in favor of one Tanglefur Mystic and Geoscriptor Yip. Lemme tell ya, Tanglefur has burned SO DANG MANY shudderwocks for me, it's always a lovely sight. Not to mention various cards from locks/control mages. Plus, it's a nice body. I don't run the Lich King but if he pops up in Stonehill Defenders options, I consider it.
I agree, Ornery Direhorn is pretty good. Everything else is perfect. Ty! Add me :D Felicity#11414
Glad you like it dude! Yeah I have been experiumenting with dropping an acolyte but i'm personally not the biggest fan of slam. And that's quite some strange subs? Tar creeper is insanely powerful, but hey if it works it works!
Yeah girl, I totally like it : ) Since have subbed slam, and expirmenting in legend. slowly but surely climbing. Thanks again for the deck. Best of luck with your gameplay.
I personally don't have Darius, if you find yourself in the aggro matchup significantly more it's a fine swap with azalina. But yes from what i've heard he's a dead draw against control so it's up to your metagame. Azalina can win games by herself whereas darius generally lacks that power but instead becomes a sudo-removal.
is this deck capable of reaching rank 5? im currently at rank 8 right now on American servers
I currently at r8 myself right now and will be making the push to r5 when I have time, in the current flux meta I want to say yes but I haven't personally had the time.
Really nice decklist!
I was playing Quest Warrior for a while, because I crafted Baku the Mooneater and wanted to pull off a nice 16 damage Hero Power and Tank Up.
Turns out normal Quest Warrior got stronger than that! Been playing it for a while, saw this decklist, and since I already had Azalina Soulthief, I crafted The Lich King now.
Seriously thinking about crafting Elise the Trailblazer since it's such an awesome card and can help many decks.
Thank you!
EDIT: In what situations should I play Azalina? Losing my whole hand always seems worse than stealing whatever the opponent MIGHT have.
EDIT: I added an Abomination to replace Elise since it has great clear potential vs. Aggro decks.
Glad you like it!
Yep non-odd/even variants have proven more successful (personally), Elise is just amazing in the majority of decks she can be put in so it's a safe craft.
Azalina really should be used late game when your hand is getting low but you have some cushioning, ideally at this point in time you should be less concerned about the board and more concerned about fatigue wars etc. Ideal drops include when your opponent has an ezari in hand (from sealing a ton) so you can trade destroying decks. I personally have won many games solely because of azalina'ing the amara quest priest reward and utilizing the resources in the priest's hand to outlast them. It's really more of a feel which you establish over time.
Abomination is definetely a safe replacement!
You've convinced me to craft Elise the Trailblazer.
I've been having huge success with Azalina now! Stole an Amara + Zola (that won me a game)
I added +1 Gluttonous Ooze and +2 Silence breaker
Removed -1 Azalina Soulthief and -2 Saronite Chaingang
I wanted to have more tech cards as I felt that we had more than enough taunts to complete quest and to help deal with deathrattles and to have some weapon removal against warlocks and pallys. Really enjoying the deck right now.
That's a very fair change, this deck is greatly meta dependent so switch what you deem necessary!
Let's learn and try this deck together!
Follows are greatly appreciated!
Great deck. Running Elise the Trailblazer since I don't have Azalina. Lots of fun. I haven't been playing ladder, so I'm only at 17, but undefeated climb from 20 so far.
Thanks! I dropped myself to rank 20 at the start of the season to see how it would do and I got a non-stop win streak to around rank 13, then slowly winning more games than losing so now im stitting around r8. A bit hard to break the old ceiling from cubelocks and such, now that there was the nerf lets hope it gets better haha. How's Elise working for you? I pulled her yesterday and Im messing around and seeing how it goes.
My streak broke with a Cubelock (and bad draw on my part). So far I have yet to get the Un'Goro pack, so it's hard to say that Elise has done much.
Still enjoying the deck.
What about Cornered Sentry ? The combo with Drywhisker Armorer is really strong. Maybe for a Tar Creeper?
I've seen Thijs playing something like this, I like your take on it and explanations. Good job!
I experimented with sentry at first but in order to get full value you have to have a Whirlwind esk effect in order to kill the raptors. From a control standpoint it's inefficient in my opiion, a two for one for full value on the sentry isn't good I guess. Plus if I were to run sentry Id feel the need to run two normal whirlwinds to gain the value. Ive tried thijs' version, it's where I got the idea for azalina, just it doesn't quite fit.
Gotcha, thank you for explaining. I tried your version this afternoon and it's quite fun!
Glad you like it! If you end up swapping some cards around let me know how it goes!